第2條 董事會的職責Article 2 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors 2.1 董事會為公司的最高權力機構,有權決定公司戰(zhàn)略政策的相關事宜。董事會應當監(jiān)督公司的事務,并就公司活動的適當組織做出安排。董事會的工作為非執(zhí)行性的,即董事會成員不應干涉
第2條 董事會的職責Article 2 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
2.1 董事會為公司的最高權力機構,有權決定公司戰(zhàn)略政策的相關事宜。董事會應當監(jiān)督公司的事務,并就公司活動的適當組織做出安排。董事會的工作為非執(zhí)行性的,即董事會成員不應干涉合資公司的日常業(yè)務經營。董事會應授權管理委員會/總經理按照管理規(guī)章或董事會制定的其他規(guī)章制度管理公司的日常業(yè)務。
2.1 The Board of Directors shall be the highest authority of the Company and shall decide the strategic policy issues of the Company. The Board of Directors shall supervise the affairs of the Company and shall arrange for the proper organiza¬tion of its activities. The tasks of the Board of Directors are non-executive, i. e. no individual member of the Board of Directors shall interfere in the day-to-day business operations of the JV-Company. The Board of Directors shall empower the Management Board / General Manager to manage the daily business of the Company in accordance with the Management By-Laws or other regulations issued by the Board of Directors.
2.2.1 董事會應當決定:2.2.1 The Board of Directors shall decide
a) 公司的年度財務報表,包括資產負債表、損益表、與公司在相關會計年度的活動有關的報告、針對法定基金做出的分配等。
a) the annual financial statements of the Company, including balance sheet, profit and loss statement, report on the Company’s activities during the financial year, as well as allocation to statutory funds etc.
b) 公司的以下戰(zhàn)略事宜:商業(yè)政策、規(guī)劃和預算,如:
b) the following strategic issues of the Company: business policy, planning, and budget, i.e.
• 整體商業(yè)政策overall business policy
• 戰(zhàn)略與運營規(guī)劃,包括strategic and operative planning including
- 商業(yè)計劃/預算business plan/budget
- 投資計劃investment plan
- 產品與生產計劃product and production plan
- 研究計劃research programme
財務規(guī)劃等finance planning; as well as
c) 公司運營過程中發(fā)生的實質偏離上文第a)項和第b)項列出的各項預算和規(guī)劃的情況。
c) any substantial deviations from the respective budgets and planning listed in a) and b) above during the operations of the Company.
2.2.2 在董事會在上文第2.2.1條項下尚未批準(或未在董事會批準的計劃或預算中說明)的范圍內,董事會還應決定以下事項【注:根據各個項目的要求確定】:
2.2.2 To the extent not already approved by the Board of Directors under Article 2.2.1 above (or specified in a plan or budget approved by the Board of Directors), the Board of Directors shall furthermore decide the following matters [NOTE: to be determined according to the requirements of the individual project.]:
[a) 修訂公司的公司章程。
[a) Amendment of the Articles of Association of the Company.
b) 劃撥及分配公司的利潤。
b) Allocation and distribution of profits of the Company.
c) 增加、減少、轉讓或以其他方式變更公司的注冊資本。
c) Increase, decrease, other modifications or assignment of registered capital of the Company.
d) 兼并、終止或解散公司,但本合資經營合同的條款【單方終止】規(guī)定的情況除外。
d) Merger, termination or dissolution of the Company other than provided in Article [unilateral termination] of this Joint Venture Contract.
e) 【金額超過董事會不時決定的數額/金額超過【 】】的資本支出(投資)與公司資產出售。
e) Capital expenditures (investments) and sale of assets of the Company [exceeding a value as decided by the Board of Directors from time to time/exceeding a value of […]].
f) 收購、出售其他公司的權益(包括設立新公司);任命、撤銷該等公司的管理機構。
f) Acquisition and sale of interests in other companies (including setting-up of new companies); appointment and dismissal of the governing bodies of such companies.
