

國務(wù)院令第527號 Order of the State Council No. 527
2008年7月21日 July 21,2008
《對外承包工程管理?xiàng)l例》已經(jīng)2008年5月7日國務(wù)院第8次常務(wù)會議通過,現(xiàn)予公布,自2008年9月1日起施行?! 】偫怼丶覍?/div>
The Administrative Regulations on Contracting Foreign Projects, which were adopted at the eighth executive meeting of the State Council on May 7, 2008, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of September 1, 2008.  Premier Wen Jiabao
第一章總 則 Chapter I General Provisions
Article1These Regulations are formulated to regulate the administration of the contracting of foreign projects and enhance the sound development of the contracting of foreign projects.
Article2For the purpose of these Regulations, the term Contracting Foreign Project" refers to an activity of a Chinese enterprise or any other unit (hereinafter referred to as unit) of contracting an overseas construction project (hereinafter referred to as construction project).
Article3The state encourages the units to contract foreign projects and improve the quality and level of such projects.
The relevant departments under the State Council shall formulate and improve the policies and measures favorable for contracting foreign projects, and establish and improve the service system and risk prevention mechanism for contracting foreign projects.
Article4When contracting foreign projects, the units shall safeguard national interests, social public interests and the legal rights and interests of their staff being sent abroad.
A unitcontracting foreign project shall abide by the law of the country or region where the construction project is located, stick by the contract, respect the local customs and habits, pay attention to ecological and environmental protection and promote the local economic and social development.
Article 5 The competent commerce authorities of the State Council shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the foreign project contracting activities, and the relevant departments under the State Council shall take charge of the relevant administrative work within their respective scope of duties and functions.
The competent commerce authorities of the State Council shall organize and arrange construction enterprises to participate in contracting foreign projects.
The competent department of commerce of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the foreign project contracting activities under their respective jurisdiction.
Article6Any association or chamber in contracting foreign projects shall provide information and training services thereabout for its members according to its articles of association, work out industrial norms according to law, give play to its role of coordination and self-discipline, safeguard fair competition and protect the interests of its members.
第二章對外承包工程資格  Chapter II Qualification for Contracting Foreign Projects
Article7To contract foreign projects, a unit must get the foreign project contracting qualification in accordance with these Regulations.
Article8To apply for the said qualification, a unit shall satisfy the following requirements:
1. Having the status of a legal person, and, for a project constructing unit, having the special grade or grade A qualification certificate issued by the competent commerce authorities or any other relevant department;
2.Having the capital and technical professionals required for contracting foreign projects, and having at least two managers who have engaged in contracting foreign projects for two years or more;
3.Having the security maintaining capability required in contracting foreign projects;
4.Having the rules and regulations for guaranteeing project quality and production safety, and having no big project quality problem or any relatively serious safety accident or more serious ones in the last two years; and
5.Having a good business reputation and having no material breach of contract or serious illegal operation in the last three years.
Article 9 To apply for the foreign project contracting qualification, a central enterprise or any other unit directly under the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as central unit) shall file an application form together with the certifications specified in Article 8 of this Regulation with the competent commerce authorities of the State Council, while any other unit shall file an application form together with the certifications specified in Article 8 of these Regulations with the competent commerce authorities of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government of the place where it is located. The competent commerce authorities of the State Council or the competent commerce authorities of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 30 days after receiving the application form and certifications, examine the application materials together with the competent commerce authorities at the same level, and make a decision of approval or disapproval. In the case of approval, the competent commerce authorities of the State Council or the competent commerce authorities of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government that accepts the application shall issue a foreign project contracting qualification certificate; and in the case of disapproval, it shall notify the applicant and give reasons therefor in written form.
The competent commerce authorities of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall file the situations about its issuance of the foreign project contracting qualification certificate to the competent commerce authorities of the State Council for archival purposes.
Article 10 Where the competent commerce authorities of the State Council or the competent commerce authorities of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government finds out in supervision and inspection that any foreign project contractor no longer satisfies the requirements prescribed in these Regulations, it shall order the contractor to rectify within a certain time limit, and, if the contractor still fails to satisfy the prescribed requirements upon the expiration of the time limit, it shall revoke its foreign project contracting qualification certificate.
第三章對外承包工程活動  Chapter III Foreign Project Contracting Activities
Article 11 The competent commerce authorities of the State Council shall, together with other relevant departments of the State Council, establish a safety risk assessment mechanism of foreign projects, publishing the safety appraisal results in the relevant countries and regions on a regular basis so as to provide pre-warning information in a timely manner and guide foreign project contractors to do well the safety protection.
Article 12 No foreign project contractor may contract any project at an illegitimate low price or engage in collusive tendering or commercial bribery.
Article 13 A foreign project contractor shall conclude a written contract with the project employer to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, and both parties shall fulfill their obligations in accordance with the written contract.
Article 14 A foreign project contractor shall strengthen the administration of project quality and production safety, and set up, improve and put into effect the rules and regulations on project quality and production safety administration.
Where a foreign project contractor subcontracts a foreign project, it shall conclude a special agreement on project quality and production safety administration with the subcontractor or specify their respective responsibilities for project quality and production safety administration in the subcontracting contract, and shall coordinate and administer the project quality and production safety of the subcontractor in a unified way.
No foreign project contractor may subcontract a foreign project to any unit without the qualification required by the state laws, or subcontract the construction part of a foreign project to a domestic construction enterprise which has not obtained the safe production permit according to law.
No subcontractor may further subcontract a project. A foreign project contractor shall, in the subcontracting contract, expressly forbid the subcontractor to further subcontract the project, and shall take the responsibility for supervising the subcontractor to make sure that it abides by the contract clause.
Article 15 To provide intermediate service of employing persons to be assigned abroad for foreign project contractors, a unit shall get the permit of the competent commerce authorities of the State Council, and provide such intermediate service in accordance with the provisions of the competent commerce authorities of the State Council.
When necessary, a foreign project contractor shall employ persons to be assigned abroad through an intermediate agency which has the required permit and has been operating legally instead of one which has not obtained the permit or has committed any gross violation.
Article 16 A foreign project contractor shall conclude labor contracts with all its persons assigned abroad, provide work conditions and pay rewards to them in strict accordance with such contracts, and properly perform its obligations as an employer.
Article 17 A foreign project contractor shall have a specialized safety management institution and workers to protect the personal safety and property safety of the persons assigned abroad, and, in light of the specific situations of the project contracted by it, work out a plan for protecting the personal safety and property safety of the persons assigned abroad and put the funds needed in position.
A foreign project contractor shall, in accordance with the safety situation of the country or region where the contracted foreign project is located, educate and train its persons assigned abroad about security and emergency knowledge so as to improve their security awareness and self-protection capability.
Article 18 A foreign project contractor shall buy overseas accidental harms insurance for its personnel being sent abroad.
Article 19 A foreign project contractor shall pay or deposit reserve funds in accordance with the requirements of the competent commerce authorities and the financial department of the State Council.
The reserve funds prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be used for paying the following expenses when the contractor refuses or becomes unable to pay:
(一)外派人員的報酬;1. Rewards for the persons being sent abroad;
2. Expenses needed by a person assigned abroad for coming back to China or accepting other emergency rescue in the case of emergency; or
3. Expenses needed for making compensation for the losses suffered by a person assigned abroad.
Article 20 A foreign project contractor shall, after concluding a foreign project contract with a project employer, report to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country where the project is located in a timely manner.
A foreign project contractor shall accept the guidance provided by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country where the project is located in terms of emergency prevention, project quality, production safety and the protection of persons being sent abroad.
Article 21 A foreign project contractor shall make an emergency response plan, and, in the case of any emergency occurring in a foreign country, timely and properly treat it and immediately report it to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country or the relevant competent department in China.
The competent commerce authorities of the State Council shall, together with other relevant departments of the State Council, set up a foreign project emergency pre-warning, preventing and handling mechanism and improve it and make a foreign project emergency response plan under the principle of attaching equal importance to pre-event prevention and post-event disposal.
Article 22 A foreign project contractor shall report its foreign project contracting work to the competent commerce authorities on a regular basis, and file the business statistics with the relevant department in accordance with the provisions of the competent commerce authorities of the State Council and the statistics department of the State Council.
Article 23 The competent commerce authorities of the State Council shall, together with other relevant departments of the State Council, set up an information collecting and reporting system on foreign project contracting so as to provide information service for foreign project contractors free of charge.
The relevant departments shall provide express services for foreign project contractors in customs clearance of cargos and the entry-exit of their workers in accordance with the law.
第四章法律責(zé)任  Chapter IV Legal Liabilities
Article 24 Where any unit contracts foreign projects without the foreign project contracting qualification, the competent commerce authorities shall order it to correct, impose a fine of not more than RMB1,000,000 but not less than RMB500,000 upon it, confiscate the illegal gains if any, and impose a fine of not more than RMB100,000 but not less than RMB50,000 upon the main principal.
Article 25 Where any foreign project contractor falls under any of the following circumstances, the competent commerce authorities shall order it to correct, impose a fine of not more than RMB200,000 but not less than RMB100,000 upon it and impose a fine of not more than RMB20,000 but not less than RMB10,000 upon the main principal. If it refuses to correct, the competent commerce authorities may forbid it to contract new foreign projects in a certain time (from one year to three years). If it has any big project quality problem, has any relatively serious safety accident or more serious ones or has caused other serious consequences, the competent commerce authorities may revoke its foreign project contracting qualification certificate. For a project constructing unit, the competent commerce authorities or other relevant competent department may degrade its qualification or revoke its qualification certificate:
1.Failing to set up or abide by the rules and regulations on project quality and production safety administration;
2.Having no specially established safety management institution and persons to protect the personal safety and property safety of the persons being sent abroad, or failing to work out a specific plan for protecting the personal safety and property safety of the persons being sent abroad in accordance with the specific situations of the foreign contracted project and failing to put in position the funds needed for effecting the plan;
3.Failing to educate and train the persons being sent abroad about security and emergency knowledge; or
4.Failing to make an emergency response plan, or failing to timely and properly handle an emergency occurring abroad.
