TECHNICAL AGREEMENT OF LAUCHING APPLIANCE OF RESCUE BOAT 本協(xié)議是由船舶輔機有限公司 (以下簡稱賣方)與 公司 (以下簡稱買方)雙方協(xié)商達成的。 This agreement is made between Sheyang Victor Marine Auxiliaries Co., Ltd (hereinafter called the SELLETECHNICAL AGREEMENT OF LAUCHING APPLIANCE OF RESCUE BOAT
本協(xié)議是由船舶輔機有限公司 (以下簡稱“賣方”)與 公司 (以下簡稱“買方”)雙方協(xié)商達成的。
This agreement is made between Sheyang Victor Marine Auxiliaries Co., Ltd (hereinafter called the SELLER) and (hereinafter called the BUYER)
船東Ship owner:
設備名稱NAME: 21KN救助艇降落裝置 21KN Launching Appliance of Rescue Boat
設備型號:Equipment type:
證書Certification: BV
買方Buyer: 賣方Seller: 設計院 Design unit
簽字Signature: 簽字Signature: 簽字Signature:
日期Date: 日期Date: 日期Date:
電話Tel: 電話Tel: 0515-82387188 電話Tel:
傳真Fax: 傳真Fax: 0515-82387388 傳真Fax:
地址Add: 網(wǎng)址e-mail: 地址Add:
1 概述General
1.1 本協(xié)議是用中文和英文書寫的,若有矛盾,以中文為準。
This agreement is written in both Chinese and English language. However Chinese language interpretation shall prevail, if any contradictions occur.
1.2 設備及材料應符合合同簽訂時 BV 船級社的最新規(guī)范要求。
Equipment and material shall be in accordance with the lasted standard of BV classification society regulation at the time when contract is executed
1.3 待合同簽訂之后,本協(xié)議才能生效。
This agreement shall become effective on the date when the contract has been duly executed.
1.4 制造廠須向買方提供與工作圖相一致的設備。生產(chǎn)過程中任何的改動,應征得買方同意,并書面作出修改標記及說明寄給買方。
The manufacturer shall guarantee that the equipment it supplies the BUYER shall conform to the working drawing. In case any modification is necessary during the process of manufacturing, the manufacturer shall immediately contact and obtain consent from the BUYER and send BUYER the marking of modifications and the explanations.
1.5 在設備出廠試驗前 10 天,賣方應通知買方參加驗收。
10 Days prior to shop delivery test for the equipment, SELLER should inform BUYER to attend the test and submit the inspection.
1.6 制造廠向買方提供從交船之日起為期12個月的產(chǎn)品保修。
The manufacturer shall warrant the equipment for a period of 12 months after delivery ship.
2 設備狀況 Equipment
2.1 型號Type: 14KN救助艇/筏降落裝置
14KN Launching Appliance of Rescue Boat / Raft
2.2 數(shù)量Qty.:
救生艇吊艇架Davit of lifeboat boat: 左舷Portside sets/ship 右舷Starboard 1 set/ship
艉部 set/ship
2.3 環(huán)境溫度Environment temperature: -20℃~45℃
2.4 設備與甲板連接形式Connection type between equipment and deck:
焊接Welding □√ 法蘭Flange □
2.5艇甲板至最輕載水線距離Distance from deck to waterline at the lightest seagoing condition
m □ 待定To be determined later □√
2.6 電源Power source.
380V/50Hz/3Phase □ 415V/50Hz/3Phase □ 440V/60Hz/3Phase □√
2.7遙控方式Remote control:
艇內In boat □√ 舷邊board side □ 機旁Beside winch □
2.8 技術要求Technical specifications
1)技術參數(shù)Technical data
工作負荷working load: 21 KN
起升負荷Recovery load: 14 KN
設計工況Designed condition: Heel 20°+ Trim10°
回轉半徑Slewing radius: 4.0 m (吊艇高度不低于2500mm)
起升速度 Hoisting speed of rope: ≥18.0 m/min
下降速度Lowering speed of rope: 40~60 m/min
鋼絲繩規(guī)格Boat fall: 16-18×19+FC-1670 GB/T8918-96
卷筒容繩量Capacity of drum: 30 m
最大回轉負荷 Max. slewing load: 14 KN
最大回轉角度 Max. slewing angle: <330°
蓄能回轉角度 Slewing angle in stored power driven 110°
蓄能回轉速度 Slewing speed in stored power driven 0.6~0.8 r/min
電能回轉速度 Slewing speed in electric power driven ≥0.35 r/min
卷筒容繩量Capacity of drum: 25 m
型號及功率Type and Power
絞車電機Motor for winch: YZ132M-6-H 功率Power: 5.5 KW
泵站電機Motor for Pump Station: YZ112M-4-H 功率Power: 4 KW
滿足IEC規(guī)范要求Complete with IEC requirement
Yes □√ No □
防護等級Protection type:
IP44 □ IP54 □ IP56 □√
絕緣等級Motor insulation type:
B □ E □ F □√
帶電纜填料函Cable gland:
帶With □√ 不帶Without □
帶加熱器Space heater:
帶With □√ 不帶Without □
起動方式Starting method:
直接起動Direct □√ 星三角Star-delta □ 降壓起動Auto-trans □
3)電控箱Electrical control box
防護等級Protection type:
IP23 □ IP44 □ IP56 □√
控制電壓Control Voltage: 220 V 60 Hz 1 phase
防護等級Protection type:
IP23 □ IP44 □ IP56 □√
外殼材料Material of button base: Stainless
5)標牌Indication plate:
In English □√ In Chinese □ In both Chinese and English □
Stainless □√ Copper □
2.9 備件要求Spare parts:符合制造廠標準及 BV 船級社要求
Complete with Manufactory standard and BV classification society requirements.