g) 設立、收購、關閉公司【金額超過董事會不時決定的數額/金額超過【 】】的分支機構、辦事處和其他機構。
g) Setting-up, acquisition and closing of branches, offices and other facilities of the Company [exceeding a value as decided by the Board of Directors from time to time/exceeding a value of […]].
h) 金額超過董事會不時決定的數額的項目,或者對公司具有根本重要性的項目,包括公司的任何合資項目。
h) Projects exceeding a value as decided by the Board of Directors from time to time or of funda¬mental importance for the Company including any joint venture projects of the Company.
i) 訂立、終止或實質性地變更對公司具有重要意義且與以下交易相關的合同:
i) Conclusion, termination or substantial modification of contracts of impor¬tance for the Company relating to the following transactions:
• 授信【金額超過董事會不時決定的數額/金額超過【 】】;
granting credits [exceeding a value as decided by the Board of Directors from time to time/exceeding a value of […]];
• 獲得信用額度【金額超過董事會不時決定的數額/金額超過【 】】;
obtaining credits [exceeding a value as decided by the Board of Directors from time to time/exceeding a value of […]];
• 為第三方的債務出具擔保/保證或承擔類似的責任;
issuing securities/guarantees or accepting similar liabilities for debts of third parties;
• 收購或出售/轉讓不動產(包括土地使用權),或在不動產上創(chuàng)設權利負擔;
acquisition or sale/assignment of real property including land use rights or granting encumbrances on real property;
• 期限超過【 】或年租金【金額超過董事會不時決定的數額/金額超過【 】】的租賃合同;
lease contracts exceeding a term of […] or with an annual rent [exceeding a value as decided by the Board of Directors from time to time/exceeding a value of […]];
• 涉及技術或商業(yè)專有技術、專利、商標或其他知識產權的許可或轉讓/讓與的合同,或者關于技術合作的合同;
contracts involving the licensing or transfer/assignments of technical or commercial know-how, patents, trademarks or other intellectual property rights or regarding technical cooperation;
• 【金額超過董事會不時決定的數額/金額超過【 】】或期限為一年或一年以上,且授予排他經銷權的銷售和經銷合同;
sale and distribution contracts [exceeding a value as decided by the Board of Directors from time to time/exceeding a value of […]] or having a term of one year or more and granting exclusive distribution rights;
• 公司與任何一方或雙方的任何關聯(lián)公司簽訂的【金額超過董事會不時決定的數額/金額超過【 】】的任何協(xié)議;及
any agreement between the Company and any of the Parties or their Affiliated Companies [exceeding a value as decided by the Board of Directors from time to time/exceeding a value of […]]; and
• 公司正常業(yè)務范圍以外的其他所有協(xié)議。
all other agreements outside the scope of the normal business of the Company.
• 公司與其他任何人士簽訂的控制協(xié)議以及損益轉讓協(xié)議。
Control agreements and profit and loss transfer agreements of the Company with any other person.
j) 人力資源j) Human resources:
• 影響公司整體的重要人力事項與原則性問題(如薪酬原則與社會政策、員工規(guī)劃等,包括年度外籍員工規(guī)劃,針對公司的養(yǎng)老金和其他員工相關的基金做出的分配);及
important personnel matters which affect the Company as a whole and questions of principle (e.g. remuneration principles and social policy, personnel planning including annual expatriate planning, allocations to the Company’s pension and other personnel-related funds); and
• 任命(包括決定雇傭條款)并撤銷 :
appointment (including employment terms) and dismissal of
- 管理委員會成員(包括指定總裁/首席執(zhí)行官和執(zhí)行副總裁)/總經理和副總經理
members of the Management Board (including designation of the president/chief executive officer and executive vice president) /General Manager and Deputy General Manager
- 重要的子公司(如有)的董事會和管理委員會成員。
members of the board of directors and the management board of important subsidiary companies, if any.
k) 設立影響公司整體的結構性組織,以及對該等結構性組織作出影響公司整體的重要變更(如設立管理委員會下屬的第一級永久職位)。
k) establishment and important alterations of the structural organization affecting the Company as a whole (e.g. setting-up of permanent positions at first level below the Management Board).
l) 影響公司整體的其他重要原則和指導方針(如適用的財務和會計原則、公關政策、環(huán)保指南、IT結構和標準、保險政策)。
l) Other important principles and guidelines which affect the Company as a whole (e.g. applicable financial and accounting principles, public relations policy, environmental guidelines, IT-structure and standards, insurance policy).
m) 通過并修訂管理規(guī)章和/或【管理委員會/管理辦公室】的其他內部條例,包括有關代表公司簽字的權力的條例。
m) Adoption and amendment of the Management by-Laws and/or other internal rules for the [Management Board/Management Office] including rules concerning the authority to sign on behalf of the Company.
n) 任命并撤銷公司的法定審計師。
n) Appointment and dismissal of the statutory auditor of the Company.
o) 中國法律、公司章程或本合資經營合同指定給董事會的其他事項。
o) Any other matter assigned by the Chinese Laws, the Articles of Association or this Joint Venture Contract to the Board of Directors.
p) 公司業(yè)務的范圍或性質的實質變更,包括開始新的產品線和/或服務線,或停止已有的產品線和/或服務線。
p) Substantial changes in the scope or character of the Company’s business including start-up of new or discontinuation of product and/or service lines.
q) 產品和營銷戰(zhàn)略,包括定價政策。
q) Product and marketing strategy, including pricing policy.
r) 與公司的爭議相關,且涉及金額超過【 】的決定(包括但不限于法律行動、和解、棄權等),但有關收款的程序除外。
r) Decisions (including but not limited to legal actions, settlements, waivers etc.) in relation to disputes of the Company with an amount involved of more than […], but with the exception of collection proceedings.
s) 委托管理委員會/管理辦公室行使董事會的職能,包括簽發(fā)授權委托書。
s) delegation of competencies of the Board of Directors to the Management Board/Management Office including granting power of attorney.
t) 法定數目的董事會成員中的多數認為對公司具有實質重要性的其他任何事項?!?/p>
t) Any other matter considered by the majority of the statutory number of directors of the Board of Di¬rectors as of substantial importance for the Company.]
【除第2.2.2 e)條外,術語“金額超過”包括總額超過相應數額的事項?!?/p>
[With the exception of Article 2.2.2 e) above, the term ”exceeding a value” shall include matters the aggregate amount of which exceeds the respective value.]
2.3 在法律允許的范圍內,董事會可隨時將工作分配給【管理委員會/管理辦公室】完成。
2.3 The Board of Directors may, at any time and to the extent legally permissible, assign tasks to the [Management Board/Management Office] for fulfilment.
第3條 董事會會議和董事會決議
Article 3 Meetings and Resolutions of the Board of Directors
3.1 【 】位董事【注:目前的法定要求為全部董事的2/3】出席或經人代表出席董事會會議即表明該董事會會議有效召開并達到法定人數。如果任何董事無法出席董事會會議,該董事可通過書面委托書指定另一位董事或第三人代替其出席董事會會議,并代表其投票。如果任何適當召集的董事會會議未能達到法定人數,則董事長或副董事長可提前七(7)天發(fā)送通知,再次召集董事會會議。該次董事會會議的議程應與前次相同,并且無論出席該次董事會會議的董事人數如何,或者有幾方在該次董事會會議上被代表,該次董事會會議均有權就上述議程中說明的事項通過決定。
3.1 Meetings of the Board of Directors are validly held and a quorum is present as long as […] directors [NOTE: statutorily at the moment 2/3] are present or rep¬resented in the meeting. If a director is unable to attend a meeting, such director may designate by written proxy another director or a third person to attend the meeting in his place and to vote on his behalf. If at any properly convened meeting, no quorum is constituted, the Chairman or the Vice Chairman may call another meeting with 7 (seven) days' notice with the same agenda, such meeting being entitled to adopt decisions on matters set out in such agenda regardless of the number of directors present or the Parties represented in such meeting.
