
七、提單(bill of lading) (一) UCP600第20條的適用(application of UCP600 Article 20) 91.If a credit requires presentation of a bill of lading (marine, ocean or port-to-port or similar) covering sea shipment only, UCP 600 article 20 is
七、提單(bill of lading)
(一) UCP600第20條的適用(application of UCP600 Article 20)
91.If a credit requires presentation of a bill of lading (“marine”, “ocean” or “port-to-port” or similar) covering sea shipment only, UCP 600 article 20 is applicable.
92.To comply with UCP 600 article 20, a bill of lading must appear to cover a port-to-port shipment but need not be titled “marine bill of lading”, “ocean bill of lading”, “port-to-port bill of lading” or similar.
(二) 全套正本(full set of originals)
93.A UCP 600 article 20 transport document must indicate the number of originals that have been issued. Transport documents marked “First Original”, “Second Original”, “Third Original”, “Original”, “Duplicate”, “Triplicate”, etc., or similar expressions are all originals. Bills of lading need not be marked “original” to be acceptable as an original bill of lading. In addition to UCP 600 article 17, the ICC Banking Commission Policy Statement, document 470/871(Rev), titled “The determination of an ‘Original’ document in the context of UCP 500 sub-Article 20(b)” is recommended for further guidance on originals and copies and remains valid under UCP 600. The content of the Policy Statement appears in the Appendix of this publication, for reference purposes.
(三) 提單的簽署(signing of bills of lading)
94.Original bills of lading must be signed in the form described in UCP 600 sub-article 20(a)(i) and indicate the name of the carrier, identified as the carrier.
a) If an agent signs a bill of lading on behalf of the carrier, the agent must be identified as agent and must identify on whose behalf it is signing, unless the carrier has been identified elsewhere on the bill of lading.
b). If the master (captain) signs the bill of lading, the signature of the master (captain) must be identified as “master” (“captain”). In this event,  the name of the master (captain) need not be stated.
c). If an agent signs the bill of lading on behalf of the master (captain), the agent must be identified as agent. In this event, the name of the master (captain) need not be stated.
a) 如果由代理人代表承運人簽署提單,則必須表明其代理人身份,并且必須表明所代理的承運人,除非提單的其他地方已經(jīng)表明了承運人。
b) 如果由船長簽署提單,則船長的簽字必須表明“船長”身份。在此情況下,不必注明船長姓名。
c) 如果由代理人代表船長簽署提單,則必須表明其代理人身份。在此情況下,不必注明船長姓名。
95.If a credit states “Freight Forwarder’s Bill of Lading is acceptable” or uses a similar phrase, then the bill of lading may be signed by a  freight forwarder in the capacity of a freight forwarder, without the need to identify itself as carrier or agent for the named carrier. In this event, it is not necessary to show the name of the carrier.
(四) 已裝船批注(on board notations)
96.If a pre-printed “Shipped on board” bill of lading is presented, its issuance date will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless it bears a separate dated on board notation, in which event the date of the on board notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment whether or not the on board date is before or after the issuance date of the bill of lading.
97.“Shipped in apparent good order”, “Laden on board”, “clean on board” or other phrases incorporating words such as “shipped” or “on board” have the same effect as “Shipped on board”.
“已裝運且表面狀況良好”(“shipped in apparent good order”)、“已載于船”(“laden on board”)、“清潔已裝船”(“clean on board”)或其他包含“已裝運”(“shipped”)或“已裝船”(“on board”)之類字樣的用語與“已裝運上船”(“shipped on board”)具有同樣效力。
(五) 裝貨港和卸貨港(ports of loading and ports of discharge)
 98.While the named port of loading, as required by the credit, should appear in the port of loading field within the bill of lading, it may instead be stated in the field headed “Place of receipt” or the like, if it is clear that the goods were transported from that place of receipt by vessel, and provided there is an on board notation evidencing that the goods were loaded on that vessel at the port stated under “Place of receipt” or like term.
99.While the named port of discharge, as required by the credit, should appear in the port of discharge field within the bill of lading, it may be stated in the field headed “Place of final destination” or the like if it is clear that the goods were to be transported to that place of final destination by vessel, and provided there is a notation evidencing that the port of discharge is that stated under “Place of final destination” or like term.
100.If a credit gives a geographical area or range of ports of loading or discharge (e.g., “Any European Port”), the bill of lading must indicate the actual port of loading or discharge, which must be within the geographical area or range stated in the credit.
如果信用證規(guī)定了裝貨港或卸貨港的地理區(qū)域或范圍(如“任一歐洲港口”),則提單必須注明實際的裝貨港或卸貨港,且該港口 必須位于信用證規(guī)定的地理區(qū)域或范圍內(nèi)。
(六)收貨人、指示方、托運人和背書、被通知人(consignee,order party,shipper and endorsement,notify party)
101.If a credit requires a bill of lading to show that the goods are consigned to a named party, e.g., “consigned to Bank X” (a “straight” bill of lading), rather than “to order” or “to order of Bank X“, the bill of lading must not contain words such as “to order” or “to order of” that precede the name of that named party, whether typed or pre-printed. Likewise, if a credit requires the goods to be consigned “to order” or “to order of” a named party, the bill of lading must not show that the goods are consigned straight to the named party.
如果信用證要求提單顯示貨物以某具名人為收貨人,如“收貨人為X銀行”(即記名式抬頭),而不是“憑指示”或“憑X銀行指示”,則提單不得在該具名人的名稱前出現(xiàn)“憑指示”或“憑……指示”的字樣,無論該字樣是打印的還是預(yù)先印就的。同樣,如 果信用證要求提單抬頭為“憑指示”或“憑某具名人指示”,則提單不得做成以該具名人為收貨人的記名式抬頭。
102.If a bill of lading is issued to order or to order of the shipper, it must be endorsed by the shipper. An endorsement indicating that it is made for or on behalf of the shipper is acceptable.
103.If a credit does not state a notify party, the respective field on the bill of lading may be left blank or completed in any manner.
(七) 轉(zhuǎn)運和分批裝運(transhipment and partial shipment)
104.Transhipment is the unloading from one vessel and reloading to another vessel during the carriage from the port of loading to the port of discharge stated in the credit. If it does not occur between these two ports, unloading and reloading is not considered to be transhipment.
105.If a credit prohibits partial shipments and more than one set of original bills of lading are presented covering shipment from one or more ports of loading (as specifically allowed, or within the geographical area or range stated in the credit), such documents are acceptable  provided that they cover the shipment of goods on the same vessel and same journey and are destined for the same port of discharge. In the event that more than one set of bills of lading are presented and incorporate different dates of shipment, the latest of these dates of shipment will be taken for the calculation of any presentation period and must fall on or before the latest shipment date specified in the credit. Shipment on more than one vessel is a partial shipment, even if the vessels leave on the same day for the same destination.
(八) 清潔提單(clean bill of lading)
106.Clauses or notations on bills of lading which expressly declare a defective condition of the goods or packaging are not acceptable. Clauses or notations which do not expressly declare a defective condition of the goods or packaging (e.g., “packaging may not be sufficient for the sea journey”) do not constitute a discrepancy. A statement that the packaging “is not sufficient for the sea journey” would not be acceptable.
107.If the word “clean” appears on a bill of lading and has been deleted, the bill of lading will not be deemed to be claused or unclean unless it specifically bears a clause or notation declaring that the goods or packaging are defective.
(九) 貨物描述(goods description)
108.A goods description in the bill of lading may be shown in general terms not in conflict with that stated in the credit.
(十)    修正和變更(corrections and alterations)
 109.Corrections and alterations on a bill of lading must be authenticated. Such authentication must appear to have been made by the carrier, master (captain) or any of their agents (who may be different from the agent that may have issued or signed it), provided they are identified as an agent of the carrier or the master (captain).
110.Non-negotiable copies of bills of lading do not need to include any signature on, or authentication of, any alterations or corrections that may have been made on the original.
(十一)運費和額外費用(freight and additional costs)
111.If a credit requires that a bill of lading show that freight has been paid or is payable at destination, the bill of lading must be marked accordingly.
112.Applicants and issuing banks should be specific in stating the requirements of documents to show whether freight is to be prepaid or  collected.
113.If a credit states that costs additional to freight are not acceptable, a bill of lading must not indicate that costs additional to the freight have been or will be incurred. Such indication may be by express reference to additional costs or by the use of shipment terms which refer to costs associated with the loading or unloading of goods, such as Free In (FI), Free Out (FO), Free In and Out (FIO) and Free In and Out Stowed (FIOS). A reference in the transport document to costs which may be levied as a result of a delay in unloading the goods or after the goods have been unloaded, e.g., costs covering the late return of containers, is not considered to be an indication of additional costs in this context.
 如果信用證規(guī)定運費以外的額外費用不可接受,則提單不得表示運費之外的其他費用已產(chǎn)生或?qū)⒁a(chǎn)生。此類表示可以通過明確提及額外費用或使用提及貨物裝卸費用的裝運術(shù)語表示,例如“船方不負(fù)擔(dān)裝貨費用”(Free in(FI)),“船方不負(fù)擔(dān)卸貨費用”(Free out(FO)),“船方不負(fù)擔(dān)裝卸費用”(Free In and Out(FIO))及“船方不負(fù)擔(dān)裝卸及積載費用”(Free In and Out Stowed(FIOS))。運輸單據(jù)上提到由于延遲卸貨或卸貨后的延誤可能產(chǎn)生的費用,如遲還集裝箱的費用,不屬于此處所指的額外費用。
(十二)由多套提單涵蓋的貨物(goods covered by more than one bill of lading)
114.If a bill of lading states that the goods in a container are covered by that bill of lading plus one or more other bills of lading, and the bill of lading states that all bills of lading must be surrendered, or words of similar effect, this means that all bills of lading related to that container must be presented in order for the container to be released. Such a bill of lading is not acceptable unless all the bills of lading form part of the same presentation under the same credit.
八、租船合同提單(charter party bill of lading)
?。ㄒ唬?UCP600第22條的適用(application of UCP600 Article 22)
115.If a credit requires presentation of a charter party bill of lading or if a credit allows presentation of a charter party bill of lading and a charter party bill of lading is presented UCP 600 article 22 is applicable.
116.A transport document containing any indication that it is subject to a charter party is a charter party bill of lading under UCP 600 article 22.
(二) 全套正本(full set of originals)
 117.A UCP 600 article 22 transport document must indicate the number of originals that have been issued. Transport documents marked “First Original”, “Second Original”, “Third Original”, “Original”, “Duplicate”, “Triplicate”, etc. or similar expressions are all originals. Charter party bills of lading need not be marked “original” to be acceptable under a credit. In addition to UCP 600 article 17, the ICC Banking Commission Policy Statement, document 470/871(Rev), titled “The determination of an ‘Original’ document in the context of UCP 500 sub-Article 20(b)” is recommended for further guidance on originals and copies and remains valid under UCP 600. The content of the Policy Statement appears in the Appendix of this publication, for reference purposes.
(三) 租船合同提單的簽署(signing of charter party bills of lading)
118.Original charter party bills of lading must be signed in the form described in UCP 600 sub-article 22(a)(i).
a). If the master (captain), charterer or owner signs the charter party bill of lading, the signature of the master (captain), charterer or owner must be identified as “master” (“captain”), charterer or “owner”.
 b). If an agent signs the charter party bill of lading on behalf of the master (captain), charterer or owner, the agent must be identified as agent of the master (captain), charterer or owner. In this event, the name of the master (captain) need not be stated, but the name of the charterer or owner must appear.
a)    如果由船長、租船人或船東簽署租船合同提單,則船長、租船人或船東的簽字必須表明“船長”、“租船人”或“船東”的身份。
b)    如果由代理人代表船長、租船人或船東簽署租船合同提單,則必須表明其作為船長、租船人或船東的代理人身份。在此情況下,無須注明船長姓名,但必須顯示租船人或船東的名稱。
(四) 已裝船批注(on board notations)
119.If a pre-printed “Shipped on board” charter party bill of lading is presented, its issuance date will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless it bears an on board notation, in which event the date of the on board notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment whether or not the on board date is before or after the issuance date of the document.
