數碼攝像機進口合同 (中英文) CONTRACT OF PURCHASE OF DIGITAL VIDEO 合同號碼:Contract No:日期:Date:February 買方:Fax: The Buyers:Co., Ltd.Tel: 賣方:Fax: The Sellers:Tel: 茲經買賣雙方同意,按照下列條款,由買方購進賣方售出以下商品: This數碼攝像機進口合同 (中英文)
合同號碼: Contract No: 日期: Date: February
買方: Fax:
The Buyers: Co., Ltd. Tel:
賣方: Fax:
The Sellers: Tel:
This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:
貨物名稱,型號及規(guī)格, Name of Commodity, Specification, , Packing and Shipping Marks |
數量 Quantity |
單 價 Unit Price |
總 價 Total Amount C.I.F. |
索尼數碼攝像機型號:HC21E SONY digital video type: HC21E 80萬(含)CCD以上,10倍以上光學變焦,500線以上水平解像度,2.5寸LCD CCD more than 0.8 million, optical zoom more than 10times, horizontal resolution more than 500 line, LCD 2.5 inch. |
5000 套 set |
美元 USD |
索尼數碼攝像機 型號: HC43E SONY digital video type: HC43E 100萬(含)CCD以上,10倍以上光學變焦,500線以上水平解像度,2.5寸LCD,帶雙存儲介質 CCD more than one million, optical zoom more than 10times, horizontal resolution more than 500 line, LCD 2.5 inch and double storage medium. |
5000 套 set |
美元 USD |
索尼數碼攝像機 型號:HC90E SONY digital video type: HC90E 300萬(含)CCD以上,10倍以上光學變焦,500線以上水平解像度,2.5寸LCD,逐行記錄模式, 全息自動對焦,手動聚焦 CCD more than 3 million, optical zoom more than 10 times, horizontal resolution more than 500 line, LCD 2.5 inch, record line by line, holographical auto focus and manual focus. |
3000 套 set |
美元 USD |
(2) 廠商Manufacturers
(3) 交貨期限:Time of Delivery:
(4) 裝運口岸:Port of loading:
(5) 目的口岸:Port of Destination:
(6) 包裝:(適合海運或空運)。Packing: (Seaworthy or airworthy)
(7) 保險:由賣方負責Insurance: To be covered by the Sellers.
(8) 付款條件: 詳見附件1。Terms of Payment: For details, refer to Appendix No. 1
(9) 裝運單據:Shipping Documents:
A. 清潔提單注明 “運費予付”字樣??瞻妆硶?、空白抬頭,并通知買方。
Clean on board Bills of Lading made out to order blank endorsed marked “Freight prepaid” notifying the buyers.
B. 發(fā)票:注明合約號、嘜頭及信用證號。
Invoice: Indicating contract number, shipping marks and number of the Letter of Credit
C. 裝箱單及/或重量單:注明合約號及嘜頭,并逐件列明毛重及凈重。
Packing list and/or Weight memo indicating contract number, shipping marks, gross and net weights of each package.
D. 制造工廠的品質及數量/重量證明書。
Certificates of Quality and Quantity/Weight issued by the manufactures of the goods contracted.
E. 按第[12]條規(guī)定的裝運通知電報抄本。
Copy of telegram advising shipment according to Clause (12)
F. 貨物制造地商會所頒發(fā)的產地證明書。
Certificate of origin issued by the chamber of commerce at the place where the goods manufactured.
G. 出廠試驗報告及/或性能表。
Manufacturer’s testing report and/or characteristics table.
H. 英文使用及裝置說明書[包括線路圖]。
Instructions for operation and/or installation in English (Including systematic circuit diagram)
Documents Number of copies required To be distributed 提交文件份數 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
送交議付銀行(正本) to the negotiating bank (original) |
3 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 3 | ||
空郵買方 to the Buyer by airmail |
2 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
(10) 裝運通知:賣方在貨物裝船后,立即將合約號、品名、件數、毛重、凈重、發(fā)票金額、載貨船名及啟航日期以傳真通知買方。
Advise of shipment: The seller shall, upon completion of loading, advise the buyer by fax of the contract number, commodity, number of package, gross and net weights, invoice value, name of vessel and its loading gate.
(11) 裝運條件:Term of shipment:
The vessel shall be booked/chartered by the Buyer. The Seller shall, 30 days before the contracted delivery date, advise the Buyer by cable of the contract number, commodity, quantity and its expected arriving date at the loading port for arranging shipping space. If the Seller fails to send in due time the above advice, the Buyer shall take it for granted that the Sellers are ready to effect delivery by the latest delivery date contracted and shall arrange for shipping space accordingly.