3.2 董事會應每年召開至少一次會議【注:目前的法定要求是每年至少召開一次會議,須根據不同項目的特定要求進行調整】。應所有董事中【 】位董事【注:目前的法定要求為至少全部董事的1/3】的書面請求,臨時董事會會議應在收到該書面請求后二十一(21)日內由董事長召集,或者如果董事長不履行該請求,則由副董事長召集。董事會會議可在公司的法定地址或者董事長和副董事長約定的其他地址召開。
3.2 The Board of Directors shall meet at least once annually [Note: statutourily at the moment at least once per year and subject to specific requirements of individual project]. Upon written request by […] of the directors [NOTE: statutorily at the moment at least 1/3] of the total number of directors, interim meetings shall be con¬vened within 21 (twenty-one) days upon receipt of such written request by the Chairman or, if the Chairman does not comply with such request, by the Vice Chairman. The meetings shall be held either at the place of the legal address of the Com¬pany or other places agreed upon by the Chairman and the Vice Chiairman.
The meetings shall be convoked and presided over by the Chairman or in his absence by the Vice Chairman with one-month prior written notice. The notice shall contain the agenda and be accompanied by supporting documents. A Board of Directors meeting held without proper notice having been given to any director shall be invalid unless the directors concerned deliver a written waiver of notice to the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Working lan¬guage of the Board of Directors shall be English. The Company shall provide Chinese – English translator(s), if necessary. Resolutions shall be passed and minutes of all meetings shall be set up in the English and Chinese language and signed by all of the directors and their proxies who attended the meeting. Both language versions are equally effective.
Upon agreement of all directors in office, meetings may be held in the form of written or email correspondence or telephone or video conference and in these cases resolutions may be taken in writing signed by all directors in office (circular resolutions).
3.3 董事應始終盡其最大努力,以就將由董事會決定的所有事項達成共識。
3.3 The directors shall exercise at all times their best efforts to reach a common un¬derstanding in all matters to be decided by the Board of Directors.
a) 根據本合資經營合同或者商議決議時強制適用的任何成文法的規(guī)定,應由所有董事一致同意的任何事項都需要出席董事會會議的所有董事的一致同意。在本合資經營合同簽署時,以下事項依法要求董事一致同意:
a) Any matters which require unanimous consent of all directors according to this Joint Venture Contract or mandatory statutory law applicable at the time of the resolution shall require the unanimous consent of all directors present. At the signing of this Joint Venture Contract, the following matters statutorily require unanimous consent:
• 修訂公司的公司章程;amendment of the Articles of Association of the Company;
• 終止、解散公司,但依據第【 】條的規(guī)定終止、解散公司除外;
termination and dissolution of the Company, other than set out in Article […];
• 增加或減少公司的注冊資本;及
increase or reduction of the registered capital of the Company; and
• 公司的合并或分立。merger or division of the Company.
b) 如果在相關的董事會會議上,各董事無法就以上事項達成共識,則董事會的決定須要求出席或經人代表出席相關董事會會議的所有董事中的多數董事贊成,但中國法律要求決定僅可在更高比例的董事贊成或所有董事一致同意的情況下做出除外。
b) In such cases where a common understanding cannot be reached during the respective meeting, decisions of the Board of Directors shall require the affirmative vote of the majority of the total number of directors present or represented in the respective meeting, unless higher percentage or unanimous decisions of directors are required by Chinese Law.
3.4 僵局條款:3.4 Deadlock-Provisions:
可選方案一:Option 1:
If a vote on any resolution results in a tie, the directors shall promptly endeavour to resolve the matter through further consultations. Any director shall have the right to request a meeting for a second vote on the matter after seven days have elapsed from the first vote. If the second vote also results in a tie, the Chairman or the Vice Chairman may refer the matter to the highest executive officer or organ of both Parties within fifteen days from the second vote, which shall endeavour to agree on a resolution of the matter, which resolution shall be resubmitted to and adopted by the Board of Di¬rectors.
