簽署日期: The date of signature
簽署地點: The place of signature
中文 / 英文作者:張云軍
甲方(承辦方):Party A ( Host ) : 地址:Address
法定代表人:Legal Representative
乙方(投資運營方):Party B ( Investor / Operator ) : 地址:Address
法定代表人:Legal Representative
Party A is desirous of promotion of city’s fame and popularity through international marthon and play a good publicity role in propaganda, so enter into this strategic cooperation agreement with party B.
Party B is a professional company which aims to provide runners with a series of value-added service including, inter alia, running sports services, the organization / operation of competitions, with rich successful experience in marathon operation.
NOW THEREFORE, parties hereto, on the basis of the principle of voluntariness and fairness, through amicable negotiation, in accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and the Sports Law of the people's Republic of China, have reached a cooperation agreement on jointly organizing the marathon in which party A as the host and party B as the operator and promoter. It is hereby agreed as follows for abide by:
一、賽事概況 General View
Race Items: Male / female’s marathon, Half marathon, 10,000 meters, 5,000 meters and fitness run.
2.舉辦地和規(guī)模:Host Place and Players Number
Race Name and Sponsorship Title:International Marathon. Specific competion name / sponsorship title may be determined through consensus of consultation between parties hereto.
Organizer:Host: Operation / Promotion:
Competition methods: as per the latest Track / Field Rules approved by China Athletics Association and this year’s marathon competition rules.
Competion Time:The holding time for other marathon matches subsequent to this competition, at least once a year, will be determined by consensus agreement bewteen party A and party B.
7.參賽規(guī)模: 全程馬拉松項目7,000人,半程馬拉松項目8,000人,健身跑項目5,000人,共計20,000人。
Participation scale: marathon 7,000 people, half marathon 8,000 people, fitness runing 5,000 people, total 20,000 people.
二、合作方式 Cooperation Means
Party A, as the host of marathon, shall provide the necessary government public resources for the competition, and entrust party B with the responsibility for the operation and promotion of the competition and related activities.
Party B shall be responsible for the operation and promotion of the competition and shall undertake the following costs and expenses ( the execution, material / equipment, public relations, propaganda of pre-and post-competion, staff travel fees, guest invitation expense, etc.)
三、收益分配、賬戶管理和審計 Proceeds Distribution, Bank Acount and Autit
1.賽事營運和廣告推廣過程中所獲得的收益,甲方分配 %;乙方分配 %,稅收各自繳納。賽事相關(guān)名稱、標識、音像資料等知識產(chǎn)權(quán)歸雙方共同所有。
The proceeds from the operation and advertising promotion will be distributed as that party A’s distribution is %; party B’s distribution is % and taxes are paid separately by each party. The intellectual property rights of title, logo, audio / video data and other with respect to this marathon will be jointly owned by parties hereto.
A special bank account shall be established for this marathon competition which be supervised jointly by parties hereto. The funds invested by party B, revenues from sponsor advertisment and player’s enter fee and other income shall inter into the bank account. The audits of all revenue and expenses will be necessary at the end of competition.
Party A is reserve the right of conducting audit on the proceeds of competition by its financial personnel at the time of distribution of commercial revenue with respect to this competition between party A and party B.
四、甲方的權(quán)利和義務(wù) Party A’s Rights and Liabilities
Being liable for submission of approval, file keeping and other issues concerned the marathon, and shall, within 10 days subseqent to acquirement of APPROVAL from China Athletics Association, provide party B with a copy of APPROVAL.
Being responsible for the preparation of the televant functional departments of the Organizing Committee, including the implementation of the competition schedule and related staff arrangements.
In the period of competition, be liable for the works of safety and security, traffic control, order maintenance, emergency handling, health supervision, medical rescue, fire fighting and so on.
Invitation and reception of relevant government leaders and officials of international organizations to attend the opening ceremony, award ceremony and other activities, in addtion to arrange the accommodation / traffic and necessary services for the guests and staff therewith invited by party A in the period of competition.
Party A provides the necessary assistance and coordination of party B’s invitation and reception of foreign players and media reporters, include, inter alia, handling exitg and entry formalities, etc.