表面處理Surface disposal: 除銹達2.5級Shot Blast to Sa2.5:
底漆Primer paint
□√環(huán)氧富鋅底漆702 zinc epoxy prime 80μ(dry) □To be determined later
3 供圖范圍Scope of drawings to be supplied
3.1 確認圖Approval drawing: 7 copies.
In English □ In Chinese □ In both Chinese and English □√
3.2 工作圖Working drawing: 7 copies.
In English □ In Chinese □ In both Chinese and English □√
3.3 完工圖Final drawing: 6 copies.
In English □ In Chinese □ In both Chinese and English □√
3.4 合同簽訂后 7 天內,賣方應向買方提交確認圖
After the contract is executed, SELLER should submit the approval drawing to BUYER within 7 days.
3.5 在收到確認圖后,買方應退回 1 份確認圖及其意見書,若在 14 天內買方不退確認圖,這意味著買方對確認圖沒有意見。
After receiving the approval drawing, BUYER will return 1 copies of approval drawing the comments. If BUYER has not returned the approval drawings within 14 days, that means BUYER has no comments on the approval drawing.
3.6 在收到退回的確認圖后,在 7 天內賣方應提交工作圖給買方 7 份/船
Upon receipt of returned confirmed drawings/documents, the seller should submit working drawings/documents 7 copies to the purchaser with 7 days.
3.7 完工圖隨設備一起送交買方The final drawing should be sent to BUYER with equipment
3.8 資料內容Content of drawings and Documents
圖紙名稱Name of drawing
確認圖Appr. DWG..
工作圖Con. DWG.
完工圖Final DWG.
3 控制臺外形圖Overall drawing of control station YES YES
4 泵站外形及安裝尺寸圖Installation drawing of Pump Station YES YES
5 液壓系統(tǒng)布置圖及原理圖Principle drawing of hydraulic system YES YES YES
6 電氣原理圖及接線圖Electric circuit and wiring drawing YES YES YES
7 試驗報告Test report YES
8 備件清單Spare parts list YES
9 工廠證書Factory certification YES
10 船檢證書Class certification YES 一正一副
11 發(fā)貨清單Packing list YES
12 4 供貨范圍Scope of supply
1)21KN救助艇/筏降落裝置14KN Launching Appliance of Rescue Boat / Raft 1 套set
2)制箱Control Box
3)絞車按鈕盒Button with protection
4)絞車備件Winch spare parts
6)操作指示牌Operation plate
7)所有繩索All necessary rope.
8)所有限位開關 Limiting switch
5 買方其它要求Special requirement of BUYER
技術協(xié)議書Technical Agreement
1.General 概述
1.1. 本協(xié)議是用中文和英文書寫的,若有矛盾,以中文為準。
This agreement is written in both Chinese and English language. However Chinese language interpretation shall prevail, if any contradictions occur.
1.2設備及材料應符合合同簽訂時____ BV___船級社的要求和掛___ BV旗的最新要求。
.Equipment and material shall be according to the last standards of_ BV_classification society and with____ BV __ flag at the time when the contract is executed. Other rules and regulation: NSI certification.
1.3技術服務 □需 □否
.Technical service □Yes □No
1.4. 在設備出廠試驗前 15 天。賣方應通知買方參加試驗并同時交檢查/實驗資料。
15days prior to shop delivery test for the equipment. SELLER should inform BUYER to attend the test and at the same time submit the inspection test information to them.
1.5. 待合同簽訂后本協(xié)議才能生效。
This agreement shall become effective on the date when the contract has been duly executed.
2. 規(guī)范及規(guī)則Rule and Regulation
2.1. 滿足1974年國際海上人命安全公約83.96年SOLAS修正案以及IMO規(guī)則的有關要求。
Comply on the requirements of the International convention for the Safety of life at sea1974.Amendments to SOLAS 83.96 and IMO Rules.