可選方案二:Option 2:
Option 2a) Deadlock in respect of all Board of Directors Matters
[If, with respect to a specific voting item, the required majority is not achieved by the Board of Directors in a Board of Directors Meeting in accordance with above Article 3.3, then each director has the right to request a new voting on the same item. Such new voting shall occur within one month commencing from the date of the last voting.]
Option 2b) Deadlock in Specific and Selected Cases
[If, with respect to a specific voting item set out in [___] of Article 2.2.2 above, the required majority is not achieved by the Board of Directors in a Board of Directors Meeting in accordance with above Article 3.3, then each director has the right to request a new voting on the same item. Such new voting shall occur within one month commencing from the date of the last voting.]
可選方案二a)和二b):Option 2a) and 2b):
If in the second voting the required majority is not achieved the respective upper management of each Party shall be asked for a final decision according to which the Board of Directors members appointed by the Parties shall exercise their voting right.
若雙方的高級管理層未能在第二次表決后三十(30)日內作出最終決定,則雙方應在十(10)日內彼此協(xié)商并就其任何一方是否有意購買另一方股份作出表示。若任何一方均無意購買股份,則每一方應有權要求根據本合資經營合同第XXX章解散公司。若任何一方有意購買股份,則另一方應有義務出售該等股份,且應根據本合資經營合同第XXX條確定購買價格。若雙方均有意購買股份,則每一方應提交一個載明其擬購買價格的密封信封,向另一方作出不可撤銷的要約。購買價格要約較高的一方應自動有權購買股份,且另一方應有義務按照上述價格出售股份。根據本條履行的股份購銷交易應在提交要約后[ ]月內完成,且雙方承諾履行任何所需的行動。
If the upper management of the Parties cannot reach a final decision within 30 (thirty) days after the second voting, the Parties shall within 10 (ten) days consult each other and express their opinion as to if one of them wishes to purchase the shares of the other Party. If none of the Parties is willing to purchase, then each Party shall have the right to demand the dissolution of the Company according to Chapter XXX hereof. If one of the Parties is willing to purchase, the other Party shall be obligated to sell, and the purchase price shall be determined in accordance with Article XXX hereof. If both Parties wish to purchase, then each Party shall make to the other Party an irrevocable offer by submitting a sealed envelope containing the price at which it is pre-pared to purchase. The Party whose purchase price offer is higher shall automatically be entitled to purchase and the other Party shall be obligated to sell at such price. The transaction to sell and purchase according to this Article shall be completed latest within [___] months upon submission of the offer and both Parties undertake to contribute any required action.
3.5 董事會成員應無權獲得任何報酬。董事為參加會議所發(fā)生的差旅和住宿費用以及參加會議的津貼應由公司承擔。
3.5 The members of the Board of Directors shall not be entitled to any remuneration. Travel and accommodation expenses incurred by the directors for attending board meetings as well as attending allowances shall be borne by the Company.
The Company shall, in accordance with the relevant Chinese Laws, indemnify each director against all claims and liabilities incurred by reason of his being a di¬rector of the Company and in the course of performing his official duties as a di¬rector of the Company, provided that the claim or liability does not result from in¬tentional misconduct or gross negligence or a violation of criminal laws by the di¬rector.
3.6 董事會成員應為全部保密信息保密,包括有關董事會討論和決定的信息。董事會全體成員將根據作為附件[…]附后的范本簽署一份《保密協(xié)議》。董事長、副董事長和[管理委員會總裁/總經理]、或董事會特別授權的任何其他董事會成員可以向第三方(如分包商)披露保密信息,但前提是該等披露得到董事會事先批準。
3.6 Members of the Board of Directors shall keep secret all Confidential Information, including information concerning negotiations and decisions of the Board of Directors. All Members of the Baord of Directors will have to sign a Confidentiality Agreement in line with the sample attached as Annex […]. Only the Chairman, the Vice Chairman and the [President of the Management Board/General Manager], or any other member of the Board of Directors specifically authorized by the Board of Directors may disclose Confidential Information to third parties, (e.g. subcontractors) provided that such disclosure is approved in advance by the Board of Directors.
