JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT OF HOUSE PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into in Colombo on this May Two Thousand and twelve by and between The NATIONAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (hereinafter called and referred to as the NHDA) a bodJOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT OF HOUSE PROJECT
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into in Colombo on this May Two Thousand and twelve by and between The NATIONAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (hereinafter called and referred to as the NHDA) a body corporate duly established under the provisions of the National Housing Development Authority Act No: 17 of 1979 as amended by Act No: 5 of 1982 and Act No: 20 of 1988, Act No: 30 of 1999, Act No: 23 of 2002 and Act No: 32 of 2003 having its Head Office at the National Housing Secretariat, Sir Chiththampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2 (which term or expression shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said NHDA and its successors and assignees of the NHDA) as the Party of the FIRST PART
本協(xié)議于2012年5月 日由斯里蘭卡國家住房發(fā)展局,依據(jù)國家住房發(fā)展局依照1979年第17號、1982年第5號、1988年第20號、1999年第30號、2002年第23號及2003年第32號法令正式成立(以下簡稱NHDA),總部位于Gardiner Mawatha科倫坡2號國家住房秘書處(上下文要求或認可的術語或表達,包括所說的NHDA以及其繼任人與受讓人)為甲方 AND與
China Construction Engineering (Group) Corp (hereinafter referred to as CHCEC) , (which term or expression shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said CHCEC and its successors and assignees) as the Party of the Second Part.
WHEREAS the Party of the First Part (NHDA) being the legal owner with unencumbered and absolute ownership and title to the land absolutely described in the FIRST SCHEDULE hereto;
AND WHEREAS NHDA in furtherance of its objectives, powers and functions under the said Act and in accordance with the Government Policy to provide affordable housing to the people of Sri Lanka under the Jana Sevana One Million National Housing Program in partnership with private sector called Expression of Interests (EOI) to develop the aforesaid land for construction of housing project;
國家住房發(fā)展局依據(jù)上述法令促進其目標、權利、職能,并依照政府政策在Jana Sevana100萬套國家住房計劃之下與私營部門EOI共同開發(fā)上述土地以建設此項目,為斯里蘭卡人民提供保障性住房。
AND WHEREAS the Party of the Second Part (CHCEC) submitted a project proposal (which is annexed hereto marked XI as a part and parcel of this Agreement) to the Party of the First Part (NHDA) for a Joint Venture to plan, design, finance and develop the land absolutely described in the FIRST SCHEDULE hereto for the purpose of construction of housing project together with the infrastructure development for the said housing project;
AND WHEREAS the aforesaid Housing Project Proposal being confirmed and approved by the Board of Directors of the NHDA in its Board of Directors Meeting held on
上述住房計劃書已于 日舉行的國家住房發(fā)展局董事會會議由董事會批準。
AND WHEREAS the Minister of Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and dated (Annexure ) forwarded this project proposal for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka;
建設部、工程設施部、住房和公共設施部部長內閣于第 號備忘錄(第 號附件)此項目計劃書轉交至斯里蘭卡民主社會主義共和國內閣部長考慮。
AND WHEREAS the Cabinet of Ministers of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on approved the said Cabinet Memorandum (Annexure )and directed the Ministry of Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and Common Amenities to cause the NHDA inter alia to enter into Memorandum Understanding (MOU), Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) and or any other required legal instruments with CHCEC to implement the negotiated project proposal;
斯里蘭卡內閣部長于 日批準了上述內閣備忘錄( 號附件)并指定建設部、工程設施部、住房和公共設施部及國家住房發(fā)展局與中國建筑工程集團總公司進入諒解備忘錄,合資企業(yè)協(xié)議及任何其他要求的法律文件以實施協(xié)商項目計劃書。
AND KNOWING that the NHDA as the legal owner of the land absolutely described in the FIRST SCHEDULE hereto has the legal right to transfer a part or in its entirety of the said land to any party of its choice together with all right of ways and other servitudes described in the SECOND SCHEDULE hereto;
NOW THEREFORE the Party of the First Part (NHDA) and Party of the Second Part (CHCEC) in keeping with the principles of equality and mutual benefit shall enter into this Joint Venture Agreement in pursuant to the aforesaid Housing Project Proposal for the implementation of the said housing project and shall agree further to the terms and conditions set out below.
1. For the purpose of this joint venture, the parties agree that the land absolutely described in the FIRST SCHEDULE hereto shall be valued by the Chief Valuer of the Government of Sri Lanka and such valuation determined by the Government Chief Valuer shall be paid by CHCEC to NHDA as follows;
i.CHCEC shall pay ten per cent (10%) of the land value to NHDA on or before signing this Joint Venture Agreement.
ii.Another ten per cent (10%) of the balance land value shall be paid to NHDA as and when pre-sales are completed proportionately by CHCEC.
2. The outstanding balance amounting to eighty per cent (80%) after making the payments referred to in (i) and (ii) above shall be paid proportionately by CHCEC to NHDA at the time of issuing the title deeds.
在支付完上述(i) (ii) 條款后,中國建筑工程(集團)總公司應在簽發(fā)地契時按比例支付剩余的80%余額。
3. NHDA and CHCEC shall sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Annexure ) whereby the possession and development rights of the land absolutely described in the FIRST SCHEDULE hereto shall be transferred to CHCEC by the NHDA for the purpose of implementation of the aforesaid Housing Project within months of signing the Memorandum of which shall be a part and parcel of this Understanding (MOU) (Annexure Joint Venture Agreement.
國家住房發(fā)展局與中國建筑工程(集團)總公司應簽署諒解備忘錄(第 號附件),國家土地發(fā)展局在簽署諒解備忘錄 月之內(第 號附件作為合資企業(yè)協(xié)議的一部分)將附件一中描述土地的占有、開發(fā)權轉交至中國建筑工程(集團)總公司以實施上述住房工程。
4. The MOU to be signed by both parties shall be in force six months from the date of signing by both parties and within which period both parties shall make, enter into and sign JVA.
5. Number of housing and commercial units to be constructed shall be determined on the basis of the regulatory requirements enforced by the Civil Aviation Authority which permits building heights only up to 40 meters. However CHCEC agrees to build initially 200 re-location housing units of sq ft each and the cost of which shall be set off against the land value to be paid to the NHDA by CHCEC.
住房與商業(yè)的單位數(shù)量應該由民航局執(zhí)行的監(jiān)管要求決定,其要求為建筑物高度不超過40米。中國建筑工程(集團)總公司同意最初建設面積為 平方米200套重新選址的住房,其費用抵消中國建筑工程(集團)總公司應支付給國家住房發(fā)展局的土地價值。
6. As a community facility, the already existing and functioning Ayurveda Hospital within the said land meant for this housing project shall be upgraded for which a tripartite MOU shall be signed by the both parties to this MOU and JVA with the Provincial Commissioner of Indegenous Medicine.
7. Ten percent(10%) of pre-determined net profit to be earned by CHCEC from this housing project shall be remitted to NHDA by CHCEC
8. NHDA agrees that Sate Engineering Corporation duly established under and having its Head Office at shall be its consultants whilst CHCEC agrees SKN Consultancy Pvt. Ltd having its Registered Office at No. 35 B Rajasighe Road Colombo 06, Sri Lanka shall be its consultants.
工程公司依據(jù)證實注冊成立,其總部位于國家住房發(fā)展局同意該公司作為其顧問,SKN私人有限公司注冊辦事處位于斯里蘭卡科倫坡06 B Rajasighe路35號,中國建筑工程(集團)總公司同意該公司作為其顧問。
9. Both parties agree that this entire housing project shall consist of sixty per cent (60%) of housing construction and forty of per cent (40%) of commercial construction and the floor area of each housing unit shall be not less than sq ft and the floor area of each commercial unit shall be not less than sq ft
雙方一致同意整個住房項目應由60%的住房建筑與40%的商業(yè)建筑組成,每套住房單位建筑面積不低于 平方米,每套商業(yè)單位建筑面積不低于 平方米。
10. CHCEC agrees that the total investment value of this housing project including
11. Both parties agree that the Sale Agreement prepared in accordance with the existing laws of sri Lanka shall be signed by both parties and the selling price shall be determined by CHCEC.
12. Title Deeds/transfers to be given to the buyers shall be executed and attested by NHDA in accordance with the existing pertaining to the transfer of immovable property in Sri Lanka.
13. NHDA agrees to facilitate granting of all concessions approved by the Board of Investments to CHCEC in accordance with the Board of Investments Laws.
14. CHCEC shall undertake to complete the housing project within years from the date of obtaining the Certificate of Conformity (C.O.C) and or necessary approvals for the building plans from the relevant local agencies for the Housing Project. However, it is agreed hereby that the said period may be extended by years with mutual consent and understanding of both parties. Therefore it is agreed further that the delay arising due to the reasons beyond the control of the both CHCEC and NHDA in obtaining the necessary approval from the relevant local agencies shall be excluded from aforesaid period of years for the completion of the housing project.
中國建筑工程(集團)總公司應承諾在獲得合格證書或從本地相關機構得到必要的住房項目建設計劃批準后 年內完成住房計劃。在雙方同意理解前提下,上述期限可延長 年。雙方進一步同意,因從當?shù)叵嚓P機構獲取必要批準時遇到雙方無法控制的原因而導致延期時間增加,應從上述期限中去除。(完成住房項目所需年數(shù)。)
15. NHDA shall be responsible in handing over the vacant possession of the said land free of all encumbrances to CHCEC
16. CHCEC and NHDA shall take necessary measures in implementing the construction work of the Housing Project in line with the rules regulations and standards stipulated by Urban Development Authority, Condominium Management Authority and other relevant Institutions.
17. Selection of prospective of buyers housing units shall be conducted by a panel appointed by NHDA and CHEC. NHDA shall assist CHEC for marketing of Housing Units and also NHDA shall assist the buyers to obtain housing loans from State Banks.
18. The parties agree that CHCEC shall have the right to exercise its discretion in determining the discounts in selling of the Housing Units to buyers who are willing to pay the full purchase price at once.
19. It is hereby agreed that the maintenance of the common facilities and facilitating the Common Services of Housing Project shall be done by CHCEC for a period of One year after completion each Phase of the Housing Project and the cost involving for these services shall be recovered from the buyers or users or occupiers of those housing units.
20. CHCEC hereby agrees to construct and maintain the Housing Project under the guidance of Urban Development Authority, Condominium Management Authority and any other relevant local State agency dealing with regulatory powers of building construction.
21.NHDA here by agrees to pay Assessment Tax if any and or any other related tax or charge pertaining to the said Land absolutely described in the FIRST SCHEDULE hereto and for which CHCEC shall not be made liable.
22. Environmental Impact Assessment and other related environmental clearances shall be obtained by NDHA prior to handing over the possession and development rights of the said land to CHCEC.
23 Any objection and or complaint made or arising from the public or neighboring householders or Institutions against the Housing Project shall be settled by NHDA and CHCEC shall not be held liable.
24.This JVA shall be in force until the completion of the intended housing project subject to the extensions granted due to unforeseen delays beyond the control of the parties as described in the preceding and succeeding clauses.
25.Insurance policies on various kinds of risks pertaining to the housing projects shall be undertaken by CHCEC and NHDA shall not be liable.
26.The amendment of the JVA or other appendices shall come into force only after a written agreement has been signed by both parties and approved by the original examination and approval authority.
27.In case of inability to fulfill the contractual obligations or to continue with construction as a result of force majeure, the duration of the joint venture and the JVA shall be terminated before the time of expiration after being mutually agreed by both parties and in which event no party shall be held liable for losses or damages save as arising from willful neglect of the workmen of the relevant party
28.If both or either of the parties are unable to continue its operation or achieve its business purpose due to the fact that one of the contracting parties fails to fulfill the obligations agreed in this JVA and other connected agreements or seriously violates the provisions of the JVA, MOU and other connected legally binding instruments that party shall be deemed to have unilaterally terminated the contract.
29 The injured party shall have the right to terminate the contract and to claim damages.
30.If either Party fails to pay on schedule the contributions in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Clauses of this JVA , the party in breach shall pay to the injured partythe prescribed time limit and if the breaching party fail to pay after 3 months, have the right to terminate the contract and to claim damages from the party in breach.
如果任何一方無法按照該合資企業(yè)協(xié)議書中相關條款如期付款,則違約方應自上述期限期滿后第一個月開始支付受損失方 %款項,如三個月后違約方無法支付,則支付給受損失方%款項,并且受損失方有權終止合同并要求違約方賠償。
31. If all or part of the JVA and its appendices be unable to be fulfilled owing to the fault of one party, the party in breach shall bear the liability thereto and if the fault is attributable to both parties, they shall bear their respective liabilities according to the actual situation.
32.If either of the parties to the contract be prevented from executing the contract by force majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, war or other unforeseen events, and their occurrence and consequences are unpreventable and unavoidable, the party so affected shall notify the other party by telegram without any delay, and within 15 days thereafter provide detailed information of the events and a valid document for evidence issued by the relevant public authority explaining the reason of its inability to execute or delay the execution of all or part of the contract. Both parties shall, through consultations, decide whether to terminate the contract or to exempt part of the obligations for implementation of the contract or whether to delay the execution of the contract according to the effects of the events on the performance of the contract.
33. The formation, validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of disputes in respect of, this contract shall be governed by the relevant laws of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
34. Any disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with the contract shall be settled through friendly consultations between both parties. In case no settlement can be reached through consultations, the disputes shall be settled in accordance with the Sri Lankan Arbitration Act No 11 of 1995 and its subsequent amendments. The place of arbitration shall be Sri Lanka. The parties hereby further agree to submit such disputes to the Institute for the Development of Commercial Law and Practice (ICPL) in Sri Lanka for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
35. During the arbitration, the contract shall be observed and enforced by both parties except for the matters in dispute.
36. The contract shall be written in English. 合同用英語書寫。
37. The appendices drawn up in accordance with the principles of this contract are integral parts of this JVA which includes the MOU and the sales agreement etc.
38. The contract and its appendices shall come into force commencing from the date mentioned in the relevant instruments or on the date of signing of the said instruments or whichever takes place first.
39. Should notices in connection with any party s rights and obligations be sent by either Party by telegram or fax etc., the written letter notices shall be also required afterwards. The legal addresses of both parties listed in this contract shall be the posting addresse
40. The contract is signed in Sri Lanka by the authorized representation of both parties on .
該合同由授權雙方于 在斯里蘭卡簽署。
Party of the First part甲方 Party of the Second part乙方
(Signature) 簽名 (Signature) 簽名
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART and the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART have set their hands hereunto and to three others of the same tenor and date as these presents in Colombo on day of