2.2.船級社 掛旗國_ BV__
Classification Flag__ BV_ ___
2.3.要求證書_____ BV____________
Certification required___ BV_____
2.4..備件要求 工廠標準 □√ SOLAS 標準 □
Spare parts required factory’ standard □√ SOLAS standard □
2.4.1.救助艇基本技術要求Rescue Boat Technical Specification
救助艇型號NM45R Lifeboat model NM45R
_救助艇 型號Type
2.4.2.Main Dimension _4.5m×1.86m×0.78m_
主尺度 _4.5m×1.86m×0.78m_
2.4.3.Approved Complement_____6__ P Speed_____>6______ Knots
額定乘員____6___人 航速_____>6______節(jié)
Petrol outboard engine Type_ Mercury 25HP or 30HP____
汽油掛機 型號____ Mercury 25HP or 30HP ___
2.4.5.Cooling Manner Keel Cooling □ Open Cooling □√
Starting Manner Two independent batteries □ Manual batteries □√
冷卻方式 龍骨水冷卻 □ 開式冷卻 □√
啟動方式 兩組獨立電啟動 □ 手啟動 □√
2.4.6. 艇上緊固件采用不銹鋼材料,外露剛制舾裝件應為不銹鋼S316,除首纜釋放裝置外艇體材料為玻璃鋼。
The fastenings of hull and lifeboats are to be stainless steel material. Except painter release. The steel fitting shall be stainless steel S316. And the material of hull is F.R.P.
2.4.7. 艇內外表面應光滑。門窗均風雨密,開關靈活。
The surface of hull and inner liner should be smooth. The door and covers are to be watertight and easy to open and close.
2.4.8. 提供SOLAS及IMO要求的防水操作指示及標記。買方必須在交貨前5星期提供:船名、港籍名、呼救號字樣。賣方根據(jù)要求用黑色油漆漆于相應位置(包括乘員、艇主尺度、編號)。
Waterproof operation guides and markings in accordance to SOLAS&IMO requirement five weeks before the delivery. The seller shall paint the data at the appropriate position (including capacity dimension and boat NO.)
2.4.9. 電氣Electric
Electrical power supply from vessel:
AC42V□ AC220V□√ AC110V□ AC____□
42AV Battery changer: with □√ without □
42AV交流充電器: 帶 □√ 不帶 □
變壓器: 帶 □ 不帶 由艇架供應商提供42V交流電源
Transformer: with □ without□√(42AV power supply by davit manufactory)
水密插座和插頭: 帶□√ 不帶□
Watertight socket and plug: with□√ without □
2.4.10. 建造Construction
Construction is to be strictly to the requirement of Rule and the Quality system of works and guaranteed the weight of boat is satisfactory with the requirements of main standard.
2.4.11.Identification and Markings: 銘牌及標記:
English □ Chinese □ English& Chinese□√ other□
英文 □ 中文 □ 中英文 □√ 其它□
采用316L不銹鋼Material: 316L stainless steel
3.圖紙及完工文件 Drawing
3.1. 合同簽訂后_7_天內向買方提交下列確認圖__6__套/船套。
Seller should submit the following drawings to buyer within__7__ days after the contract executed.
3.2. 買方收到確認書后,應退回1份確認圖及評注說明。若在_30_天內買方不退確認圖,這就說明買方對確認圖沒有意見。
Buyer shall return one set with comments to seller. If comments are not return within__30__ days, it is treated as no objection& the drawing is approved by the buyer.
3.3. 賣方收到退審圖后, 在__7__天內提交工作圖__6__套/船套。
After having received the drawing& comments, seller shall submit__6_ sets of working drawings to buyer within__7__ days.
3.4. 交艇前應提交所有完工圖__6__套/船套。
Before delivery of ship.__6__ set of following final drawings per ship should be submitted.
救助艇圖紙的內容如下:Details of the drawing as following for rescue boat:
No.序號 Name of drawing圖紙名稱 Appr. Drawing確認圖 Work Draw工作圖 Final Draw完工圖 Remarks備注
1 General Arrangement總布置圖
2 List of Equipment屬具清單
3 Operation& Maintenance Manual操作及保養(yǎng)手冊
4 Main Engine Manual主機手冊
3.5.The above drawings are written in: English □ English & Chinese □√
以上證書提交資料采用: 英文 □ 中英文 □√
試驗及證書 Test& Certificate
3.5.1. 各項試驗按買方認可后的圖紙及賣方出廠的試驗程序進行。
Tests are to be carried out according to the drawings approved by buyer and the final test program by seller.
3.5.2. 賣方應提前十天通知買方試驗日期
Seller should inform buyer of the test date 10 days ahead of schedule.
3.5.3. 買方應在交貨前五星期通知賣方母船的IMO編號或船級社的編號。
Buyer should inform seller the Vessel’s IMO No. Five weeks before delivery.
4. 技術服務Technical Service
Seller will supply necessary effective and timely technical service for the installation and inspection of lifeboat equipment within one year of maintenance. Warranty: 12 months after vessel delivery.
5. 生效:Effective of this agreement:
This contract will go into effect from the date of signature with sales contract executed and will become the attachment of sales contract.
6. 附加條件Additional Items