[管理可選方案1:管理委員會[Management Option 1: Management Board
第4a條 管理委員會Article 4a Management Board
4.1 公司應設立管理委員會,由[…]名成員組成,包括一名總裁/首席執(zhí)行官/總經理和[…]名副總裁。[…]應提名總裁/首席執(zhí)行官和[xxx]名副總裁,[…]應有權委派其他[…]名副總裁。
4.1 The Company shall establish a Management Board comprising […] members including a president/chief executive officer/General Manager, and […] vice-presidents. […] shall nominate the president/chief executive officer and [xxx] vice-presidents, whereas […] shall be entitled to designate the other […] vice-presidents.
4.2 管理委員會成員的職責應在公司總裁的整體職責框架下依照以下結構分配:
4.2 The functions of the members of the Management Board shall be allocated in accordance with the following structure under the overall responsibility of the Company’s president:
The allocation of functions to the members of the Management Board may be changed by the Board of Directors at any time.
4.3 總裁/總經理應在董事會要求時出席董事會會議,但不得享有表決權[(除非總裁同時擔任董事會成員)——注:見第1.2條最后一句]。若總裁無法履行其職責,總裁應以書面通知授權副總裁根據其指示行使其職責。
4.3 The president/General Manager shall, upon request of the Board of Directors attend the meetings of the Board of Directors, but shall have no voting right [(unless the president is at the same time a member of the Board of Directors) – NOTE: See Article 1.2 last sentence]. In case the president is unable to perform his duties, he shall, with a written notice, authorize the vice-president to exercise his responsibilities in accordance with the directives given by the president.
4.4 管理委員會全體成員的任期原則上應為三年,且在提名一方要求時,上述任期可延長。董事會還應確定其聘用條款。管理委員會的成員應在原選任該成員的一方提議時隨時替換。然而,一方應在提議某人士前,就人士的資格咨詢另一方。嚴重違反其官方職責的管理委員會成員應由董事會隨時解聘。
4.4 All members of the Management Board shall be appointed in principle for a term of office of three years and such term may be renewed on request of the nominating Party. The Board of Di¬rectors shall also decide about their terms of employment. The members of the Management Board shall be replaced at any time upon proposal of the Party which originally selected them. However, before proposing a person a Party shall consult with the other Party on the qualification of such person. Members of the Management Board who seriously violate their official duties shall be dis¬missed by the Board of Directors at any time.
第5條 管理委員會及其成員的職責
Article 5 Responsibilities of the Management Board and its Members
5.1 總裁/總經理應負責執(zhí)行董事會決定的商業(yè)政策。為此目的,總裁應根據適用的中國法律、本合資經營合同、章程、管理委員會內部規(guī)則和董事會的決定組織和開展對公司的日常管理。在處理重大事項時,總裁應咨詢執(zhí)行副總裁的意見。
5.1 The president/General Manager shall be responsible for the implementation of the business policy as decided by the Board of Directors. For this purpose the president shall organize and con¬duct the daily management of the Company in accordance with the applicable Chinese Laws, this Joint Venture Contract, the Articles of Association, the internal rules for the Management Board and the decisions of the Board of Directors. In handling major is¬sues the president shall consult with the executive vice-president.
The Management Board shall support the president and shall under the leader¬ship of the president proceed within the annual budget approved by the Board of Directors, shall ensure that the books of ac¬count and the corporate seal of the Company are kept prop¬erly and that the administration of the assets of the Company is carried out in a satisfactory manner, and shall provide monthly reports on production, sales, in¬ventory and profit and loss of the Company to the Parties. Any activities and operations of the Management Board shall be conducted within the limits of the budgets and plans approved by the Board of Directors.
