例 1.
In order to encourage Party B to bring more students to China, Party A offers the following favorable policy to Party B: each class may not have less than 10 students; for eveiy additional 5 persons, the tuition may be reduced by 10% (not including boarding and living expenses). In order to guarantee quality of study, each classs may not exceed 30 students.
就顯得語氣不連貫,因為所謂的優(yōu)惠政策是指學費減免,“即每班每期不少于10人”并非優(yōu)惠政策,而是苛刻的條件,譯文中“favorable policy”距離所說明的“ be reduced”太遠,所以,可以為:
As an incentive for Party B to bring more students to China, Party A offers to reduce the tuition (but not the boarding and living expenses) by 10% for every additional 5 persons above 10 in each class. Each class may not have less than 10 students and to ensure quality, may not exceed 30.
例2. [這是一篇文章的開頭一段,后來節(jié)選刊登在《中國日報》上(02/06/2003)]
中國加入WTO,為什么會引起國內國際相當廣泛的影響?入世一周年,國際上各個方面的評價是正面的、積極的、肯定的。我想這個原因應該概括為兩個方面:第一,中國是一個發(fā)展中的大囯,是有著龐大囯內市場需求且又保 持經(jīng)濟持續(xù)增長的一個大囯;第二,中國又是一個從傳統(tǒng)計劃經(jīng)濟向市場經(jīng)濟轉軌的大國。中國作為經(jīng)濟體制轉軌的大國能夠在不長的時間內,納入到世界市場經(jīng)濟的主流,這本身就是一個奇跡。因此,中囯加入WTO,最深刻、最有實質性或者最有長遠的,我把它叫做中國的第二次改革、第二次開放。中國加入WTO,開放進入新階段,改革也進入新階段。
Why has China's accession into WTO aroused so much attention both at home and abroad? The comment in the international arena on China's accession into WTO has been positive. There are several reasons attributed to this: China is a large developing country with great potentials in the domestic market demand and sustainable economic growth;it is also a country in transformation from a planned economy lo a market economy. It is itself a miracle for China, as a large country in economic transition, to have joined WTO in such a short period of time. Therefore, the greatest significance of China's accession into WTO is that it brings about another period of reform and opening up in China.
China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has aroused much attention both at home and abroad, evoking positive responses from the international community in the past year. This is because first, China is a large developing country with great market potentials and sustainable growth; and second, China has created an economic miracle through its successful economic transition and quick integration into the world economy, despite the size of the country. But to China, the greatest significance is that the accession brings about a new period of reform and opening-up.
第三,如果上述分析成立,原文中的“因此”是不妥當?shù)模驗?ldquo;因此”前后并沒有明顯的因果關系,而是一種話題的轉變,表示閑 話不再多說,進入正題了(別忘了文章的題目是《中國:加入WTO 與改革的新階段》),所以,頂多翻譯為but,或者不譯。
實際上,“因此”之前的部分對于全文來說,并不起什么作用,因為全文的主題包含在“因此”之后的兩句話:“中國加人WTO,最深刻、最有實質性或者最有長遠意義的,我把它叫做中國的第二 次改革、第二次開放。中國加人WTO,開放進人新階段,改革也進人新階段。”所以,把“因此”之前的部分去掉,并不影響文章的意思。
[Title] Cut gov't red tape to reform economy
China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has aroused much attention both at home and abroad.
What is of the greatest significance to China is that its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) brings about a new period of reform and opening-up.