

This agreement is made on the day of ______
Party A:(As the party of General Contractor of the Work, hereinafter referred to as party A)
Party B:(As the party of Sub-Contractor, hereinafter referred to as party B)
WHEREAS PART A is constructing and desirous to sub-contract out some of his works, PART B has agreed to carry out the said works of sub-contractor with terms and conditions set out hereunder.
1.PART B agrees to provide all necessary labors and management therewith for completing the said works.
2.PART B has to finish the works in quality, quantity and time required by PART A.
3.PART B has to follow the instruction from Part A’s site Supervisor.
4.PART B shall be responsible for all the materials provided by PART A (including steel panel, steel pipe, clip for steel panel, clamp for steel pipe, timbers, plywood etc but not limited to these), he has to return all the materials given to him, he has to handle with care these materials to avoid damage. PART A will deduct from his sub-contracting fee the cost for the materials lost or damaged by misuse.
5.PART B shall be responsible for the tools given to them, and has to return all these tools after the completion of the works. New tools will be given upon return of old tools during the works. PART A will deduct from his sub-contracting fee the cost for the tools lost or damaged by misuse. 乙方應(yīng)對所有提供給他的工具負(fù)責(zé)并在完成工程后歸還這些工具。工具施行交舊換新。甲方將從分包費(fèi)中扣除丟失或由于不當(dāng)使用損壞的工具的費(fèi)用。
6.PART B shall submit PART A his personnel list and payroll sheet for PART A’s approval.
7.PART A will pay the items of works as follows:
a) The price of excavating foundation pit by labors including clearance: _______ Yuan        RMB per cubic meter.
人工開挖基礎(chǔ),包括清理,工價為:每立方米為人民幣     元。
b) The price of installation and removing steel and/or plywood formworks; fixing and removing scaffold including fabrication, loading, carrying, off-loading and all other necessary works:______ Yuan RMB per cubic meter.
鋼木模板安裝拆卸,包括加工、裝卸、運(yùn)輸以及其他必要的工作,工價為:每立方米     元人民幣。
c) The price of casting in place any grade of concrete by labors including mixing, transporting raw material from base camp and ready-mixed concrete to spot, casting in place and curing : __________ Yuan RMB per cubic meter
 澆注自拌混凝土,包括拌合、原材料運(yùn)輸、孰料運(yùn)輸、入倉、養(yǎng)護(hù),工價為:每立方米   元人民幣。
d) The price of strengthening, Cutting and bending iron rod:_______ Yuan RMB per ton.
鋼筋下料及加工,每噸工價為:      元人民幣。
The price of installing iron rod (including transporting iron rod from base camp:_______per ton.
鋼筋綁扎,包括運(yùn)輸,每噸工價為:      元人民幣。
NB:Standard weight of various sizes of iron rod. 各種鋼筋標(biāo)準(zhǔn)重量
(i) 6mm                 0.222 kg/m
(ii) 8mm                0.395kg/m
(iii)10mm              0.617kg/m
(iv)12mm                  0.888kg/m
(v)16mm            1.58kg/m
(vi)20mm                  2.468kg/m
(vii)25mm             3.856kg/m
(viii)32mm             6.318kg/m
8.Payment will be made based on work progress at an interval of one month, or agreed by both party otherwise.
9.PART A will provide the necessary materials such as cement, sand, aggregate, formwork, pipe, clip, clamp, carpenter wire, iron rod, binding wire, and tools etc..
10.Any taxes or duties levied by concerned authorities will be PART B’s responsibilities and will be deducted from payment due to him.
11.Safety Procedures  安全措施
The Sub-contractor shall: 乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)做到:
(a)Comply with all applicable safety regulations, 遵守所有適用的安全規(guī)定
(b)Take care for the safety of all persons entitled to be on the site,
(c)Use reasonable efforts to keep the Site and Works clear of unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger to these persons,
Should either of the parties of the Contract be prevented from executing the Contract by Force Majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire and war and other unforeseen events, shall notify the other party by a written notice without any delay. Both parties shal1,through consultations, decide whether to terminate the Contract or to exempt the part of obligations for implementation of the Contract or whether to delay the execution of the Contract according to the effects of the events on the performance of the Contract.
13.Any disputes arising form the execution of or in connection with the contract shall be settled through mutual consultations between the parties thereto. In case no settlement can be reached through consultations, the disputes in question shall be submitted for arbitration. The cost of arbitration shall be borne by the losing party.
14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written. 
Party A:                                     Party B:
Signature and seal:               Signature and seal: 