5.2 管理委員會的每名成員應就其職責的履行向總裁負責。
5.2 Each member of the Management Board shall be responsible to the president for the performance of his duties.
5.3 總裁應直接向董事會報告并向其呈交管理委員會的決定。此外,總裁應在董事會向其授予的一般授權范圍內,根據與代表公司簽字有關的管理委員會內部規(guī)則,代表公司處理與第三方有關的事務。
5.3 The president shall report directly to the Board of Directors and present the deci¬sions of the Management Board to it. Furthermore, the president shall within the scope of the comprehensive power of attorney granted to him by the Board or Directors and in accordance with internal rules for the Management Board concerning the authority to sign on behalf of the Company represent the Com¬pany in dealing with third parties.
5.4 除非經董事會另行書面批準,管理委員會的成員在履行其對公司承擔的職責期間,不得同時在其他公司、企業(yè)或國家機關任職。
5.4 Unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors in writing, the members of the Mana¬gement Board shall not hold posts in other companies, businesses or state orga¬nizations concurrently with the performance of their duties to the Company.
5.5 若管理委員會的成員在履行其對公司負有的職責過程中發(fā)生應向第三方承擔的責任,公司應向該名成員提供賠償,但存在重大過失或故意不當行為或違反刑法的情形除外。
5.5 If a member of the Management Board in performing his duties to the Company incurs liability towards a third party, he shall be indemnified by the Company ex¬cept for gross negligence or wilful misconduct or violation of criminal law.
5.6 管理委員會應在雙方要求時,不時向其提供有關公司管理經營的相關信息。
5.6 The Management Board shall from time to time provide the Parties with the relevant information regarding the management and operation of the Company upon the request of the Parties.
第6條 管理委員會會議和決議
Article 6 Meetings and Resolutions of the Management Board
6.1 作為一般規(guī)則,管理委員會應每周召開一次會議。除非管理委員會另有一致決定,[英文/中文]應為管理委員會的工作語言。會議紀要應以英文和中文書寫并由總裁和執(zhí)行總裁簽署(兩個版本同等有效)。在必要時,公司應提供中文-英文翻譯。
6.1 As a general rule, the Management Board shall meet once every week [English/Chinese] shall be the working language of the Management Board, unless otherwise decided unanimously by the Management Board. Minutes of meet¬ings shall be written in the English and Chinese language and signed by the president and the executive vice-president (both versions being equally effec¬tive). The Company shall provide Chinese – English translator(s), if necessary.
6.2 管理委員會應就下列重要事項作出特殊決定,該等決定不得與董事會的任何決定相悖[注:有待根據單個項目要求予以確認]:
6.2 The Management Board shall decide in particular on the following important mat¬ters, which decisions shall not be inconsistent with any decisions of the Board of Directors [NOTE: to be determined according to the requirements of the individual project]:
[a) 有關公司日常管理的一般指示;
[a) giving general directives for the daily management of the Company;
b) 在董事會制定的框架內設置和變更公司的具體組織機構;
b) establishment and alteration of the detailed organization of the Company within the framework set by the Board of Directors;
c) 管理委員會下屬第一、二級人員的聘用、解聘和聘用條款以及職責分配,以及出具一般或特殊代理委托書;
c) allocation of functions to and appointment, dismissal and terms of employ¬ment of the personnel at first and second level positions below the Man¬agement Board as well as issuance of general or special powers of represen¬tation;
d) 批準通過市場營銷和銷售策略(包括零售理念、出口策略等)以及經銷商和服務網點的聘用(包括聘用條款)和解聘;
d) adoption of marketing and sales strategy including retail network concept, export strategy etc. as well as appointment including terms of appointment and termination of dealers and service outlets;
e) 制定銷售價格,包括產品的利潤率、銷售條件和交付配額;
e) setting of sales prices including margins, sales conditions and delivery quo¬tas for the Products;
f) 確定生產理念和質量管理,確定公司的月度生產計劃;;
f) determination of the production concept and the quality management; de¬termination of the monthly production program of the Company;
g) 確定采購政策;g) determination of the procurement policy;
h) 致使公司承擔的義務價值單獨或合計超過XXX歐元以上的合同的制定、修改和終止;
h) conclusion, modification and termination of contracts that entail obligations binding on the Company in excess of a value equivalent to the individual or aggregate amount of xxx Euro;
i) 住宅設施的分配;i) allocation of housing facilities;
j) 需提交董事會的全部事項(特別是公司年度財務報表的編制和季度財務報表的批準);
j) all matters to be submitted to the Board of Directors (in particular prepara¬tion of the annual financial statements as well as adoption of the quarterly financial statements of the Company);
k) 管理委員會任何成員加入議程的全部事項。]
k) all matters put on the agenda by any member of the Management Board.]