5.Party A shall enjoy the right of income distribution of international marathon.
五、乙方的權(quán)利和義務(wù) Party B’s Rights and Liabilities
1.合約期內(nèi),乙方負責賽事市場開發(fā),每年投資不少于 元(包括籌集賽事運營和推廣工作所需資金和贊助)。
Party B shall, in the period of contract, be liable for market development with annual investment not less than Yuan RMB, including the necessary funds for the operation / promotion of the competition and sponsorship.
2.乙方在馬拉松賽事舉辦和運營過程中,應(yīng)對 城市的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展做出貢獻,包括招商引資、促進旅游、餐飲住宿、商品采購和城市知名度的提高等活動。
Party B shall, in the process of holding and operation of marathon, make a contribution to the economic development of city, include inter alia, attracting investment, promoting tourists, catering and accommodation, commodity procurement and raising city popularity.
Being liable for the preparation and implementation of the schedules of plans and budget, etc. including inter alia, such schedules of market development, attracting merchant / investment, activities, media integration and other. Party B may, with the written consent of party A, entrust the third party to make the implementation of the propaganda promotion, advertising sponsorship, competition on-side decoration construction and other works.
Responsible for the organization planning, preparation and implementation of competition, including:
The development and usage of the software and wibesite for competion operation / registration system in addition to the data statistics in whole precedures.
The procurement of materials for the operation and propagada / advertisment, on-site decoration of exhibition; Make, issue and sell medals, trophies, certificates, souvenirs, player’s bag, athletes costumes and other.
The arrangement of vehicle and planning of ferry route in the period of race; planning of function zones of start / finish; arrangement of race time schedule; planning of volunteer’s post liabilities; pre-race training and management of volunteers.
5.乙方享有國際馬拉松賽事共 年的全部運營權(quán)、商業(yè)開發(fā)權(quán)和收益分配權(quán)。
Party B shall enjoy the full rights of operation, commercial development and income distribution of the international marathon for a total of years.
六、保密 Confidentiality
Within the validity period of contract, parties hereto shall take proper measures to keep the materials or information strictly confidential. The other party shall not disclose or divulge to any third party without prior written consent of one party.
七、報批 Submission for Approval
With regard to the approval and filing procedures of the relevant administrative authotities which required for the performance hereof, each party hereto shall, as per the agreement herein, be responsible for completion of its specific work with respect to the approval and filing procedures. Provided that party B will be a principle part of application for approval and filing procedures, party A shall render necessary assistance within scope of its administrative authority.
八、違約責任 Responsibilities for Breach
甲方承諾在合作期限內(nèi)本協(xié)議項下所涉及賽事項目僅與乙方獨家合作;乙方承諾將按照協(xié)議約定的目標和規(guī)模運營該賽事。如果甲方違約,應(yīng)向乙方支付違約金 美元;如果乙方違約應(yīng)向甲方支付違約金 元。
Party A undertakes, in the period of cooperation, to cooperate exclusive with party B on thecompetition project which is concerned herewith; and party B undertakes to operate this competion as per the objectives and scale agreed upon herein. Where party A breach the contract, shall pay party B a penalty in US dollars; and party B breach the contract, shall pay party A a penalty of in US dollars.
九、適用法律及爭議解決 Applicable Law and Settlement of Dispute
The signature, validity, interpretation and execution hereof shall be governed by the laws of the people's Republic of China.
Parties hereto shall strictly abide by the provisions hereof and fulfill their respective obligations. Provided that any dispute which arise out of or in consequence of performance hereof, parties hereto should make settlement through amicable negotiation; where no reasult by negotiation or any party is unwilling to do so, either party may lodge a civil litigation to the competant court at local of defendent.
十、其他約定 Misscellaneous
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature and seal by parties hereto. This agreement is made in triplicate being equally valid and authentic. Each party hold one cope hereof and submit one copy to China Athletics Association for filing. Any outstanding matters may be negotiated separately on which the supplementary agreements may be signed.
2.本協(xié)議附件:Attachment Hereof
甲方:Party A 乙方:Party B
代表簽字:By Representative 代表簽字:By Representativ