1st Edition 1994 1994 年第1版
1st Edition 1994 1994 年第1版
(For use in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction, Forth Edition 1987 Reprinted 1992 with further amendments)
Part I- General Conditions第一部分——通用條件
Part II- Guidance for the Preparation of Condition of Particular Application
第二部分 特殊應用條件編制指南
With Forms of Offer and Agreement附報價書及協(xié)議書格式
FIDIC extends special thanks to Christopher R. Seppala and Maurizio Ragazzi, White & Case, Paris, for acting as the principal drafter of this document. This contribution to FIDIC and the profession is highly appreciated.
FIDIC對作為本文件主要起草人的巴黎 White & Case公司的 Christopher R. Seppala以及 Maurizio Ragazzi特致謝意,由衷感謝他們對FIDIC以及這一行業(yè)所做的貢獻。
The draft was reviewed initially by Mario Asin of TAMS, USA and Edward Corbett of Corbett & Co., UK and subsequently by the World Bank, European International Contractors, the International Bar Association and ConSpec, all of whom provided valuable comments. Advice on insurance matters was provided by Martyn J. Nixon of Willis Corron, London.
本文件草案最初由美國 TAMS公司的 Mario Asin及英國 Corbett & Co.公司的 Edward Corbett 審閱,隨后又由世界銀行、歐洲國際承包商會、國際律師協(xié)會和Conspec審閱,他們都提出了寶貴的意見。倫敦Willis Corroon公司的 Martyn J.Nixon 提出了關于保險方面的建議。
The preparation was carried out under the general direction of the FIDIC Contracts Committee comprising K.B (Tony) Norris, Consulting Engineer, UK; Michael Mortimer-Halwkins of Swed Power, Sweden; and John Bowcock of Sir Alexander Gibb & Partner Ltd. UK.
FIDIC wishes to record its appreciation of the time and effort devoted by all the above.
The ultimate decision on the form and content of the document rests with FIDIC.
該文件的編制工作是在FIDIC合同委員會的全面指導下完成的。該委員會由下列成員組成:咨詢工程師 K.B.(Tony)Norris(英國);Swedpower公司的 Michael Mortimer-Hawkins(瑞典); Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners 有限公司的 John Bowcock(英國)。
FIDIC 對上述各位所付出的時間和精力表示感謝。
Definitions and Interpretation定義及解釋
1.1 Definitions定義
1.2 Headings and Marginal Notes標題和旁注
1.3 Interpretation解釋
1.4 Singular and Plural單數(shù)和復數(shù)
1.5 Notices, Consents, Approvals, Certificates, Confirmation and Determinations
1.6 Instructions in Writing書面指示
General Obligations一般義務
2.1 Subcontractor’s General Responsibilities分包商的一般責任
2.2 Performance Security履約保證
2.3 Programme to be submitted by Subcontractor分包商應提交的進度計劃
2.4 Assignment of Subcontract分包合同的轉讓
2.5 Sub-contracting再次分包
Subcontract Documents分包合同文件
3.1 Language/s語言
3.2 Governing Law適用的法律
3.3 Subcontract Agreement分包合同協(xié)議書
3.4 Priority of Subcontract Documents分包合同文件的優(yōu)先次序
Main Contract主合同
4.1 Subcontractor’s Knowledge of Main Contract分包商對主合同的了解
4.2 Subcontractor’s Responsibilities in Relation to Subcontract Works
4.3 No Privity of Contract with Employer不能與雇主私下有約
4.4 Possible Effects of Subcontractor’s Breaches of Subcontract
Temporary Works, Contractor’s Equipment and/or Other Facilities (if Any)
5.1 Subcontractor’s Use of Temporary Works分包商使用臨時工程
5.2 Subcontractor’s Use of Contractor’s Equipment and/or Other Facilities (if any) in Common with Other Subcontractors
5.3 Subcontractor’s Exclusive Use of Contractor’s Equipment and/or Facilities (if Any)
5.4 Indemnification for Misuse of Temporary Works, Contractor’s Equipment and/or Other Facilities (if Any)
Site Working and Access現(xiàn)場工作和通道
6.1 Working Hours on Site; Subcontractor’s Compliance with Rules and Regulations
6.2 Availability of Site to Subcontractor and Access to Site
6.3 Subcontractor’s Obligation to Permit Access to Subcontract Works
Commencement and Completion開工和竣工
7.1Commencement of Subcontract Works; 分包工程的開工;
Subcontract’s Time for Completion分包商的竣工時間
7.2 Extension of Subcontractor’s Time for Completion分包商的竣工時間的延長
7.3 Contractor’s Obligation to Notify承包商有義務通知
Instructions and Decision指示和決定
8.1 Instruction and Decision under Main Contract根據(jù)主合同所做的指示和決定
8.2 Instruction under Subcontract根據(jù)分包合同所做的指示
9.1 Variation of Subcontract Works分包工程的變更
9.2 Instructions for Variation變更指示
Valuation of Variations變更的估價
10.1 Manner of Valuation估價的方式
10.2 Assessment of Value of Variation變更價值的估算
10.3 Valuation by Reference to Measurement under Main Contract
10.4 Quantity Estimated and Quantity Executed估算的工程量與實施的工程量
10.5 Day work計日工
Notices and Claims通知和索賠
11.1 Notices通知
11.2 Claims索賠
11.3 Effects of Failure to Give Notice未發(fā)出通知的影響
Subcontractor’s Equipment, Temporary Works and Materials
12.1 Incorporation by Reference以附注形式編入
13.1 Subcontractor’s Obligation to Indemnify分包商的保障義務
13.2 Contractor’s Obligation to Indemnify承包商的保障義務
Outstanding Work and Defects未完成的工作和缺陷
14.1 Subcontractor’s Obligation before Taking-Over移交前分包商的義務
14.2 Subcontractor’s Obligation after Taking-Over移交后分包商的義務
14.3 Defects Caused by Contractor’s Act or Default
15.1 Subcontractor’s obligation to Insure分包商辦理保險的義務
Contractor’s Obligation to Insure; Subcontract Works at Subcontractor’s Risk
Evidence of Insurance; Remedy on Failure to Insure
16.1 Subcontractor’s Monthly Statements分包商的月報表
16.2 Contractor’s Monthly Statements承包商的月報表
16.3 Payment Due; Payment Withheld or Deferred; Interest
16.4 Payment of Retention Money保留金的支付
16.5 Payment of Subcontract Price and Other Sums Due分包合同價格及其他應付款額的支付
16.6 Cessation of Contractor’s Liability承包商責任的終止
Termination of Main Contract主合同的終止
17.1 Termination of Subcontractor’s Employment對分包商雇用的終止
17.2 Payment after Termination終止后的付款
17.3 Termination of Main Contract in Consequence of Breach of Subcontract
Default of Subcontractor分包商的違約
18.1 Termination of Subcontract分包合同的終止
18.2 Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s Rights and Liabilities upon Termination
18.3 Contractor’s Powers承包商的權力
Settlement of Disputes爭端的解決
19.4 Amicable Settlement and Arbitration友好解決和仲裁
19.2 Dispute in Connection with or Arising out of Main Contract Touching or Concerning Subcontract Works
Notices and Instructions通知和指示
20.1 Giving of Notices and Instructions發(fā)出通知和指示
20.2 Change of Address地址的更改
Changes in Cost and Legislation費用及法規(guī)的變更
21.1 Increase or Decrease of Cost費用的增加或減少
21.2 Subsequent Legislation后續(xù)的法規(guī)
Currency and Rates of Exchange貨幣及匯率
22.1 Currency Restriction貨幣限制
22.2 Rates of Exchange匯率
第二部分 特殊應用條件編制指南
1 Definitions and Interpretation定義及解釋
2 General Obligations一般義務
3 Subcontract Document分包合同文件
4 Main Contract主合同
5 Temporary Works, Contract’s Equipment and/or Other Facilities (if Any)
6 Site Working and Access現(xiàn)場工作及通道
7 Commencement and Completion開工和竣工
12 Subcontractor’s Equipment, Temporary Works and Materials
14 Outstanding Work and Defects未完成的工作和缺陷
15 Insurances保險
16 Payment支付
19 Settlement of Disputes爭端的解決
22 Currency and Rates of Exchange貨幣及匯率
Definitions and Interpretation 定義及解釋 定義
1.1 In the Subcontract (as hereinafter defined) all words and expression shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Main Contract (as hereinafter defined), except where the context otherwise requires and except that the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
(a) (i) “Employer” means the person named as such in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract and the legal successors in title to, or assignees of, such person, as the Contractor shall notify the Subcontractor from time to time.
(ii) “Contractor” means the person named as such in Part II of the Conditions of the Subcontract and the legal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the Subcontractor) any assignee of such person.
(iii) “Subcontractor” means the person whose offer has been accepted by the Contractor and the legal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the Subcontractor) any assignee of such person.
(iv) “Engineer” means the person appointed by the Employer to act as Engineer for the purposes of the Main Contract and named as such in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract.
(b) (i) “Main Contract” means the contract entered into between the Employer and the contractor, Particulars of Which are given in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract.
(ii) “Subcontract” means the Conditions of Subcontract (Part I and II), the Subcontract Specification, the Subcontract Drawings, the Subcontract Bill of Quantities, the Subcontract’s Offer, the Contract’s Letter of Acceptance, the Subcontract Agreement (if completed) and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated in the Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance or Subcontract Agreement (if competed).
(iii) “Subcontract Specification” means the specification of the Subcontract Works included in the Subcontract and any modification thereof or addition thereto made pursuant to Clause 9.
(iv) “Subcontract Drawings” means all drawings, calculations and technical information of a like nature under the Subcontract.
(v) “Subcontract Bill of Quantities” means the priced and completed bill of quantities forming part of the Subcontractor’s Offer.
(vi) “Subcontractor’s Offer” means the Subcontractor’s priced offer to the Contractor for the execution and completion of the Subcontract Works and the remedying of any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the Subcontract, as accepted by the Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance.
(vii) “Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance” means the formal acceptance by the Contractor of the Subcontractor’s Offer.
(viii) “Subcontract Agreement” means the subcontract agreement (if any) referred to in Sub-Clause 3.3.
(ix) “Appendix to Subcontractor’s Offer” means the appendix comprised in the form of Subcontractor’s Offer annexed to the Conditions of Subcontract.
(x) “Conditions of Subcontract” means Parts I and II of the FIDIC “Conditions of Subcontract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (for use in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction, Forth Edition 1987 Reprinted 1922 with further amendments)”, 1994, as adapted by the Contractor and the Subcontractor and forming part of the Subcontract.
(xi) “Conditions of Main Contract” means Part I of the FIDIC “Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction, Forth Edition 1987 Reprinted 1922 with further amendments”, and Part II such Conditions as adapted by the Employer and the Contractor, which form part of the Main Contract.
(c) (i) “Subcontractor’s Commencement Date” means the time for completion of the Subcontract Works or any section thereof as stated in the Appendix to Subcontractor’s Offer (or as extended under Clause 7) calculated from the Subcontractor’s Commencement Date.
(ii) “Subcontractor’s Time for Completion” means the time for completion of the Subcontract Works or any Section thereof for the execution and completion of the Subcontract Works and the remedying of any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the Subcontract.
(d) “Subcontract Price” means the sum stated in the Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance as payable to the Subcontractor for the execution and completion of the Subcontract Works and the remedying of any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the Subcontract.
(e) (i) “Main Works” means the Works as defined in the Main Contract.
(ii) “Subcontract Works” means the Works described in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract.
(iii) “Subcontractor’s Equipment” means all appliances and things of whatsoever nature (other than Temporary Works) required for the execution and completion of the Subcontract Works and the remedying of any defects therein, but dose not include Plant, materials or other things intended to form or forming part of the Subcontract Works.
Headings and Marginal Notes標題和旁注
1.2 The headings and marginal notes in the Conditions of Subcontract shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Subcontract.
Interpretation 解釋
1.3 Words importing persons or parties shall include firms and corporations and any organization having legal capacity.
Singular and Plural單數(shù)和復數(shù)
1.4 Words importing the singular only also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires.
Notices, Consents, Approvals, Certificates, Confirmations and Determinations
1.5 Whatever in the Subcontract provision is made for the giving or issue of any notice, consent, approval, certificate, confirmation or determination by any person, unless otherwise specified such notice, consent, approval, certificate, confirmation or determination shall be in writing and the words “notify”, “certify”, “confirm” or determine” shall be construed accordingly. Any such notice, consent, approval, certificate, confirmation or determination shall not unreasonably be withheld or delayed.
Instruction in Writing 書面指示
1.6 Instructions given by the Contractor shall be in writing, provided that if for any reason the Contractor considers it necessary to give any such instruction orally, the Subcontractor shall comply with such instruction. Confirmation in writing of such oral instruction given by the Contractor, whether before or after carrying out of the instruction shall be deemed to be an instruction within the meaning of this Sub Clause. Provided further that if the Subcontractor, within 7 days, confirms in writing to the Contractor any oral instruction of the Contractor and such confirmation is not contradicted in writing within 7 days by the Contractor, it shall be deemed to be an instruction of the Contractor.
General Obligations一般義務
Subcontractor’s General Responsibilities分包商的一般責任
2.1 The Subcontractor shall, with due care and diligence, design (to the extent provided for by the Subcontract), execute and complete the Subcontract Works and remedy any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the Subcontract. The Subcontractor shall provide all superintendence, labor, materials, Plant, Subcontractor’s Equipment and all other things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for such design, execution, completion and remedying of any defects, so far as the necessity for providing the same is specified in or is reasonably to be inferred from the Subcontract, and except as otherwise agreed in accordance with Clause 5 and set out in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract.
The Subcontractor shall give prompt notice to the Contractor of any error, omission, fault or other defect in the design of or specification for the Subcontract Works which he discovers when reviewing the Subcontract and/or the Main Contract or executing the Subcontract Works.
Performance Security 履約保證
2.2 If the Subcontract requires the Subcontractor to obtain security for his proper performance of the Subcontract, he shall obtain and provide to the Contractor such security in the sum stated in the Appendix to Subcontractor’s Offer. Such security shall be in the form annexed to the Conditions of the Subcontract or in such form as may be agreed between the Contractor and the Subcontractor. The institution providing such security shall be subject to the approval of the Contractor. The cost of complying with the requirements of this Clause shall be borne by the Subcontractor, unless the Subcontract otherwise provides.
The performance security shall be valid until the Subcontractor has executed and completed the Subcontract Works and remedied any defects therein in accordance with the Subcontract. No claim shall be made against such security after the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate in respect of the Main Works and such security shall be returned to the Subcontractor within 28 days of the issue of the said Defect Liability Certificate.
Prior to making a claim under the performance security the Contractor shall, in every case, notify the Subcontractor stating the nature of the default in respect of which the claim is to be made.
Programme to be Submitted by Subcontractor分包商應提交的進度計劃
2.3 The Subcontractor shall, within the time stated in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract after the date of the Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance, submit to the Contractor for his consent a programme, in such form and detail as the Contractor shall reasonably prescribe, for the execution of the Subcontract Works. The Subcontractor shall, whenever required by the Contractor, also provide in writing for his information a general description of the arrangements and methods which the Subcontractor proposes to adopt for the execution of the Subcontract Works.
If at any time it should appear to the Contractor that the actual progress of the Subcontract Works does not conform to the programme to which consent has been given, the Subcontractor shall produce, at the request of the Contractor, a revised programme showing the modifications to such programme necessary to ensure completion of the Subcontract Works within the Subcontractor’s Time for Completion.
Assignment of Subcontract分包合同的轉讓
2.4 The Subcontractor shall not, without the prior consent of the Contractor (which consent, notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Clause 1.5, shall be at the sole discretion of the Contractor), assign the Subcontract or any part thereof, or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder, otherwise than by:
沒有承包商的事先同意(盡管有第1.5款的規(guī)定,此類同意也應由承包商自行決定), 分包商不得轉讓分包合同或分包合同的一部分,或合同中或合同名下的任何權益或利益,但下列情況除外:
(a) a charge in favour of the Subcontractor’s bankers of any monies due or to become due under the Subcontract, or
(b) assignment to the Subcontractor’s insurers (in cases where the insurers have discharged the Subcontractor’s loss or liability) of the Subcontractor’s right to obtain relief against any other party liable.
Sub- sub contracting再次分包
2.5 The Subcontractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Subcontract Works, nor shall he subcontract any part of the Subcontract Works without the prior consent of the Contractor. Any such consent shall not relieve the Subcontractor from any liability or obligation under the Subcontract and the Subcontractor shall be responsible for the acts, defaults and neglects of any of his subcontractors, including such subcontractor’s agents, servants or workmen as fully as if they were the acts, defaults or neglects of the Subcontractor, his agents, servants or workmen.
分包商不得將整個分包工程分包出去。沒有承包商的事先同意,分包商不得將分包工程的任何部分分包出去。任何此類同意均不解除分包合同規(guī)定的分包商的任何責任和義務。分包商應將其自己的任何分包商 (包括分包商的代理人、雇員或工人)的行為、違約或疏忽完全視為分包商自己及其代理人、雇員或工人的行為、違約或疏忽一樣,并為之完全負責。
Provided that the Subcontractor shall not be required to obtain such consent for:
(a) the provision of labor, or提供勞務, 或
(b) the purchase of materials which are in accordance with the standards specified in the Subcontract and/or the Main Contract.
In the event of a subcontractor having undertaken towards the Subcontractor in respect of the work executed, or the goods, materials, Plant or services supplied by such subcontractor, any continuing obligation extending for a period exceeding that of the Defects Liability Period under the Main Contract in respect of the Main Works or of the Section or Sections or part or parts thereof in which the Subcontract Works are comprised, as the case may be, the Subcontract shall at any time, after the expiration of such Period, assign to the Contractor, at the Contractor’s request and cost, the benefit of such obligation for the unexpired duration thereof.
Subcontract Documents分包合同文件
3.1 Unless otherwise stated in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract:
(a) the language or languages in which the Subcontract documents shall be drawn up shall be the same as the language or languages in which the Main Contract documents have been drawn up, and
用以擬定分包合同文件的語言應與用以擬定主合同文件的語言相同, 以及
(b) if the Subcontract documents are drawn up in more than one language, the Subcontract shall be construed and interpreted according the Ruling Language of the Main Contract.
Governing Law適用的法律
3.2 Unless otherwise stated in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract, the law of the country or state which applies to the Main Contract and according to which the Main Contract is construed shall also apply to the Subcontract and be the law according to which the Subcontract shall be construed.
Subcontract Agreement 分包含同協(xié)議書
3.3 The Subcontractor shall, if called upon so to do, enter into and execute the Subcontract Agreement, to be prepared and completed at the cost of the Contractor, in the form annexed to the Conditions of Subcontract with such modification as may be necessary.
Priority of Subcontract Documents 分包含同文件的優(yōu)先次序
3.4 The several documents forming the Subcontract, listed in the Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance or the Subcontract Agreement (if any), are to be taken as mutually explanatory or one another. Unless otherwise provided in the Subcontract, the priority of documents forming the Subcontract shall be as follows:
(1) The Subcontract Agreement (if any); 分包合同協(xié)議書(如有時);
(2) The Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance; 承包商發(fā)出的中標函;
(3) The Subcontractor’s Offer分包商的報價書;
(4) Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract; 分包合同條件第二部分;
(5) Part I of the Conditions of Subcontract; and分包合同條件第一部分;以及
(6) Any other document forming part of the Subcontract.
Main Contract 主合同
Subcontractor’s Knowledge of the Main Contract 分包商對主合同的了解
4.1 The Contractor shall make the Main Contract (other than the details of the Contractor’s prices thereunder as stated in the bill of quantities or schedules of rates and prices as the case may be) available for inspection to the Subcontractor and, if so requested by the Subcontractor, shall provide the Subcontractor with a true copy of the Main Contract (less such details of the Contractor’s prices), at the cost of the Subcontractor. The Contractor shall, in any event, provide the Subcontractor with a copy of the Appendix to Tender to the Main Contract together with Par t II of the Conditions of Main Contract and details of any other contract conditions which apply to the Main Contract which differs from Part I of the Conditions of Main Contract. The Subcontractor shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the provisions of the Main Contract (less such details of the Contractor’s prices).
Subcontractor’s Responsibilities in Relation to Sub-contract Works
4.2 Save where the provisions of the Subcontract otherwise require, the Subcontractor shall so design (to the extent provided for by the Subcontract), execute and complete the Subcontract Works and remedy any defects therein that no act or omission of his in relation thereto shall constitute, cause or contribute to any breach by the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Main Contract. The Subcontractor shall, save as aforesaid, assume and perform hereunder all the obligations and liabilities of the Contractor under the Main Contract in relation to the Subcontract Works.
No Privity of Contract with the Employer不能與雇主私下有約
4.3 Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any privy of contract between the Subcontractor and the Employer.
Possible Effects of Subcontractor’s Breaches of Subcontract
4.4 If the Subcontractor commits any breaches of the Subcontract, he shall indemnify the Contractor against any damages for which the Contractor becomes liable under the Main Contract as a result of such breaches. In such event, the Contractor may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct such damages from monies otherwise becoming due to the subcontractor.
Temporary Works, Contractor’s Equipment and/or Other Facilities (if Any)
Subcontractor’s Use of Temporary Works分包商使用臨時工程
5.1 Unless otherwise stated in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract, the Contractor shall not be required to provide or retain any Temporary Works for the Subcontractor. However, the Contractor shall permit the Subcontractor, in common with the Contractor and/or such other subcontractors as the Contractor may allow, for the purpose of executing and completing the Subcontract Works and remedying any defects therein, to use such Temporary Works as are from time to time provided by the Contractor in connection with the Main Works. No such permission shall impose any liability upon the Contractor in respect of the use of such Temporary Works by the Subcontractor, his agents, servants or workmen, nor relieve the Subcontractor of any statutory or other obligation to test or inspect the Temporary Works to be used by his agents, servants or workmen or to provide suitable Temporary Works for their use.