(12) 檢驗和索賠:貨卸目的口岸后,買方有權申請中國商品檢驗局進行復驗。如發(fā)現貨物的品質、規(guī)格及/或數量與合約、信用證或發(fā)票不符,除屬于保險公司及/或船公司的責任外,買方有權在貨卸目的口岸后90天內,根據中國商品檢驗局出具的證明向賣方提出索賠。
Inspection and Claim: The Buyer shall have the right to apply to the China Commodity Inspection Bureau (CCIB) for re-inspection after discharge of the foods at the port of destination. Should be quality, specification and/or quantity/weight be found not in conformity with the contract, letter of credit or invoice the Buyer shall be entitled to lodge claims (including re-inspection fee) with the Seller on the casis of CCIB’s Inspection certificate within 90 days after discharge of the goods at the port of destination, with the exception. However, of those claims for which the shipping company and/or the insurance company are to be held responsible.
(13) 人力不可抗拒:由于一般公認的人力不可抗拒原因造成不可意料的事故而致不能按合約規(guī)定交貨時,賣方應立即以電報通知買方,并在14天內航寄買方事故發(fā)生地點的有關政府或商會發(fā)給的證明文件證明事故的存在;賣方對于人力不可抗拒所造成事故的發(fā)生,在買方未確認前不得解除其責任。如人力不可抗的原因繼續(xù)存在,致使在合約規(guī)定的交貨期一個月后不能交貨,買方有權撤消合同,買賣雙方均不互提索賠。如賣方不能取得出口許可證,不得做為不可抗力。
Force Majeure: If delivery cannot be effected as stipulated in this Contract owing to unforeseen accident caused by generally recognized “Force Majeure” the Seller shall notify the Buyer immediately by cable, and airmail to the Buyer within 14 days thereafter a certificate of the accident issued by the government authorities or Chamber of Commerce at the place of such accident as evidence thereof. The Seller shall not be absolved from their responsibility before such an incident is acknowledged as Force Majeure by the Buyers. In the event of the Force Majeure causes continuing and delaying shipment beyond one month from the contracted delivery date, the Buyer shall have the option to cancel this Contract and in such event no penalty shall be claimed by either party against the other. Seller’s failure to obtain the export licence cannot be considered as Force Majeure.
(14) 罰則:除本合同第[15]條人力不可抗拒原因外, 如賣方不能按期交貨,罰金數額不得超過最遲交貨時貨值總額的5%。罰金按每7天0.5%的比率計算,不足7天按7天計算。如賣方遲于合同規(guī)定交貨期10周還未發(fā)貨,除支付罰款外, 買方有權撤消合同.,因此而造成的買方損失應由賣方賠償?;蚪涃I方同意在賣方繳納罰款的條件下延期交貨,罰金在議付款時由付款銀行扣除。
Penalty: If the Seller fails to effect due delivery owing to cause other than Force Majeure as stipulated in clause (15), the penalty, however, shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods incurred from the late delivery. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every seven days, odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days. In case the Seller fails to make delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall have the option to cancel this Contract besides penalty for late delivery and the Seller shall be responsible for the Buyer’s losses arising there from. Or alternatively, the seller may postpone, with Buyer’s consent, delivery on the condition that the Seller pays to the Buyer a penalty, which shall be deducted by paying bank at the time of negotiation for payment.
(15) 仲裁:凡是因為執(zhí)行合約有關事項所發(fā)生的爭執(zhí),雙方應協商解決。如協商不能解決時,應提交北京中國國際貿易促進委員會對外貿易仲裁委員會根據其仲裁程序暫行規(guī)則進行仲裁,仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方都有約束力。仲裁費用,除仲裁委員會另有決定外,由敗訴一方負擔。
Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this Contract of the execution there of shall be settled by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of China Council for The Promotion of International Trade at Beijing in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure, the decision made by the commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The fees for the arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration commission.
(16) 附加條款:本合同其它任何條款如與本附加條款有抵觸時,以本附加條款為準。
Supplementary Condition(s): Should any other clause in this Contract be in Conflict with the following Supplementary Condition(s) should be taken as final and binding.
(17) 其它:本合同以中文及英文兩種文字寫成,兩種文字的條款具有同等效力。
Other term: This Contract is made out in Chinese and English, both versions being equally authentic.
買方: 賣方:
Buyers: Hong Ming Electronics Co. , Ltd. Sellers: