ICC MODEL CONTRACT FOR THE TURNKEY SUPPLY OF AN INDUSTRIAL PLANT Chapter 1 General clauses Article 1 Definitions Between _______________ hereafter the Supplier and _______________ hereafter the Purchaser WHEREAS: The Purchaser desires to aICC MODEL CONTRACT FOR THE TURNKEY SUPPLY
Chapter 1 General clauses
Article 1 Definitions
_______________ hereafter “the Supplier”
_______________ hereafter “the Purchaser”
The Purchaser desires to acquire on a turnkey basis a plant whose technical characteristics and guaranteed performances are set out in Annex !; the supplier has the necessary skill, know-how and resources for the design, supply installation testing, start up and operation of plants of the type set out in Annex 1. It is agreed as follows:
Chapter 1 General clauses
Article 1 Definitions
The terms defined in this Article shall have the meanings indicated hereunder:
Commencement Date means the date on which the obligations to perform the work commence, according to Article 3.2.
Confidential Information means confidential information as defined in Article 34.1.
Contract means this document., together with the attachments and subsequent alterations and additions agreed in writing, as defined more precisely in Article 35.
Contract Price means the price set out in Article 25.1 for the provision of the Plant (including the supply of all the goods and services which are indicated in Article 4.2 of this Contract).subject to such additions or deductions as may be made under the provisions of the Contract.
Country means the country where the Plant is to be installed.
Defect means any non-conformity of the Plant as defined in Article 31.
Equipment means any or all of the items of equipment (machinery, materials, components, spare parts, etd.) which the Supplier undertakes to supply under this contract as more particulary set out in Annex 2.
Erection means all mechanical erection, electrical and instrumentation installation, insulation, etc. which is necessary for putting the Plant in a condition to perform Erection Testing.
Erection Certificate means the certificate referred to in Article 20.1.
Erection Equipment means any machinery, tools and other equipment, lifting and transport equipment, power, water, raw materials, facilities and aids and any other matter reasonably necessary for the Erection, Start Up and performance Testing and any other operations which are to be performed before Taking Over.
Erection Te3sting means the running of every machine and/or group of machines of the Plant with or without raw materials(as appropriate) in order to check their correct erection and functioning.
Guaranteed Performance means the production parameters of the plant specified in Annex1-B.
Incoterms means the trade terms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce as in force at the date on which this Contract is signed.
Layout means the layout of the equipment constituting the Plant indicating the Battery Limits, as established by the Supplier according to Article 8.
Minimum Performance Levels means the minimum performance parameters specified in Annex1-C below which Taking Over shall not take place.
Party means either the Supplier or the Purchaser, and together the Parties.
Performance Test Procedures means the procedures and prescriptions to be observed during Performance Testing, as specified in Annex 9.
Performance Testing means the operation of the Plant intended to demonstrate that the Plant, when used in production, reaches the performance and other characteristics as guaranteed in this Contract., according to Article 22.
Plant means the production unit which is the subject-matter of this Contract.
Products means the products to be manufactured with the Plant.
Project Representative means the representative of either Party nominated in accordance with 6.4.
Site means the premises where the Plant is to be installed in accordance with this Contract, as defined in Contract Schedule A.
Site Representative means the person who represents either Party on the Site, the authority and functions of whom are described in Article 6.4.
Start Up means the stage during which the Plant is gradually put into production for the purpose of testing its correct operation, which stage ends with the completion of the Performance Testing.
Taking Over means the moment when the Plant is deemed to be fully accepted by the Purchaser according to Article 23.1.
Taking Over Certificate means the certificate referred to in Article 23.2.
Technical Documentation means the documentation regarding the Equipment, Erection, operation and maintenance of the Plant, to be provided by the Supplier, which is listed in Annex 4.
Time Schedule means the Time Schedule defined in Article 7.1, as may be altered according to Article 7.2.
Article 2 Good faith and fair dealing
Good faith in performing the Contract. In carrying out their obligations under this Contract the Parties will act in accordance with the principles of good faith and fair dealing.
Good faith in interpreting the Contract. The provisions of this Contract, as well as any statements made by the Parties in connection with it, shall be interpreted in good faith.
Article 3 Entry into force of the4 Contract
Entry into force. This Contract shall enter into force on the date of signature by both Parties.
The Parties will undertake all necessary steps for facilitating the occurrence of the events indicated in Article 3.2.
Commencement Date. The Commencement Date shall be the date on which the latest of the events listed in Contract Schedule B has occurred. If no event has been listed in Contract Schedule B, the Commencement Date shall be the date of signature of this Contract.
Non-occurrence of the Commencement Date. If the Commencement Date has not occurred, according to Article 3.2, within six(6) months from the date of signature (or within such other term as may be agreed between the Parties: see Contract Schedule C), either Party may terminate the Contract by written communication to the other Party.
Article 4 Subject matter and scope of the Contract
Scope. The purpose and subject matter of this Contract is the supply, on a turnkey basis, of an industrial plant as described in Annex 1.
Supplier’s obligations. The turnkey supply of the Plant comprises the following:
(a)the design and engineering of the Plant;
(b)The preparation of the Layout of the Plant, according to Article;
(c)the supply of the Technical Documentation specified in Annex 4;
(d)The supply of the Technical Documentation specified in Annex 4;
(e)The supply of spare parts and consumables as specified in Annex 2-B and 2-C;
(f)The supervision of Erection, Erection Testing, Start Up and Performance Testing of the Plant, as specified in Articles 18 to 22;
(g)The training of Purchaser’s personnel in accordance with Article 24;
(h)The supply of product know-how, according to the license contained in Annex 12, if the Parties have filled in such Annex.
4.3Scope of Purchaser’s work. The Purchaser shall provide:
(a)All civil works, including but not limited to buildings, roads, foundation;
(b)The supply and setting up of general services such as main branches up to the Battery Limits for electricity, water, erc;
The Erection Equipment and personnel necessary for Erection, Erection Testing, Start Up, and Performance Testing, ad defined in Annex 8.
4.4 Guaranteed Performance. The Supplier guarantees that the Plant, once erected and started up in conformity with this Contract, will have the performance characteristics specified in Annex 1. It is agreed that the successful completion of the performance Test in conformity with the requirements specified in this Contract, means that the Supplier has fulfilled its obligation to guarantee the performance, as indicated in this paragraph.
4.5 Purchaser’s general obligation to obligation to observe Supplier’s instructions. The Guaranteed Performance and, more generally, all guarantees given by the Supplier with respect to performance and operation of the Plant are conditional upon the observance by the Purchaser of the following obligations:
(a)The Purchaser must follow the instructions and procedures specified by the Supplier;
(b)The materials used for production and/or maintenance must fulfill the requirements stipulated by the Supplier. In case of disputed, the Purchaser must supply samples and allow testing;
(c)The management, operation and maintenance of the Plant must be in accordance with the written instructions and procedures given by the Supplier and the information provided during the training.
4.6 Complete Plant. The Supplier guarantees that the Plant has been designed with due care and that it includes everything which is patently necessary for the Plant to provide the operating characteristics as defined in the Contract and for obtaining the Guaranteed Performance. The Plant does not include items which are outside the Battery Limit.
4.7 Laws, regulations. The Plant shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the legislative requirements in force in the Country at the date of signature of this Contract and in accordance with the standards specified, if any, in Annex1. In case of a change of such legislative requirements after the date of signature of this Contract, and before Taking Over, the Supplier shall be obligated to conform to this change and the Purchaser shall be obliged to pay the additional costs related therewith and shall accept any consequent time extension.
4.8 Purchaser’s duty to cooperate. The Purchaser shall take all reasonable steps in order to assist the Supplier in performing its obligations under this Contract.
The Purchaser shall obtain import permits and/or licenses required for any part of the Equipment in accordance with the applicable Incoterm and, to the extent applicable, building permits and operating permits. The Purchaser shall, at the Supplier’s request, assist the Supplier in obtaining (temporary ) import permits and/ or licenses for Supplier’s Erection Equipment, visa and/or work permit required in the Country for Supplier’s personnel and any further authorizations, consents and/or approvals necessary for the performance of this Contract in the Country. The Purchaser shall obtain such permits and licenses, or render such assistance within the time limits stated in the Time Schedule or, if not so stated, within reasonable time having regard to the time for delivery of the Equipment and the time for Erection and Start Up.
Article 5 Alterations and additional work
5.1 Non-substantial alterations. The Supplier is entitled until taking Over to make any non-substantial alterations and additions to the Plant. Non-substantial alteration means any modification or addition which does not affect the characteristics of the Plant, its Guaranteed Performance and the time for completion of the Supplier’s obligations in accordance with the Time Schedule and which does not entail charges or costs for the Purchaser.
The Supplier must notify the Purchaser in writing of the proposed modifications and shall be entitled to carry them out if the Purchaser does not object within fifteen days from the date of receipt of such notification.
The Purchaser shall not unreasonably withhold its consent.
5.2 Alterations requested by the Purchaser. The Purchaser may at any moment before Taking Over request such alterations or additions to the Plant which he considers appropriate and which had not been considered when negotiating the Contract. In such case the Supplier shall submit an estimate of the cost variations and the possible implications with respect to the Time Schedules and the Guaranteed performance, and the Purchaser will decide if it wants to accept such conditions. If the Purchaser does not accept the Supplier’s proposals, the Purchaser shall reimburse the Supplier the reasonable costs for preparing the estimate at its request.
6.1 Prohibition of assignment. Neither Party is entitled to assign this Contract without the previous written agreement of the other Party.
6.2 Sub-contractors and sub-suppliers. The Supplier has the right to sub0contract any part but not all of this Contract to sub-contractors and to purchase any Equipment from third parties. Sub-contractors or sub-suppliers mentioned in Annex 3 cannot be changed without the Purchaser’ s approval and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
6.3 Liability for sub-contractors or sub-suppliers. The Supplier is liable to the purchaser for goods, work and other undertakings as supplied by a sub-contractor or sub-supplier.
6.4 Project Representative and Site Representative. Each Party will nominate within thirty (30) days from the date of signature of this Contract a Project Representative and a Site Representative. Nominations of each Party must be notified to the other Party in writing.
The Project Representative shall be authorized during the period up to Taking Over to take decisions on behalf of the respective Party with regard to the performance of the Contract.
The Site Representative shall have the authority to take, on behalf of the respective party, all decisions of a technical nature regarding the activities to be performed on the Sited.
The Project representative and the Site Representative must be fluent in English and/or other languages, as may be agreed upon between the Parties.
7.1 Time Schedule. The Time Schedule, which is attached hereto as Annex 5, specifies the dates for the performance by the Parties of the main obligations under this Contract.
7.2 Alterations to the time Schedules. Save for extensions of time due to force majeure under Article 33. it is agreed that, if either Party
(a)Does not comply with the dates specified in the Time Schedule for its obligations;
(b)Does not perform in a timely manner any obligation upon which the performance of the other party’s obligations is conditional; or
(c)Otherwise causes situations which delay the timely performance (e.g. by requiring alterations or modifications to the Layout),
The deadlines for performance by the other Party shall be automatically extended, to the extent they have been influenced by the above-mentioned circumstances. In such case, the Parties will agree as soon as possible upon the corrections to be made to the Time Schedule.
Chapter 2 Supply of technical documentation, equipment and spare parts
8.1Layout. The Purchaser will transmit as soon as possible (and in any case not later than within thirty (30) day after the Commencement Date) the information as set out in Contract Schedule D, which is necessary for the preparation of the Layout. Within thirty (30) days, or such other period as agreed by the Parties, from receipt of such information the Supplier will provide the Purchaser with the Layout. If the Purchaser does not object in writing within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the :Layout, such Layout shall be final.
8.2 Corrections to the Layout. If the Purchaser ascertains that the Layout of the Plant does not conform to the indications given to the Supplier or is incomplete, it will return the respective documentation together with its observation to the Supplier within 30 days from receipt of the Layout. The Supplier shall make the necessary corrections within 15 days and will send the corrected Layout to the Purchaser at its own expense.
If the Purchaser objects in writing within 15 days from receipt of the corrected Layout to the Supplier, then the Parties’ representatives shall convene within 15 days to agree on the final Layout.
Article 9 Technical Documentaton
9.1 Technical Documentation to be provided by the Supplier. The Supplier will provide the Purchaser with the Technical Documentation, which is listed in Annex 4 in accordance with the timing set out in such Annex and in the Time Schedule.
9.2 Corrections to the Technical Documentation. If an error or omission in the Technical Documentation is discovered before Taking Over, any additional cost for work or material resulting from the error or omission shall be for the account of the Supplier. However, if errors are caused by inaccurate or incomplete information from the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall reimburse the Supplier for all costs incurred in this respect.
9.3 Use of Technical Documentation. The Technical Documentation can be used only for the purpose of operating and maintaining the Plant.
Article 10 Supply of the Equipment
10.1 Deadlines for shipping. The Supplier agrees to ship the Equipment, in accordance with Article 11 hereundr, within the deadlines set out in the Time Schedule.
10.2 Storage. If the shipment cannot be effected at the date defined in the Time Schedule due to reasons for which the Purchaser is responsible, the Supplier shall be entitled to store the Equipment at the Purchaser’s risk and expense in suitable premises.
Article 11 Shipmen- Packing-Marking
11.1 Reference to Incoterms. Any reference to trade terms in this Contract is deemed to be a reference to the Incoterms.
11.2 Shipment. Unless otherwise agreed (particularly in Contract Schedule E), the Supplier will deliver the Equipment according to the Incoterm “Carriage and Insurance Paid to “(CIP). In case the Parties have not specified otherwise in Contract Schedule E, the Site will be the named place of destination.
11.3 Packing. The Supplier will provide, at its expense, such packing as is usual for the respective Equipment and is suitable for the agreed means of transportation and for the foreseeable conditions of storage at the destination.
11.4 Marking –Packing list and other documents. Details regarding marking, packing list and other documents are contained in Contract Schedule E.
11.5 Transfer of risk. The risk of loss or damage to the Equipment will be transferred to the Purchaser in accordance with the applicable Incoterm.
Article 12 Taking delivery of the Equipment
12.1 Taking delivery of the Equipment. The Purchaser shall take delivery of the Equipment at the agreed place of destination. If the place of destination is other than the Site (e.g. a port in the Country), the Purchaser shall be responsible for the transportation from such place of destination to the Site.
12.2 Examination of the Equipment. The Purchaser shall examine the Equipment at the place where he has to take delivery as soon as possible and in any case not later than ten (10) days after the Equipment arrives at the place of destination.
The Purchaser shall, in particular, check that the packing is not damaged and that all the Equipment indicated in the respective shipping lists has been received and has not been damaged.
12.3 Notification. The Purchaser shall notify the results of the above examination of the Equipment, by registered letter with return receipt or by fax followed by registered letter with return receipt or by courier, within ten (10) days of the examination.
12.4 Joint examination of the Equipment at arrival. The Supplier is entitled to take part, through a representative, in the examination indicated in Article 12.2. If the Supplier informs the Purchaser that it desires to take part in such examination, the Purchaser shall give timely notice of the arrival of the Equipment and the date fixed for the examination. In case of joint examination the Partied will make a protocol indicating the results of such examination, which protocol will be signed by both parties. Such protocol replaces the notification indicated under Article 12.3.
12.5 Missing or damaged Equipment. If it appears that certain Equipment is missing or damaged:
(a)The Purchaser shall attempt to limit the damage by taking suitable measures;
(b)The Purchaser shall not return, or attempt to repair the Equipment without the Supplier’s prior written consent;
(c)The Parties shall consult each other in order to agree upon the repair or replacement of missing or damaged Equipment and to evaluate the impact of such occurrence upon the Time Schedule. If it is not clear from the circumstances that the loss or damage is the Supplier’s responsibility (or that it occurred before the risk passed to the Purchaser), the Purchaser shall bear the cost and risk relating to the above repair or replacement, provided that ifit should subsequently be determined that the Supplier was responsible, the Supplier shall reimburse the above costs;
(d)The Purchaser shall immediately notify the event of loss or damage both to the insurance company as indicated in the transportation insurance policy, if any, and to the carrier; and give notice thereof without any delay to the Supplier.
Article 13 Spare parts, raw materials and components
13.1 Spare parts. The spare parts indicated in Annex2-B are included in the Contract price.
13.2 Cost of spare parts. Any further spare parts may be supplied, on request of the Purchaser, at the price in force at the time of receipt of the request, for a period of 10 years from Taking Over.
Chapter 3 Erection, testing, taking over and training
Article 14 Obligations of the Parties
14.1 Scope of Supplier’s obligations. The Supplier undertakes to supervise the Erection, Erection Testing, Start Up and Performance Testing, as set out in detail hereafter.
14.2 Purchaser’s personnel. The Purchaser shall provide the Supplier, for all the time that it is necessary, sufficient qualified personnel for the performance of the activities indicated in Article 14.1 hereabove. The number and the qualifications of such personnel are specified in Annex 8-C are not sufficient, the Purchaser will provide such further personnel as appears to be necessary.
14.3 Preparatory work. The Purchaser shall complete, within the deadline fixed in the Time Schedule for starting the Erection, all works, foundation, utility connections for which it is responsible, as provided in the Layout, and will provided any supplies that are not at the Supplier’s charge as well as whatever may be necessary for the Erection.
14.4 設Storage of the Equipment. The Purchaser will store all received Equipment at the Site (or at another place of its choice) at its risk and expense in premises that are adequate for preserving the Equipment from any loss, damage or deterioration.
14.5 Erection Equipment. The Parties will provided in a timely manner the Erection Equipment and services in accordance with Annex 8-A and 8-B.
14.6 Telephone and fax connections. The Purchaser shall provided shall provide international telephone and fax connections to areas outside the Country.
Article 15 Management of the Site
15.1 Responsibilities of the Parties with respect to operations at the Site. The Purchaser shall be responsible for the working conditions and for maintaining order on the Site, and for the care, custody and safekeeping of the Equipment and all other goods which are at the Site.
The Supplier shall be responsible for the supervision during the stages from the start of Erection until Taking Over. The Supplier’s Site Representative shall be responsible for all questions regarding the timing and operation during Erection, Start Up and Performance Testing.
The Purchaser shall ensure that its personnel and its contractors act in accordance with the reasonable instructions of the Supplier’s Site Representative. Any possible disagreement between the Parties shall be noted in the work diary indicated in Article 15.2 hereunder.
15.2 Work diary. The Site Representatives will, during the period from the commencement of Erection until Taking Over, keep a work diary on which they will jointly record, in chronological order all the activities which have been performed, any substantial facts which may influence the progress of the operations, and the hours spent by each member of Supplier’s personnel. The work diary will be signed every day by the Site Representatives of the Parties (or by their authorised representatives).
15.3 Interpreter. During the stay of Supplier’s personnel in the Country, the Purchaser shall make available, on the request of the Supplier, an interpreter fluent in English and the dominant language of the Country.
Article 16 Supplier’s personnel
16.1 Number of persons and duration. The Supplier will provide its technical personnel for the performance of the activities indicated in Article 14.1. The number of persons and periods of stay are indicated in Annex 7-A. The Supplier warrants that the manpower indicated above is sufficient, under normal conditions, for providing the services that are indicated in Article 14.1.
16.2 Additional manpower. Should it appear necessary to provide Supplier’s technical personnel at the Site for period of time which exceed those indicated in Annex 7-A, the Supplier shall make available such personnel, at the Purchaser’s request, as soon as available. To the extent the need of such additional manpower is due to reasons for which the Supplier is not responsible, the Purchaser shall pay for each additional man / day of such personnel the daily fees indicated in Annex 7-B. Such daily fees will be invoiced monthly to the Purchaser and will be paid by the latter before the end of the month following the month of the respective invoice.
Article 17 Travel and lodging expenses of Supplier’s personnel
17.1 Travel expenses. Travel expenses of Supplier’s personnel from the Supplier’s business place to the Site will be for the Supplier’s account. Local travel expenses between the place where the personnel is lodged and the Site will be borne by the Purchaser.
17.2 Living expenses. The Purchaser will directly pay all living expenses (board and lodging. etc.) incurred by Supplier’s personnel in the Country.
18.1 Notice of availability and confirmation by Purchaser. Not later than thirty (30) day before the deadline indicate in the Time Schedule for the commencement of Erection, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser of the date on which the Erection shall start. The Purchaser shall confirm without delay, and in any case with an advance of at least fifteen (15) days the date of commencement of Erection, that it is ready to start Erection and that the Erection Equipment, services and personnel specified in Annex 8 will be available before such date.
18.2 Personnel present at the Site. The Supplier shall ensure that its Site Representative and such other personnel as may be necessary for the preparation of the Erection are present at the Site in due time The remaining personnel shall be present as required.
18.3 Preparation of the Erection. Before starting Erection the Site Representatives will jointly check that:
(a)The Equipment to be erected is at the Site and is ready for installation;
(b)All preparatory works, connections, etc., have been completed according to the Layout and possible updating of the same; and
(c)All skilled personnel, as necessary for the Erection are available.
18.4 Commencement of the Erection. The Erection shall be deemed to have started when the Parties sign a protocol stating that all the conditions for commencing the Erection are net. The Parties may however decide to commence Erection also in case some of the above conditions are not met, provided such fact is mentioned in the protocol, together with an indication of the measures tobe taken in order to remedy the unmet conditions.
18.5 Carrying out of the Erection. The Erection will be carried out by the Purchaser’s personnel under the supervision and guidance of the technical personnel of the Supplier.
The Supplier is entitled to inspect and check at any time the performance of the Erection and to give reasonable instructions to the Purchaser’s personnel.
Erection Testing
19.1 Commencement of Erection Testing. As soon as the Erection has been completed, the Supplier will notify the Purchaser, at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the date of commencement of the Erection Testing.
19.2 Performance of Erection Testing. The Erection Testing shall be carried out by the Purchaser’s personnel under the supervision of the Supplier.
The Purchaser shall put at the Supplier’s disposal for the whole period of Erection testing, whatever is necessary for its performance, such as skilled personnel, tools, spare parts, energy, raw materials, etc.
19.3 Completion so Erection Testing. When Erection Testing has been completed to the Supplier’s satisfaction, the Supplier shall so notify the Purchaser in writing.
Article 20 Erection Certificaste
20.1 Drawing up of the Erection certificate. Immediately after the notification under Article 10.3, the Parties will inspect the Plant and will jointly draw up an Erection Cerfiticate stating the completion of the Erection. The Erection Certificate shall in particular indicate:
(a)That the Supplier has provided all Equipment to be delivered in accordance with the Contract, and
(b)That the Plant has been correctly erected and that all the Equipment operates correctly from the mechanical and electrical point of view.
20.2 Defaults or deficiencies. Should the above inspection reveal any defaults or deficiencies which do not allow the Start Up, the Party responsible for such deficiencies shall remedy them within the shortest possible time, and a new inspection shall be carried out before drawing up of the Erection Certificate. Minor defaults or deficiencies that do not hinder the Start Up shall not delay the drawing up of the Erection Certificate, but they shall be mentioned in the Erection Certificate, together with the indication of the deadlines and actions that the defaulting party will take to remedy them.
20.3 Completion of Erection Testing in absence of the Purchaser. if the inspection and /or Erection Testing are not carried out, and the Erection Certificate is not issued within thirty (30) days after the date of completion of the Erection Testing indicated in Article 19.3. due to the absence of the Purchaser’s Representatives or for any other reason for which the Purchaser is responsible, the Erection shall be deemed to be completed when such 30 day term expires, and the Supplier will be entitled to draw up the Erection Certificate without the Purchaser’s participation.
Article 21 Start Up of the Plant
21.1 Commencement of Start Up. When the Erection Testing has been completed the Supplier shall commence the Start Up.
21.2 Operation of the Plant during Start Up. During the Start Up the Supplier shall be responsible for the technical operation of the Plant, and will operate the technical process with its supervisory personnel together with the Purchaser’s operators. The Purchaser shall instruct its personnel diligently to observe all the directions given by the Supplier’s supervisory personnel.
21.3 Purchaser’s obligations during ‘Start Up. During the Start Up period the Purchaser shall make available its operating personnel, tools, energy, raw materials indicated by the Supplier, spare parts and whatever else may be necessary for the correct operation of the Plant.
Article 22 performance Testing
22.1 Commencement of the tests. When the Supplier considers that the Plant is ready for Performance Testing, it shall notify the Purchaser in writing of its intention to start the Performance Testing and will indicate the date on which such testing can be commenced. Within ten (10) days from receipt of the above notice, the Purchaser shall name its representatives to witness the Performance Testing may start at the notified commencement date without the witnessing of Purchaser’s Representatives.
22.2 Performance of the tests and protocol. Performance Testing will be carried out in accordance with the Performance Test Procedures set out in Annex 9 and with respect to matters not indicated in such document, in accordance with the standards and principles normally applied in test runs for plants of a similar kind.
The Supplier shall draw up a protocol that will report all the results of the tests and which will be signed by both parties. If there is disagreement between the Parties about the successful completion of the Performance Testing, the Site Representatives will state their respective point of view in the protocol.
22.3 Repeated Performance Testing. If testing reveals that the Plant does not meet the Guaranteed Performance, the Supplier shall without delay take all necessary steps to correct such deviation. If the deviation is not insignificant, new testing will be carried out within a reasonable time at the request of either party, with respect to the portion of the Plant that did not meet the Guaranteed Performance.
22.4 Time-limit for Performance Testing. In any case the Performance ?Testing must be completed within sixty(60) days, or such other period as may be agreed in writing by the Parties, from the date on which Start Up has commenced If it has not been possible to carry out the performance Testing, or the repeated Performance Testing, within the above time limit, for reasons for which the Purchaser is responsible , such time limit shall be extended for a further sixty (60)days If after such further time limit no Performance Testing has been carried out, and provide this is due to reasons for which the Purchaser is responsible, the Performance Testing shall be considered as having been successfully carried out at that date.
22.5Modifications, additions and repairs. The Supplier shall, during the time from completion of the Erection to Taking Over perform, at its expense, all repairs, modifications, replacements and additions to the Equipment that are necessary for the purpose of attaining the Guaranteed Performance and respecting the Supplier’s obligations under this Contract.
23 Taking Over
23.1 Taking over. The Plant shall be deemed to have been taken over by the Purchaser, and Taking Over is deemed therefore to occur at the time whe:
(a)The performance Testing has shown that the Plant can attain the Guaranteed Performance; or
(b)The repeated Performance Testing has shown that the Plant has attained the Minimum Performance Levels; or
(c)The Performance Testing has not been carried out within the time limit of Article 22.4 for reasons for which the Purchaser is responsible.
23.2 Taking Over Certificate. Within five (5) days from the date on which Taking Over has occurred, the Purchaser shall issue the Taking Over Certificate conforming to the form in Annex 11 to confirm Taking Over in accordance with Article 23.1 In the event that the Purchaser has not so issued the Taking Over Certificate notwithstanding that Taking Over has occurred in accordance with Article 23.1, the Supplier shall issue the Taking Over Certificate and submit it to the Purchaser.
23.3 Minor adjustments, etc. Deviations from the agreed operating characteristics, together with other deficiencies or shortcomings in the Plant, including but not limited to those specified in the protocol mentioned in Article 20.2, that can be rectified by means of minor adjustments or additions and do not hinder the Plant from being operated in accordance with the Contract, shall not constitute any due reasons for not Taking Over the Plant. Such deviations shall be considered a defect under Article 31.
23.4 No right to dispose of the Plant. Until the Plant has been taken over in accordance with Article 23.1, the Purchaser shall have no right to dispose of the :plant and the Equipment without written agreement between the Parties’, not shall the Purchaser be entitled to take the Plant or portions thereof into operation other than for Performance Testing Purposes.
23.5 Taking into operation without the Supplier’s permission. If the Plant, or a portion thereof if taken into operation without the Supplier’s permission, and before Taking Over in accordance with Article 23.1, the Plant or that portion of it which has been taken into operation shall be deemed to have been taken over. The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser in writing of the date and time when the Plant or portion thereof is deemed to have been taken over under the provisions of this paragraph.
23.6 Responsibility for care, custody and control. Upon Taking Over the Purchaser assumed full responsibility for the Plant and its operation.
Article 24 Training of Purchaser’s personnel
24.1Personnel to be put at the Purchaser’s disposal for training. The Purchaser shall provide skilled personnel to be trained in the operation of the Plant. In particular, such personnel shall have previous experience in the operation and maintenance of technical and computerized systems similar to the ones found in the Plant.
24.2Training in the Supplier’s country. Specialised personnel of the Purchaser shall be given an adequate opportunity to study the operation of the Equipment in the Supplier’s country, as indicated in detail in Annex 10-A.
The travel and living expenses and all other expenses for such personnel shall be borne by the Purchaser.
24.3Training at the Site. The Supplier agrees to send one or more technicians or experts to train the Purchaser’s personnel at the Site in connection with the operation of the Plant. The number of persons dispatched and the duration of their presence at the Site is indicated in Annex 10-B.
The expenses for travel, board and lodging of Supplier’s personnel will be borne by the Parties in accordance with Article 17.
24.4 No provision of production know-how without separate agreement. The Parties may agree, under a separate licence or transfer of technology agreement (Annex 12), upon the supply by the Supplier (or by a third party indicated by the Supplier) of the know-how and technical assistance necessary for manufacturing the Products. In the absence of such agreement, the Supplier’s obligations will only extend to providing to personnel skilled in the manufacture of the Products the training for operating the Plant.
Chapter 4 Price, payment conditions, bank guarantees
Article 25 Contract Price
25.1Contract Price. The Contract Price for the turnkey supply of the Plant is stated in Contract Schedule F.
25.1 Price revision. The Contract Price is fixed and is not subject to revision, except in case the Commencement Date does not occur according to Article 3.3.
Article 26 Payment conditions
26.1 General Payment of the Contract price shall be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier in accordance with the payment conditions set out in Contract Schedule G at bank designated by the Supplier. Banking charges incurred inside the Supplier’s country shall be for the account of the Supplier, while those incurred outside the Supplier’s country shall be borne by the Purchaser.
All sums duly invoiced by the Supplier shall be paid in full by the Purchaser without any set off, counterclaim of deduction whatsoever and are not subject to any settlement, discount or other special terms of payment.
The amounts due shall be transferred, unless otherwise agreed by teletransmission of SWIFT to the Supplier’s bank in the Supplier’s country to the account of the Supplier and the Purchaser shall be deemed to have performed its payment obligations when the respective sums due have been received in full by the Supplier’s bank in immediately available funds.
26.2 Documentary Credit (L/C). If the Parties have agreed on payment by documentary credit (L/C) , then unless otherwise agreed, the Purchaser must arrange for a documentary credit (L/C) to the amount specified in Contract Schedule G in favour and to the satisfaction of the Supplier, to be issued by a reputable bank and unless otherwise agreed confirmed by a bank acceptable to Supplier, subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce as in force at the date of signing the Contract. Unless otherwise agreed, the documentary credit (L./C) shall be payable at sight and allow partial shipments and transshipments.
26.3 Payment Security (Guarantee). To the extent that the Parties have agreed that payment has to be backed by a bank guarantee, the Purchaser shall, unless stated otherwise in Contract Schedule G, provide within thirty (30) days from the date of signing the Contract, a first demand bank guarantee subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees published by the International Chamber of Commerce, or a standby L/C subject either to such Rules or to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce, in either case to the amount stated in Annex A-7 of the Contract Price, to the satisfaction fo the Supplier and issued by a first class-international bank.
26.4 Delay Interest. If a payment which the Purchaser is to pay under this Contract is not received by the Supplier by the due date, or if notification of the opening (and confirmation) of the L/C or ot the bank guarantee under this Contract is not received by the due date, the Purchaser shall pay overdue interest, or respectively late opening fees on the overdue amount, until the payment is made in full to the Supplier or the notification of opening (and confirmation) of the L/C or of the bank guarantee has been received by the Supplier.
Unless otherwise agreed, the rate of interest shall be two percentage pints (2%) above the average bank short-term lending rate to prime borrowers prevailing for the currency of payment at the place of payment, or where no such rate exists at that place, then the same rate in the state of the currency of payment. In the absence of such a rate at either place, the rate of interest shall be the appropriate fate fixed by the law of the state of the currency of payment.
Article 27 Bank guarantees provided by the Supplier
27.1 Advance Payment Guarantee. To secure the repayment of the advance payment (if any ) specified in Contract Schedule G, the Supplier shall, within the time limit indicated therein, obtain at its cost, from a first-class international bank in the Supplier’s country, a first demand bank guarantee of same amount, which shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees published by the International Chamber of Commerce, or a standby L/C subject either to such Rules or to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce, in either case to the amount stated in Contract Schedule H-1 to the satisfaction fo the Purchaser and issued by a first-class international bank. The advance payment guarantee shall be valid from the date of receipt by Supplier of the advance payment into its designated bank account, The value of the guarantee shall automatically decrease Pro rta the value of each shipment of Equipment and shall become null and void and be returned to the issuing bank when all Equipment has been delivered.
27.2 Performance guarantee. To secure the proper performance of the Contract the Supplier shall, before the date stated in Contract Schedule H (or if not so stated before shipment of the Equipment), obtain at its cost, from a firs-class international bank in the Supplier’s country a first demand bank guarantee amounting to ten percent (10%) of the Contract Price, unless otherwise agreed, which shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees published by the International Chamber of Commerce, or a standby L/C subject either to such Rules or to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce issued by a first-class international bank.
The value of this performance guarantee shall automatically reduce to five percent (5%) of the Contract Price upon completion of Erection Testing in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 and shall become null and void and be returned to the issuing bank upon Taking Over. In the event the Plant is taken over in separate stages or sections, the performance guarantee shall be decreased in valued and be returned pro rato the value of each such stage or section.
Article 28 Taxes, duties, etc.
28.1Taxes and other charges payable in the Country. All taxes, duties or other charges which may be incurred by the Supplier in the Country in relation with this Contract and its performance shall be paid and borne by the Purchaser.
In case of taxes, duties or other charges which, according to local laws or regulations are to be paid by the Supplier, the Purchaser will reimburse the amounts paid by the Supplier within thirty (30) days following payment by the Supplier.
28.2 Taxes and other charges payable outside the Country. All taxes and duties or other charges incurred by the Supplier outside the Country in relation with this Contract and its performance will be borne by the Supplier.
Chapter 5 Non-performance and its consequences
Article 29 Consequences of non-performance – Liquidated damages
29.1 Late delivery of Equipment. If Delivery of the Equipment occurs later than specified in the Time Schedule and provided such delay is neither the result of force majeure nor the result of circumstances for which the Purchaser is responsible,the Purchaser shall be entitled to liquidated damages in accordance with Contract Schedule I-1, unless it is evident that the Purchaser has suffered no loss due to the delay.
29.2 Late Take-Over. If Take-Over of the Plant occurs later than specified in the Time Schedule and provided such delay is neither the result of force majeure nor the result of circumstances for which the Purchaser is responsible, the Purchaser shall be entitled to liquidated damages in accordance with Contract Schedule I-2.
29.3 Cumulation of liquidated damages. The cumulated liquidated damages for delay set out in Article 29.1 and Article 29.2 hereof shall not exceed the percentage stated in Contract Schedule I-3.
29.4 Non-attainment of the Guaranteed Performance. If, notwithstanding the observance of the testing procedures contained in Annex 9, the Plant does not reach the Guaranteed Performance, but does reach the Minimum Performance Levels at the latest time for Taking –Over specified in the Time Schedule, provided this lack of performance is neither the result of force majeuire nor the result of circumstances for which the Purchaser is responsible, the Purchaser shall be entitled to liquidated damages in accordance with Annex 1-C, to the extent that the Guaranteed Performance is not attained. Such liquidated damages shall not exceed the maximum amount stated in Annex 1-C.
29.5 Suspensions of performance. Each Party is entitled to suspend performance of its obligations under this Contract in the event the other Party fails to perform in a timely manner any material obligation under this Contract until the default is remedied, without prejudice to other remedies that may be available and subject to the following: a Party shall notify the other Party in writing of its intent to suspend and grant a final time period to the other Party to remedy the default, failing which the right of suspension may be exercised without further delay.
Article 30 Contract termination
30.1 Termination for Supplier’s Default. The Purchaser shall be entitled to terminate this Contract in whole or in part in case:
(a)Cumulated liquidated damages for delay exceed the maximum amount indicated in Contract Schedule I-3; or
(b)Notwithstanding the observance of the testing procedures contained in Annex 9. the Plant fails to attain the Minimum Performance Levels at the latest time for Taking Over specified in the Time Schedule, provided this is neither the result of force majeure nor the result of circumstances for which the Purchaser is responsible; or
(c)The Supplier has failed to perform a substantial obligation under the Contract after having been served a notice of failure and make good by Purchaser within a reasonable period; or
(d)The Supplier becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidating or any act is done or an event occurs that under applicable law has a similar effect to any of these events or acts, and the Supplier fails to provide, at the Purchaser’s request, an adequate security (e.. g. bank guarantee, insurance company guarantee) for the fulfillment of its obligations under this Contract; or
(e)The Supplier gives or offers to give, directly or indirectly, to any person any bribe, gift, gratuity, commission or other thing of value as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do any action in relation to this Contract.
30.2 Termination for Purchaser’s default. The Supplier shall be entitled to terminate this Contract in whole or in part in case:
(a)The Purchaser has failed to perform a substantial obligation under the Contract after having been served a notice of failure and make good by Supplier within a reasonable period or
(b)The Purchaser is in breach of any of its payment obligations or of its obligation to provide a documentary credit (L/.C) or a bank guarantee, where required in the Contract, and this breach continues longer than ninety (90) days, or such other period as the Parties may agree, or
(c)The Purchaser becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation or any act is done or event occurs that under applicable law has a similar effect to any of these events or acts, and the Purchaser fails to provide at the Supplier’s request, an adequate security (e.g. bank guarantee, insurance company guarantee ) for the fulfillment of its obligations under this Contract.
30.3 Termination in case of lasting force majeure. Either Party is entitled to terminate this Contract in case of force majeure lasting for more than six (6) months and having the effect of substantially depriving either or both of the Parties of what they were reasonably entitled to expect under this Contract, as specified in Article 33.7.
30.4 Effects of termination on obligations already performed. Except as provided under Article 30.5 hereunder, termination of this Contract shall not affect obligations which have already been performed at the time when the termination notice is given nor the right to receive payment for obligations already performed.
30.5 Supplier’s obligation in case of non-attainment of the Minimum Performance Levels. In case of termination pursuant to Article 30.1(b) the Purchaser may require the Supplier at its own cost to dismantle and remove the Equipment from the Site and to pay back the Contract Price, in as for as received to the Purchaser.
30.6 Compensation for the loss suffered. In case of termination for default of the other Party under paragraphs 30.1 and 30.2 the termination party will be entitled to compensation for the loss it has suffered as a direct consequence of the default justifying termination. Except where the default justifying the Contract termination amounts to fraud or willful misconduct, the total liability for damage (including possible liquidated damages) shall be limited to a maximum amount equivalent to …% of the Contract price.
30.7Sole remedy. Contract termination by a Party is admitted only in the cases specified in this Article 30.
Article 31 Defects in the Plant after Taking Over
31.1 Warranty. The Supplier shall make good to the extent defined in this Article, any defector or non-conformity in the Plant ( hereafter referred to as a Defect) arising from faulty design, materials or workmanship.
If the Plant is found to have a Defect that can be assumed to be present also in some other portion of the Plant, the Supplier shall investigate whether such further Defect coming under the provisions of this Article, but shall be dealt with under Article 29.4 and 30.1.
31.2 Defects liability period. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the liability of the Supplier under the provisions of Article 31.1 applies only to Defects that appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of Taking Over of the Plant or eighteen 18 months from the date of delivery of the Equipment, whichever occurs first.
31.3 Conditions for liability for Defects. The liability of the Supplier does not extend to Defects caused by circumstances for which the Supplier is not responsible, such as but not limited to improper or insufficient maintenance or incorrect operation, improper operationing conditions not in accordance with the Contract, failure to store the Equipment or other materials appropriately, alterations or repairs made without the Supplier’s written permission, repairs carried out improperly by the Purchaser, or normal wear and tear.
31.4 Notification of Defects. Defects as covered by Article 31.1 shall be notified to the Supplier in writing without undue delay after the Defects have appeared , and in any event no later than fourteen (14) days after the expiry of the defects liability period. Such notification shall include a description of the type and extent of the Defect.
If the Purchaser has not notified the Supplier of a Defect as required by the provisions of this Article, it forfeits its right to have the Defect made good in accordance with Article 31.1.
31.5 Making good of Defects. Upon receipt from the Purchaser of a notification of a Defect of the type defined in article 31.1, the Supplier shall apply with such speed as the circumstances require, due and proper measures to make good the Defect.
31.6 Immediate action in connection with risk of damage. If a Defect as defined in Article 31.1 appears, requiring immediate action due to the risk of resultant damage, and if the Supplier cannot make immediately good the Defect, the Purchaser is entitled and obliged to apply all necessary measures to prevent or limit damage.
31.7 Liability for replaced or repaired parts. Parts replaced or repaired under the provisions of Article 31.1 are subject to the same warranty from the Supplier and under the same conditions as supply for the rest of the Plant, for a period of one (1) year after such replacement or repair has been effected. The defects liability period for the rest of the Plant is extended only by the time during which the Plant has been out of operation as a result of a Defect covered by the provisions of Article 31.1. Nothing contained in this Article 31.7 shall however extend the defects liability period by a period beyond two (2) years after Taking Over.
31.8 Property in replaced defective parts. Defective parts which have been replaced shall be made available to the Supplier without cost and shall become the property of the Supplier.
31.9 Final period for making good Defects. If the Supplier has not made good a Defect within a time that can be regarded as reasonable as reasonable with respect to the type and extent of the Defect and to other circumstances, the Purchaser shall determine a reasonable final period within which the Supplier shall have made good the Defect.
31.10 Failure to make good a Defect. If the Supplier has not made good a Defect within the final period determined by the Purchaser in accordance with Article 31.9, the Purchaser is entitled at its option, either to apply the measures required to make good the Defect at the Supplier’s cost, or to receive a reasonable deduction from the Contract Price. If the Defect is so substantial as to significantly deprive the Purchaser of the benefit of the Contract, the Purchaser may terminate the Contract under Article 30.;1(c).
31.11 Unjustified notification of Defects. If the Purchaser has notified a Defect as described in Article 31. and if it is found that there is found that there is no Defect for which the Supplier is liable, the Supplier is entitled to compensation for the costs which it has thereby incurred.
Article 32 Limitation of liability
32.1 Sole reason for termination. The remedies mentioned in Article 29 and 30 shall be the Purchaser’s sole remedies for Supplier’s delay and failure to reach the Guaranteed Performance.
The remedies mentioned in Article 31 shall be the Purchaser’s sole remedies for Defects in the Plant after Taking Over.
Indirect or consequential damages. Neither Party shall be liable to the other party for any indirect an consequential damages, such as but not limited to loss of profit, production, or contracts.
32.3 Fraud and willful misconduct. The limitation of liability under this Article shall not apply in case of fraud or willful misconduct.
Chapter 6 Final clauses
33.1 Definition of force majeure. Where a Party fails to perform one or more of its obligations under this Contract, the consequences set out in articles 33.4 to 33.7 will follow if and to the extent that the Party proves:
(a)That its failure to perform was caused by an impediment beyond its reasonable control; and
(b)That it could not reasonably have been expected to have taken the occurrence of impediment into account at the time of the conclusion of the Contract impediment.
(c)That it could not reasonably have avoided or overcome the effects of the impediment.
33.2 Failure to perform by a third party.
Where a Party fails to perform one or more of its obligations under this Contract because of a default by a third party whom it has engaged to perform the whole or part of this Contract the consequences set out in paragraphs hereunder shall apply to that Party only:
(a)If and to the extent that Party establishes the requirements set out in Article 33.1 and
(b)If and to the extent that Party proves that the same requirements apply to the third party.
33.3 Listed impediments. In the absence of proof to the contrary and unless otherwise agreed in this Contract expressly or impliedly a Party invoking this force majeure clause shall be presumed to have established the conditions described in paragraph 33.1(a) and (b) in case of the occurrence of one or more of the following impediments:
(a)War (whether declared or not), armed conflict or the serious threat of same (including but not limited to hostile attack, blockade, military embargo),hostilities, invasion, act of a foreign enemy, extensive military mobilization;
(b)Civil war, riot rebellion and revolution, military or usurped power, insurrection, civil commotion or disorder, mob violence, act of civil disobedience;
(c)act of terrorism, sabotage or piracy;
(d)Act of authority whether lawful or unlawful, compliance with any law or government order, rule, regulation or direction, curfew restriction, expropriation, compulsory acquisition, seizure of works, requisition, nationalization;
(e)Act of God, plague, epidemic, natural disaster such s but not limited to violent storm, cyclone, typhoon, hurricane, tornado, blizzard, earthquake, volcanic
(f)Explosion, fire, destruction of machines, equipment, factories and of any kind of installation, prolonged breakdown of transport, telecommunication or electric current;
(g)General labour disturbance such as but not limited of boycott, strike and lockout, go-slow, occupation of factories and premises.