Article 26 Where any foreign project contractor falls under any of the following circumstances, the competent commerce authorities shall order it to correct, impose a fine of not more than RMB300,000 but not less than RMB150,000 upon it and impose a fine of not more than RMB50,000 but not less than RMB20,000 upon the main principal. If it refuses to correct, the competent commerce authorities may forbid it to contract new foreign projects in a certain time (from two years to five years). If it has any big project quality problem, has any relatively serious safety accident or more serious ones or has caused other serious consequences, the competent commerce authorities may revoke its foreign project contracting qualification certificate. For a project constructing unit, the competent construction authorities or other relevant competent department may degrade its qualification or revoke its qualification certificate:
1. Contracting any project at an illegitimate low price, or engaging in collusive tendering or commercial bribery;
2.Failing to conclude a special agreement on project quality and production safety administration with a subcontractor, or failing to stipulate their respective responsibility for project quality and production safety in such a contract, or failing to coordinate or manage the project quality and production safety work of the subcontracting units in a unified way;
3.Subcontracting a project to a unit not having the qualification required by the State, or subcontracting the construction part of a project to a domestic constructing enterprise which has not obtained the safe production permit according to law; or
4. Failing to expressly stipulate in the subcontract that the subcontractor may not further subcontract the project.
Where any subcontractor further subcontracts a project, the competent construction authorities shall order it to correct, and impose a fine upon the subcontractor and its main principal based on the amounts prescribed in the preceding paragraph by analogy. If it has any big project quality problem or any relatively serious safety accident or more serious ones, the competent construction authorities or other relevant competent department may degrade its qualification or revoke its qualification certificate.
Article 27 Where any foreign project contractor falls under any of the following circumstances, the competent commerce authorities shall order it to correct, and impose a fine of not more than RMB50,000 but not less than RMB20,000 upon it; impose a fine of not more than RMB10,000 but not less than RMB5,000 upon the main principal if it refuses to correct:
1.Failing to report a contract concluded with a foreign project employer to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country where the foreign project is located;
2.Failing to report any emergency occurring in a foreign country where the foreign project is located to the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country or the relevant competent department in China; or
3.Failing to report the foreign project contracting information to the competent commerce authorities on a regular basis, or failing to file the business statistics with the relevant department as required.
Article 28 Where any foreign project contractor employs persons to be assigned abroad through an intermediate agency which has not obtained the permit to do so or which has committed any gross violation, or fails to buy overseas life accident insurance for the persons being sent abroad in accordance with these Regulations, or fails to pay or deposit reserve funds as required, the competent commerce authorities shall order it to correct within a certain time limit, impose a fine of not more than RMB100,000 but not less than RMB50,000 upon it, and impose a fine of not more than RMB10,000 but not less than RMB5,000 upon the main principal. If it fails to correct within the prescribed time limit, the competent commerce authorities may forbid it to contract new projects in a certain time (from one year to three years).
Where any unit provides intermediate services of employing persons to be assigned abroad for foreign project contractors without getting the permit of the competent commerce authorities of the State Council, the competent commerce authorities of the State Council shall order it to correct, impose a fine of not more than RMB200,000 but not less than RMB100,000 upon it, confiscate the illegal gains if any, and impose a fine of not more than RMB100,000 but not less than RMB50,000 upon the main principal.
Article 29 Where any functionary of a competent commerce authority, a competent construction authority or any other relevant department abuses his power, neglects his duty or engages in fraud for personal gains in supervising and administering the foreign project contracting business, and thus a crime is constituted, he shall be subject to corresponding criminal responsibility; if a crime is not yet constituted, he shall be given a punishment in accordance with law.
第五章附則Chapter V Supplementary Provision
Article 30 Matters concerned in contracting foreign projects, such as the import and export of cargos and technology, entry-exit of persons, customs issues, taxation issues and foreign exchange issues, shall be handled in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and other relevant state provisions.
Article 31Where a foreign project contractor makes an offer for a project valued over the stipulated standard of the competent commerce authorities, the financial department or other relevant departments of the State Council in the manner of tendering or bid negotiation, matters covering bank's issuance of the letter of guarantee shall be handled in accordance with provisions of the competent commerce authorities, the financial department and other relevant departments of the State Council.
Article 32To contract a specially appointed project or to contract a project in a country or region specially designated by the competent commerce authorities of the State Council together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other relevant departments, a foreign project contractor shall obtain the approval of the competent commerce authorities and other relevant departments of the State Council.
Article 33Contracting projects in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan by units from the mainland of China shall be governed by these Regulations.
Article 34The implementation and administration of the projects constructed with aid from the Chinese Government shall be governed by the relevant state provisions.
Article 35These Regulations shall come into force as of September 1, 2008.