120.“Shipped in apparent good order”, “Laden on board”, “clean on board” or other phrases incorporating words such as “shipped” or “on board” have the same effect as “shipped on board”.
“已裝運且表面狀況良好”(“shipped in apparent good order”)、“已載于船”(“laden on board”)、“清潔已裝船”(“clean on board”)或其他包含“已裝運”(“shipped”)或“已裝船”(“on board”)之類字樣的用語與“已裝運上船”(“shipped on board”)具有同樣效力。
(五) 裝貨港和卸貨港(ports of loading and ports of discharge)
121.If a credit gives a geographical area or range of ports of loading or discharge (e.g., “Any European Port”), the charter party bill of lading must indicate the actual port or ports of loading, which must be within the geographical area or range stated in the credit but may show the  geographical area or range of ports as the port of discharge.
(六)收貨人、指示方、托運人和背書、被通知人(consignee,order party,shipper and endorsement,notify party)
122.If a credit requires a charter party bill of lading to show that the goods are consigned to a named party, e.g., “consigned to Bank X” (a “straight” bill of lading), rather than “to order” or “to order of Bank X”, the charter party bill of lading must not contain words such as “to order” or “to order of” that precede the name of that named party, whether typed or pre-printed. Likewise, if a credit requires the goods to be consigned “to order” or “to order of” a named party, the charter party bill of lading must not show that the goods are consigned straight to the named party.
 123.If a charter party bill of lading is issued to order or to order of the shipper, it must be endorsed by the shipper. An endorsement indicating that it is made for or on behalf of the shipper is acceptable.
124.If a credit does not state a notify party, the respective field on the charter party bill of lading may be left blank or completed in any manner.
(七) 分批裝運(partial shipment)
125.If a credit prohibits partial shipments, and more than one set of original charter party bills of lading are presented covering shipment from one or more ports of loading (as specifically allowed, or within the geographical area or range stated in the credit), such documents are acceptable, provided that they cover the shipment of goods on the same vessel and same journey and are destined for the same port of discharge, range of ports or geographical area. In the event that more than one set of charter party bills of lading are presented and incorporate  different dates of shipment, the latest of these dates of shipment will be taken for the calculation of any presentation period and must fall on or before the latest shipment date specified in the credit. Shipment on more than one vessel is a partial shipment, even if the vessels leave on the same day for the same destination.
(八) 清潔租船合同提單(clean charter party bill of lading)
126.Clauses or notations on charter party bills of lading which expressly declare a defective condition of the goods or packaging are not acceptable. Clauses or notations that do not expressly declare a defective condition of the goods or packaging (e.g., “packaging may not be sufficient for the sea journey”) do not constitute a discrepancy. A statement that the packaging “is not sufficient for the sea journey” would not be acceptable.
127.If the word “clean” appears on a charter party bill of lading and has been deleted, the charter party bill of lading will not be deemed to be claused or unclean unless it specifically bears a clause or notation declaring that the goods or packaging are defective.
(九) 貨物描述(goods description)
128.A goods description in charter party bills of lading may be shown in general terms not in conflict with that stated in the credit.
(十)      修正和變更(corrections and alterations)
129.Corrections and alterations on charter party bills of lading must be authenticated. Such authentication must appear to have been made by  the owner, charterer, master (captain) or any of their agents (who may be different from the agent that may have issued or
signed it), provided they are identified as an agent of the owner, charterer or the master (captain).
130.Non-negotiable copies of charter party bills of lading do not need to include any signature on, or authentication of, any alterations or corrections that may have been made on the original.
(十一) 運費和額外費用(freight and additional costs)
131.If a credit requires that a charter party bill of lading show that freight has been paid or is payable at destination, the charter party bill of  lading must be marked accordingly.
132.Applicants and issuing banks should be specific in stating the requirements of documents to show whether freight is to be prepaid or collected.
133.If a credit states that costs additional to freight are not acceptable, a charter party bill of lading must not indicate that costs additional to the freight have been or will be incurred. Such indication may be by express reference to additional costs or by the use of shipment terms  which refer to costs associated with the loading or unloading of goods, such as Free In (FI), Free Out (FO), Free In and Out (FIO) and Free In and Out Stowed (FIOS). A reference in the transport document to costs which may be levied as a result of a delay in unloading the goods, or after the goods have been unloaded, is not considered to be an indication of additional costs in this context.
如果信用證規(guī)定運費以外的額外費用不可接受,則租船合同提單不得表示運費之外的其他費用已產(chǎn)生或?qū)⒁a(chǎn)生。此類表示可以通過明確提及額外費用或使用提及貨物裝卸費用的裝運術(shù)語表示,例如“船方不負(fù)擔(dān)裝貨費用”(Free in(FI)),“船方不負(fù)擔(dān)卸貨費用”(Free out(FO)),“船方不負(fù)擔(dān)裝卸費用”(Free In and Out(FIO))及“船方不負(fù)擔(dān)裝卸及積載費用”(Free In and Out Stowed(FIOS))。運輸單據(jù)上提到由于延遲卸貨或卸貨后的延誤可能產(chǎn)生的費用不屬于此處所指的額外費用。
九、空運單據(jù)(air transport document)
(一) UCP600第23條的適用(application of UCP600 article 23)
134.If a credit requires presentation of an air transport document covering an airport-to-airport shipment, UCP 600 article 23 is applicable.
135.If a credit requires presentation of an “air waybill”, “air consignment note” or similar, UCP 600 article 23 applies. To comply with UCP 600 article 23, an air transport document must appear to cover an airport-to-airport shipment but need not be titled “air waybill”, “air consignment note” or similar.
(二)正本空運單據(jù)(original air transport documents)
136.The air transport document must appear to be the original for consignor or shipper. A requirement for a full set of originals is satisfied by the presentation of a document indicating that it is the original for consignor or shipper.
(三)空運單據(jù)的簽署(signing of air transport documents)
137.An original air transport document must be signed in the form described in UCP 600 sub-article 23(a)(i) and indicate the name of the carrier, identified as carrier. If an agent signs an air transport document on behalf of a carrier, the agent must be identified as agent and must identify on whose behalf it is signing, unless the carrier has been identified elsewhere on the air transport document.
138.If a credit states “House air waybill is acceptable” or “Freight Forwarder’s air waybill is acceptable” or uses a similar phrase, then the air transport document may be signed by a freight forwarder in the capacity of a freight forwarder without the need to identify itself as a carrier or agent for a named carrier. In this event, it is not necessary to show the name of the carrier.
(四) 貨物收妥待運、裝運日期與對實際發(fā)運日期的要求(goods accepted for carriage,date of shipment,and requirement for an actual date of dispatch)
139.An air transport document must indicate that the goods have been accepted for carriage.
140.The date of issuance of an air transport document is deemed to be the date of shipment unless the document shows a separate notation of the flight date, in which case this will be deemed to be the date of shipment. Any other information appearing on the air transport document relative to the flight number and date will not be considered in determining the date of shipment.
(五) 出發(fā)地機(jī)場和目的地機(jī)場(airports of departure and destination)
141.An air transport document must indicate the airport of departure and airport of destination as stated in the credit. The identification of airports by the use of IATA codes instead of writing out the name in full (e.g., LHR instead of London Heathrow) is not a discrepancy.
142.If a credit gives a geographical area or range of airports of departure or destination (e.g., ”Any European Airport”), the air transport document must indicate the actual airport of departure or destination, which must be within the geographical area or range stated in the credit.
(六) 收貨人、指示方和被通知人(consignee,order party and notify party)
143.An air transport document should not be issued “to order” or “to order of” a named party, because it is not a document of title. Even if a credit calls for an air transport document made out “to order” or “to order of” a named party, a document presented showing goods consigned to that party, without mention of “to order” or “to order of”, is acceptable.
144.If a credit does not state a notify party, the respective field on the air transport document may be left blank or completed in any manner.
(七) 轉(zhuǎn)運和分批裝運(transhipment and partial shipment)
145.Transhipment is the unloading from one aircraft and reloading to another aircraft during the carriage from the airport of departure to the airport of destination stated in the credit. If it does not occur between these two airports, unloading and reloading is not considered to be transhipment.
146.If a credit prohibits partial shipments and more than one air transport document is presented covering dispatch from one or more airports of departure (as specifically allowed, or within the geographical area or range stated in the credit), such documents are acceptable, provided that they cover the dispatch of goods on the same aircraft and same flight and are destined for the same airport of destination. In the event that more than one air transport document is presented incorporating different dates of shipment, the latest of these dates of shipment will be taken  for the calculation of any presentation period and must fall on or before the latest shipment date specified in the credit.
147.Shipment on more than one aircraft is a partial shipment, even if the aircraft leave on the same day for the same destination.
(八) 清潔空運單據(jù)(clean ari transport documents)
148.Clauses or notations on an air transport document which expressly declare a defective condition of the goods or packaging are not acceptable. Clauses or notations on the air transport document which do not expressly declare a defective condition of the goods or packaging  (e.g., “packaging may not be sufficient for the air journey”) do not constitute a discrepancy. A statement that the packaging “is not sufficient for the air journey” would not be acceptable.
149.If the word “clean” appears on an air transport document and has been deleted, the air transport document will not be deemed to be claused or unclean unless it specifically bears a clause or notation declaring that the goods or packaging are defective.
(九) 貨物描述(goods description)
150.A goods description in an air transport document may be shown in general terms not in conflict with that stated in the credit.
(十) 修正和變更(corrections and alterations)
151.Corrections and alterations on air transport documents must be authenticated. Such authentication must appear to have been made by the carrier or any of its agents (who may be different from the agent that may have issued or signed it), provided it is identified as an agent of the carrier.
152.Copies of air transport documents do not need to include any signature of the carrier or agent (or shipper, even if required by the credit to appear on the original air transport document), nor any authentication of any alterations or corrections that may have been made on the original.
(十一) 運費和額外費用(freight and additional costs)
153.If a credit requires that an air transport document show that freight has been paid or is payable at destination, the air transport document must be marked accordingly.
154.Applicants and issuing banks should be specific in stating the requirements of documents to show whether freight is to be prepaid or collected.
155.If a credit states that costs additional to freight are not acceptable, an air transport document must not indicate that costs additional to the freight have been or will be incurred. Such indication may be by express reference to additional costs or by the use of shipment terms that refer to costs associated with the loading or unloading of goods. A reference in the transport document to costs which may be levied as a result of a delay in unloading the goods or after the goods have been unloaded is not considered an indication of additional costs in this context.
156.Air transport documents often have separate boxes which, by their pre-printed headings, indicate that they are for freight charges “prepaid” and for freight charges “to collect”, respectively. A requirement in a credit for an air transport document to show that freight has been prepaid will be fulfilled by a statement of the freight charges under the heading “Freight Prepaid” or a similar expression or indication, and a requirement that an air transport document show that freight has to be collected will be fulfilled by a statement of the freight charges under the heading “Freight to Collect” or a similar expression or indication.
空運單據(jù)常常有單獨的欄位,以印就的標(biāo)題分別標(biāo)明“預(yù)付”運費和“到付”運費。如果信用證要求空運單據(jù)表明運費已預(yù)付,則在標(biāo)明“運費預(yù)付”或類似表述的欄位內(nèi)填具運輸費用即符合信用證要求。如果信用證要求空運單據(jù)表明運費到付,則在標(biāo)明“到 收運費”或類似表述的欄位內(nèi)填具運輸費用即符合信用證要求。
十、 公路、鐵路或內(nèi)河運輸單據(jù)(road,rail or inland waterway transport documents)
(一) UCP600第24條的適用(application of UCP600 article 24)
157.If a credit requires presentation of a transport document covering movement by road, rail or inland waterway, UCP 600 article 24 is applicable.
(二)公路、鐵路或內(nèi)河運輸單據(jù)的正本和第二聯(lián)(original and duplicate of road,rail or inland waterway transport documents)
158.If a credit requires a rail or inland waterway transport document, the transport document presented will be accepted as an original whether or not it is marked as an original. A road transport document must appear to be the original for consignor or shipper or bear no marking indicating for whom the document has been prepared. With respect to rail waybills, the practice of many railway companies is to  provide the shipper or consignor with only a duplicate (often a carbon copy) duly authenticated by the railway company’s stamp. Such a duplicate will be accepted as an original.
(三)公路、鐵路或內(nèi)河運輸單據(jù)的承運人及其簽署(carrier and signing of road,rail or inland waterway transport documents)
159.The term “carrier” need not appear at the signature line provided the transport document appears to be signed by the carrier or an agent on behalf of the carrier, if the carrier is otherwise identified as the “carrier” on the transport document. International standard banking practice is to accept a railway bill evidencing date stamp by the railway company or railway station of departure without showing the name of the  carrier or a named agent signing for or on behalf of the carrier.
160.The term “carrier” used in UCP 600 article 24 includes terms in transport documents such as “issuing carrier”, “actual carrier”, “succeeding carrier” and “contracting carrier”.
161.Any signature, stamp or notation of receipt on the transport document must appear to be made either by:
 a.) the carrier, identified as the carrier or
b.) a named agent acting or signing for or on behalf of the carrier and indicating the name and capacity of the carrier on whose behalf that agent is acting or signing.
a)    承運人,并表明其承運人身份,或
b)    代表承運人行事或簽字的具名代理人,并注明其所代表的承運人名稱和身份。
(四) 指示方和被通知人(order party and notify party)
162.Transport documents which are not documents of title should not be issued “to order” or “to order of” a named party. Even if a credit calls for a transport document which is not a document of title to be made out “to order” or “to order of” a named party, such a document, showing goods consigned to that party, without mention of “to order” or “to order of”, is acceptable.
163.If a credit does not stipulate a notify party, the respective field on the transport document may be left blank or completed in any manner.
(五) 分批裝運(partial shipment)
164.Shipment on more than one means of conveyance (more than one truck (lorry), train, vessel, etc.) is a partial shipment, even if such means of conveyance leave on the same day for the same destination.
(六) 貨物描述(goods description)
165.A goods description in the transport document may be shown in general terms not in conflict with that stated in the credit.
(七) 修正和變更(corrections and alterations)
166.Corrections and alterations on a UCP 600 article 24 transport document must be authenticated. Such authentication must appear to have been made by the carrier or any one of their named agents, who may be different from the agent that may have issued or signed it, provided they are identified as an agent of the carrier.
 167.Copies of UCP 600 article 24 transport documents do not need to include any signature on, or authentication of, any alterations or corrections that may have been made on the original.
(八) 運費和額外費用(freight and additional costs)
168.If a credit requires that a UCP 600 article 24 transport document show that freight has been paid or is payable at destination, the transport document must be marked accordingly.
169.Applicants and issuing banks should be specific in stating the requirements of documents to show whether freight is to be prepaid or collected.
十一、保險單據(jù)和范圍(insurance document and coverage)
(一)    UCP600第28條的適用(application of UCP600 article 28)
170.If a credit requires presentation of an insurance document such as an insurance policy, insurance certificate or declaration under an open cover, UCP 600 article 28 is applicable.
(二)    保險單據(jù)的出具人(issuers of insurance documents)
171.Insurance documents must appear to have been issued and signed by insurance companies or underwriters or their agents or proxies. If required by the insurance document or in accordance with the credit terms, all originals must appear to have been countersigned.
172.An insurance document is acceptable if issued on an insurance broker’s stationery, provided the insurance document has been signed by an insurance company or its agent or proxy, or by an underwriter or its agent or proxy. A broker may sign as agent for the named insurance company or named underwriter.
(三)    投保風(fēng)險(risks to be covered)
173.An insurance document must cover the risks defined in the credit. Even though a credit may be explicit with regard to risks to be covered,  there may be reference to exclusion clauses in the document. If a credit requires “all risks” coverage, this is satisfied by the presentation of an insurance document evidencing any “all risks” clause or notation, even if it is stated that certain risks are excluded. An insurance document indicating that it covers Institute Cargo Clauses (A) satisfies a condition in a credit calling for an “all risks” clause or notation.
174.Insurance covering the same risk for the same shipment must be covered under one document unless the insurance documents for partial cover each clearly reflect, by percentage or otherwise, the value of each insurer’s cover and that each insurer will bear its share of the liability severally and without pre-conditions relating to any other insurance cover that may have been effected for that shipment.
(四)     日期(dates)
175.An insurance document that incorporates an expiry date must clearly indicate that such expiry date relates to the latest date that loading on board or dispatch or taking in charge of the goods (as applicable) is to occur, as opposed to an expiry date for the presentation of any claims thereunder.
(五)    比例和金額(percentage and amount)
176.An insurance document must be issued in the currency of and, as a minimum, for the amount required by the credit. The UCP does not provide for any maximum percentage of insurance coverage.
177.If a credit requires the insurance cover to be irrespective of percentage, the insurance document must not contain a clause stating that the insurance cover is subject to a franchise or an excess deductible.
178. f it is apparent from the credit or from the documents that the final invoice amount only represents a certain part of the gross value of the goods (e.g., due to discounts, pre-payments or the like, or because part of the value of the goods is to be paid at a later date), the calculation of insurance cover must be based on the full gross value of the goods.
(六)    被保險人和背書(insured party and endorsement)
179.An insurance document must be in the form as required by the credit and, where necessary, be endorsed by the party to whose order claims are payable. A document issued to bearer is acceptable where the credit requires an insurance document endorsed in blank and vice  versa.
180.If a credit is silent as to the insured party, an insurance document evidencing that claims are payable to the order of the shipper or beneficiary would not be acceptable unless endorsed. An insurance document should be issued or endorsed so that the right to receive payment under it passes upon, or prior to, the release of the documents.
十二、原產(chǎn)地證明(certificates of origin)
(一)    基本要求(basic requirement)
181.A requirement for a certificate of origin will be satisfied by the presentation of a signed, dated document that certifies to the origin of the  goods.
(二)    原產(chǎn)地證明的出具人(issuers of certificates of origin)
182.A certificate of origin must be issued by the party stated in the credit. However, if a credit requires a certificate of origin to be issued by the beneficiary, the exporter or the manufacturer, a document issued by a chamber of commerce will be deemed acceptable, provided it clearly identifies the beneficiary, the exporter or the manufacturer as the case may be. If a credit does not state who is to issue the certificate, then a document issued by any party, including the beneficiary, is acceptable.
(三)    原產(chǎn)地證明的內(nèi)容(contents of certificates of origin)
183.The certificate of origin must appear to relate to the invoiced goods. The goods description in the certificate of origin may be shown in general terms not in conflict with that stated in the credit or by any other reference indicating a relation to the goods in a required document.
原產(chǎn)地證明從表面看必須與發(fā)票所指貨物相關(guān)聯(lián)。原產(chǎn)地證明中的貨物描述可以使用與信用證所載不相矛盾的貨物統(tǒng)稱,或通過其 他援引表明其與要求的單據(jù)中的貨物相關(guān)聯(lián)。
184.Consignee information, if shown, must not be in conflict with the consignee information in the transport document. However, if a credit requires a transport document to be issued “to order”, “to the order of shipper”, “to order of the issuing bank” or “consigned to the issuing bank”, the certificate of origin may show the applicant of the credit, or another party named therein, as consignee. If a credit has been transferred, the name of the first beneficiary as consignee would also be acceptable.
185.The certificate of origin may show the consignor or exporter as a party other than the beneficiary of the credit or the shipper on the transport document.