33.4 Consequences of force majeure.
A Party successfully invoking Article 33.1 is subject to Article 33.5 below, relieved of:
(a)its duty to perform its obligations under this Contract, and
(b)Any liability in damages or any other contractual remedy for breach of contract from the time at which the impediment causes the failure to perform if notice thereof is given without delay or, if notice thereof is not given without delay, from the time at which notice thereof reaches the other Party.
33.5Temporary force majeure. Where the effect of the impediment or event invoked is temporary, the consequences set out under paragraph 33.4 above shall apply only insofar, to the extent that and as long as the impediment or the listed event invoked impedes performance by the Party invoking this clause of its contractual duties. Where this paragraph applies, the Party invoking this clause is under an obligation to notify the other Party as soon as the impediment or listed event ceases to impede performance of its contractual duties.
33.6 Duty to mitigate. A Party invoking this clause is under an obligation to take all reasonable means to limit the effect of the impediment or event invoked upon performance of its contractual duties.
33.7Contract termination in case of lasting force majeure. Where the duration of the impediment invoked under Article 33.1 or of the listed event invoked under article 33.3 exceeds six (6) months and has the effect of substantially depriving either or both of the Parties of what they were reasonably entitled to expect under this Contract, either Party has the right to terminate this Contract by notification within a reasonable period to the other Party.
Where this Article 33.7 applies and where either Party has, by reason of anything done by the other Party in the performance of this Contract, derived a benefit before the termination of this Contract, the Party deriving such a benefit shall be under a duty to pay to the other Party a sum of money equivalent to the value of such benefit.
Article 34 Confidentiality
34.1 Definition so Confidential Information
Confidential Information in this Contract means any and all technical, financial or commercial information stated by either party to be confidential or confidential in mature, provided, however, that the term “Confidential Information” shall not include any information which:
(a)Was already known to the receiving Party at the time of disclosure by or no behalf of the other Party: or
(b)At the time of disclosure to a Party is part of literature of other sources of knowledge accessible to the public or which after such disclosure becomes part of literature or other sources of knowledge accessible to the public, without the culpable negligence or action so the other Party, its employees or third parties it is responsible for; or
(c)Was available to the receiving Party from a source other than the disclosing Party, provided that such source is not under any confidentiality obligation to the disclosing Party; or
(d) Is developed by a Party independently of any information disclosed by or on behalf of the disclosing Party.
The burden of proof in respect of this Article 34 is on the party claiming that any of the exceptions specified under (a) to (d) shall apply.
34.2 Duty of confidentiality
Each Party shall keep in strict confidence all Confidential Information obtained from the other Party in the course of performance of this Contract. Each Party shall use Confidential Information only to the extent necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Contract and for the use of the Plant.
34.3 Disclosure ot employees
Each Party may disclose Confidential Information to its employees and to third parties only to the extent strictly necessary for the performance of this Contract and for the use of the Plant, or as required by law. A Party so disclosing shall cause its employees and third parties to observe the obligations of this Article.
34.4 Storage of Confidential Information
Each Party shall store away carefully the Confidential Information disclosed by the other Party and shall take reasonable measures to prevent disclosure to unauthorized parties. A receiving Party shall copy the Confidential Information disclosed by the other Party only to the extent that this is necessary in the context of the purpose.
34.5 Survival
The obligations contained in this Article shall survive any termination or expiration of this Contract.
Article 35 Contract documents
35.1 Contract and contract documents
This Contract includes this document and its attached Annexes specified hereafter and subsequent alterations and additions thereto agreed in writing.
This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Supplier and the Purchaser with respect to the subject matter of the Contract and supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral) of the Parties with respect thereto made prior to the date of the Contract.
Wherever in this contract the word “agreed” is used, it shall be read as meaning agreed in writing or confirmed in writing.
35.2 Attachments
The following attachments constitute an integral part of this Contract:
Contract Schedules Specific issues to be determined by the Parties
Contract Schedule A Definition of the Site
Contract Schedule B Events to occur before Commencement Date (Article 3.2)
Contract Schedule C Contract termination before effectiveness ( Article 3.3)
Contract Schedule D Information needed for preparing the Layout of the Plant (Article 8.1)
Contract Schedule E Shipment of Equipment – Marking - Packing list and other documents
Contract Schedule F Price of the Contract (Article 25)
Contract Schedule G Payment conditions (Article 26)
Contract Schedule H Bank guarantees (Article 27)
Contract Schedule I Liquidated damages (Article 29)
Annex 1 General description of the Plant, Guaranteed Performance and Minimum Performance levels
Annex 2 Equipment and other goods to be provided by the Supplier
Annex 3 Main sub-contractors and sub-suppliers (Article 6.2)
Annex 4 Technical documentation to be provided by the Supplier (Article 9)
Annex 5 Time Schedule
Annex 6 Raw materials, components and consumables
Technical personnel provided by Supplier for supervision and assistance (Article 16)
Annex 8 Erection equipment (specification) / Specialised Personnel provided by Purchaser
Annex 9 Performance Test Procedures
Annex 10 Training of Purchaser’s personnel (Article 24)
Annex 11 Taking Over Certificate
Annex 12 Product Know-How license (if applicable)
Article 36 Applicable law
36.1 A
Unless otherwise agreed, any questions relating to this Contract which are not expressly or impliedly settled by the provisions contained in this Contract shall be governed in the following order:
(a)By the principles of law generally recognized in international trade as applicable to international turnkey contracts.
(b)by the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG),
(c)by the relevant trade usages, and
(d)By the Uniform Principles of International Commercial Contracts, with the exclusion of the clauses 6.2.1-6.2.3. with the exclusion of national laws.
B This Contract shall be governed by the laws of
Internationally mandatory rules
In any event, consideration shall be given to mandatory provisions of the law of a country having a close connection with this Contract which would be applicable even if this Contract is governed by a foreign law. Any such provisions will be taken into account to the extent they embody principles that are universally recognized and provided their application appears reasonable in the context of international trade.
Article 37 Resolution of disputes
37.1 Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Parties may at any time, without prejudice to any other proceedings, seek to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract in accordance with the ICC ADR Rules.
37.2 All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said Rules.
37.3. In case of dispute the courts of shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Place Date
The Supplier The Purchaser