Subcontractor’s Use of Contractor’s Equipment and/or Other Facilities (if Any) in Common with Other Subcontractors
5.2 The Contractor shall provide at the Site the Contractor’s Equipment and/or other facilities (if any) specified in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract and shall permit the Subcontractor, in common with the Contractor and/or such other subcontractors as the Contractor may allow, to have the use thereof for the purposes of executing and completing the Subcontract Works but not of remedying any defects therein, upon such terms and conditions (if any) as specified in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract.
承包商應在現(xiàn)場提供分包合同條件第二部分所指定的承包商的設備和 (或)其他設施(如有時)。并且,根據(jù)分包合同條件第二部分有關條款(如有時),允許分包商與承包商和(或)承包商可能許可的其他分包商一起,為分包工程的實施和竣工(但不包括修補其中任何缺陷)使用承包商的設備和其他設施(如有時)。
Subcontractor’s Use of Contractor’s Equipment
5.3 The Contractor shall also provide for the exclusive use by the Subcontractor of the Contractor’s Equipment and/or other facilities (if any) specified in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract upon such terms and conditions (if any) as are specified therein.
Subcontractor’s Exclusive Use of Contractor’s Equipment and/or Other Facilities (if Any)
5.4 The Subcontractor shall indemnify the Contractor against any damages arising from the misuse by the Subcontractor, his agents, servants or workmen, of Temporary Works, Contractor’s Equipment and /or facilities provided for his use by the Contractor.
Site Working and Access現(xiàn)場工作和通道
Working Hours on Site; Subcontractor’s Compliance with Rules and Regulations
6.1 The Subcontractor shall observe the working hours of the Contractor as contained in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract, unless otherwise agreed, and shall comply with all rules and regulations governing the execution of the work, the arrival at and the departure from the Site of materials and Subcontractor’s Equipment and storage materials and Subcontractor’s Equipment on the Site.
Availability of Site to Subcontractor and Access to Site為分包商程供現(xiàn)場和現(xiàn)場通道
6.2 The Contractor shall, from time to time, make available to the Subcontractor so much of the Site and such access as may be required to enable the Subcontractor to proceed with the execution of the Subcontract Works with due dispatch in accordance with the Subcontract.
The Contractor shall not be bound to make available exclusively to the Subcontractor any part of the Site, unless otherwise stated in Part II of the Conditions of Subcontract.
Subcontractor’s Obligation to Permit Access of Subcontract Works
6.3 The Subcontractor shall permit the Contractor, the Engineer, and any person authorized by either of them, to have reasonable access, during working hours, to the Subcontract Works and to the places on the Site where any work or materials therefor are being executed, prepared or stored. The Subcontractor shall also permit or procure reasonable access for the Contractor, the Engineer, and any person authorized by either of them, to such places off the Site where work is being executed or prepared by or on behalf of the Subcontractor in connection with the Subcontract Works.
Commencement and Completion開工和竣工
Commencement of Subcontracts Works; Subcontractor’s Time for Completion
7.1 The Subcontractor shall commence the Subcontract Works within 14 days, or such other period as may be agreed in writing, after the receipt by him of a notice to this effect from the Contractor, which notice shall be issued within the time stated in the Appendix to Subcontractor’s Offer after the date of the Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance.
Thereafter, the Subcontractor shall proceed with the Subcontract Works with due expedition and without delay, except such as may be expressly sanctioned or instructed by the Contractor. The Subcontract Works and, if applicable, any Section required to be completed within a particular time as stated in the Appendix to Subcontractor’s Offer shall be completed within the time for completion stated in the Appendix to Subcontractor’s Offer for the Subcontract Works or the Section (as the case may be), calculated from the Subcontractor’s Commencement Date, or such extended time as may be allowed under Sub-Clause 7.2.
Extension of Subcontractor’s Time for Completion分包商的竣工時間的延長
7.2 If the Subcontractor shall be delayed in the execution of the Subcontract Works or, if applicable, any Section thereof by any:
(a) circumstance in regard to which the Contractor is entitled to receive from the Engineer an extension of his time for completion of the Main Works under the Main Contract,
(b) instruction pursuant to Sub-Clause 8.2 to which paragraph (a) of this Sub-Clause does not apply, or
(c) breach of the Subcontract by the Contractor or for which the Contractor is responsible,then in any such event that Subcontractor shall be entitled to such extension of the Subcontractor’s Time for Completion of the Subcontract Works or such Section thereof as may in all the circumstances be fair and reasonable.
承包商違反分包合同或由承包商負責的情況, 則在上述任一情況下,分包商有權為其分包工程或其任何區(qū)段獲得公平合理的竣工時間的延長。
Provided that the Subcontractor shall not be entitled to such extension of time unless he has submitted to the Contractor notice of the circumstances which are delaying him within 14 days of such delay first occurring together with detailed particulars in justification of the extension of time claimed in order that the claim may be investigated at the time and, in any case to which paragraph (a) of this Sub-Clause applies, the extension shall not in any event exceed the extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under the Main Contract.
Provided also that, where an event has a continuing effect such that it is not practicable for the Subcontractor to submit detailed particulars within the period of 14 days referred to in this Sub-Clause, he shall nevertheless be entitled to an extension of time provided that has submitted to the Contractor interim particulars at intervals of not more than 14 days and final particulars within 14 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event.
Contractor’s Obligation to Notify 承包商有義務通知
7.3 The Contractor shall promptly notify the Subcontractor of all extensions of time obtained under the provisions of the Main Contract which affect the Subcontract.
Instructions and Decisions指示和決定
Instructions and Decisions under the Main Contract根據(jù)主合同所做的指示和決定
8.1 Subject to Clause 9, the Subcontractor shall in relation to the Subcontract Works comply with all instructions and decisions of the Engineer which are notified and confirmed to him as an instruction by the Contractor, irrespective of whether such instructions and decisions were validly given under the Main Contract. The Subcontractor shall have the like rights (if any) to payment from the Contractor in respect of such compliance as the Contractor has against the Employer under the Main Contract. Further, if any such instruction or decision notified and confirmed as aforesaid is invalidly or incorrectly given by the Engineer under the Main Contract, then the Subcontractor shall be entitled to recover such costs as may be reasonable (if any) from the Contractor of complying therewith to the extent that such costs were not caused or contributed to by any breach of the Subcontract by the Subcontractor.
Instructions under Subcontract根據(jù)分包合同所做的指示
8.2 The Subcontractor shall take instructions only from the Contractor. The Contractor shall have the like authority in relation to the Subcontract Works to give instructions as the Engineer has in relation to the Main Works under the Main Contract. The Subcontractor shall have the like obligations to abide by and comply therewith and the like rights in relation thereto as the Contractor has under the Main Contract. The said authority of the Contractor shall be exercisable in any case irrespective whether the Engineer has exercised like authority in relation thereto under the Main Contract.
Variations變 更
Variations of Sub-contract Works 分包工程的變更
9.1 The Subcontractor shall only make such variations of the Subcontract Works, whether by way of alteration, addition ,or omission, as may be instructed by:
(a)the Engineer under the Main Contract and notified and confirmed as an instruction to the Subcontractor by the Contractor, or
(b)the Contractor承包商作出的指示。
Any instruction relating to the Subcontract Works which is given by the Engineer under the Main Contract and constitutes a variation thereunder shall be deemed to constitute a variation of the Subcontract Works, if notified and confirmed by the Contractor in accordance with paragraph (a) of this Sub-Clause.
Instructions for Variations變更指示
9.2 The Subcontractor shall not act upon an unconfirmed instruction for the variation of the Subcontract Works which is directly received by him from the Employer or the Engineer. If the Subcontractor shall receive any such direct instruction, he shall forthwith inform the Contractor thereof and shall supply the Contractor with a copy of such direct instruction, in given in writing. The Subcontractor shall only act upon such instruction as directed in writing by the Contractor, but the Contractor shall give his directions thereon promptly.
9.2 Valuation of Variations變更的估價
Manner of Valuation估價的方式
10.1 All variations of the Subcontract Works shall be valued in the manner provided by this Clause and the value thereof shall be added to or deducted from the Subcontract Price, as appropriate.
Assessment of Value of Variations 變更價值的估算
10.2 The value of all variations shall be ascertained by reference to the rates and prices (if any) specified in the Subcontract for the like or analogous work, but if there are no such rates and prices, or if they are inappropriate or inapplicable, then such value shall be such as is fair and reasonable.
Valuation by Reference to Measurement under Main Contract參照主合同的測量進行估價
10.3 Where a variation of the Subcontract Works, which also constitutes a variation under the Main Contract, is measured by the Engineer thereunder, then provided that the rates and prices in the Subcontract permit such variation to be valued by reference to measurement the Contractor shall permit the Subcontractor to attend any measurement made on behalf of the Engineer. Such measurements made under the Main Contract shall also constitute the measurement of the variation for the purposes of the Subcontract and such variation shall be valued accordingly.
Quantity Estimated and Quantity Executed 估算的工程量與實施的工程量
10.4 The quantities set out in the Subcontract Bill of Quantities are the estimated quantities for the Subcontract Works, and they are not to be taken as the actual and correct quantities of the Subcontract Works to be executed by the Subcontractor in fulfillment of his obligations under the Subcontract.
No instructions shall be required for increase or decrease in the quantity of any work where such increase or decrease is not the result of an instruction given under Clause 9, but is the result of the quantities exceeding or being less than those stated in the Subcontract Bill of Quantities.
Day work 計日工
10.5 Where the Subcontractor has been instructed by the Contractor to carry out work on a daywork basis the Subcontractor shall be paid for such work at the rates and prices specified in the daywork schedule included in the Subcontract.
Notices and Claims通知和索賠
11.1 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 4, and unless otherwise stated in the Conditions of Subcontract, whenever the Contractor is required by the terms of the Main Contract to give any notice or other information to the Engineer or to the Employer, or to keep contemporary records, the Subcontractor shall in relation to the Subcontract Works give a similar notice or such other information in writing to the Contractor and keep contemporary records as will enable the Contractor to comply with such terms of the Main Contract. The Subcontractor shall do so in sufficient time to enable the Contractor to comply with such terms punctually.
Provided always that the Subcontractor shall be excused any non-compliance with this Sub-Clause for so long as he neither knew nor ought to have known of the Contractor’s need of any such notice or information from him or such contemporary records.
11.2 Subject to the Subcontractor’s complying with this Sub-Clause, the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to secure from the Employer (including the Engineer) such contractual benefits (including additional payments, extensions of time, or both), if any, as may be claimable in accordance with the Main Contract on account of any adverse physical obstructions or physical conditions or any other circumstances that may be encountered during the execution of the Subcontract Works. The Subcontractor shall, in sufficient time, afford the Contractor all information and assistance that may be required to enable the Contractor to claim such contractual benefits. On receiving any such contractual benefits from the Employer, the Contractor shall pass on to the Subcontractor such proportion thereof as may in all the circumstances be fair and reasonable, it being understood that, in the case of any claim of the Contractor for an additional payment, the Contractor’s receipt of payment thereof from the Employer shall be a condition precedent to the Contractor’s liability to the Subcontractor in respect of such claim. The Contractor shall notify the Subcontractor regularly of his steps to secure such contractual benefit and to the Contractor’s receipt thereof. Save as provided in this Sub-Clause, or in Sub-Clause 7.2, the Contractor shall have no liability to the Subcontractor in respect of any obstruction, condition or circumstance that may be encountered during the execution of the Subcontract Works. The Subcontractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Subcontract Price to cover the provision and doing by him of all things necessary for the performance of his obligations under the Subcontract. Provided always that nothing in this Clause shall prevent the Subcontractor from claiming against the Contract for delays in the execution to the Subcontract Works, or other circumstances, caused by the act or default of the Contractor.
在分包工程實施過程中,如果分包商遇到了任何不利的外界障礙或外部條件或任何其他情況而由此按主合同可能進行索賠時,則在分包商遵守本款規(guī)定的情況下,承包商應采取一切合理步驟從雇主(工程師)處獲得可能的此類合同方面的利益(包括追加付款,延長工期,或二者均有)。分包商應花費足夠的時間,向承包商提供所有為使承包商能就此合同方面的利益進行索賠所要求的材料和幫助。當承包商從雇主處得到任何此類合同方面的利益時,承包商應將在所有情況下公平合理的那一部分轉交給分包商。此處還應如此理解,即:如果承包商索賠一筆追加付款,則承包商從雇主處得到該筆款項應作為承包商就該索賠向分包商承擔責任的先決條件。承包商應定期將他為獲得此合同方面的利益而采取的步驟以及他得到該利益的情況通知分包商。除本款或第7.2款中的規(guī)定外,承包商對分包商在其分包工程的施工過程中可能遇到的任何障礙、條件或情況均不負任何責任。分包商應被認為他已清楚地了解了分包合同價格的正確性和充分性。該價格包括了分包商為履行分包合同規(guī)定的義務所提供的一切必要物品及承擔的一切必要工作。 始終規(guī)定,本款中的任何內(nèi)容都不應阻止分包商就由于承包商的行為或違約所造成的分包工程施工的延誤或其他情況而向承包商提出索賠。