6.3 管理委員會會議在本人或委派代理人出席會議的有表決權成員人數至少達到法定總人數一半時方為有效召開、達到法定人數。若管理委員會的成員無法參加會議,該成員可出具書面委托書指定任何其他人士代其出席該次會議并行使其表決權。
6.3 Meetings of the Management Board are validly held and a quorum is present as long as at least half of the total statutory number of the voting members is present or represented in the meeting. If a member of the Management Board is unable to attend a meeting, he may designate by written proxy any other person to attend the meeting in his place and to exercise his voting rights.
The members of the Management Board shall use their best efforts at all times to reach a common understanding in all matters to be decided by the Management Board. Only in such cases where a common understanding cannot be reached, decisions of the Management Board shall require the affirmative vote of the ma¬jority of the voting members present or represented at the meeting.
6.4 第2.2.2條中規(guī)定的事項須經董事會事先批準。
6.4 Matters specified in Article 2.2.2 require prior approval by the Board of Directors.
Management Option 2: General Manager and Deputy General Manager:
第4b條 總經理Article 4b General Manager
4.1 總經理應負責公司的日常管理。總經理應直接向董事會報告。其他部門經理(包括副總經理)應向總經理報告。
4.1 The General Manager shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company. The General Manager shall report directly to the Board of Directors. The other department managers (including the Deputy General Manager(s)) shall report to the General Manager.
4.2 […]應有權提名總經理[以及[…]部門負責人]。[…]應有權提名副總經理,副總經理應向[…] [和[…]部門負責人負責]。副總經理應在總經理不在時代其行事。作為本合同附件[…]且構成公司管理指導方針一部分的管理組織機構圖列明了各項職責、職能和其他詳情,包括指示權。董事會應任命依上述規(guī)定被提名的人士以及(如董事會要求)部門經理。由董事會委任的全部上述經理應組成管理辦公室。
4.2 […] shall be entitled to nominate the General Manager [and the head of the […] department]. […] shall be entitled to nominate the Deputy General Manager who shall also be responsible for […] [and the head of the […] department]. The Deputy General Manager shall represent the General Manager in his absence. Responsibilities, function and other details including direction rights are outlined in the management organizations chart which forms Annex […] hereto and which shall be implemented into the management guidelines of the Company. The Board of Directors shall appoint the persons nominated as prescribed above and if required by the Board of Directors the department managers. All such managers appointed by the Board of Directors shall form the Management Office.
The Board of Directors shall also decide on the terms of employment and dismissal of the members of the Management Office.
4.3 管理辦公室成員的任期應為三(3)年并可由董事會延長。
4.3 The term of office for members of the Management Office shall be three (3) years and may be renewed by the Board of Directors.
Should any member of the Management Office wish to resign, he must promptly submit a written request to the Board of Directors for acceptance.
Members of the Management Office who seriously violate their official duties may be dismissed by the Board of Directors at any time.
In the event that a vacancy in the Management Office arises, replacement members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, whereby replacement appointees shall be nominated as described above in [Article 4.b/4.2]. The Party entitled to nominate the replacement appointee pursuant to [Article 4.b/4.2] shall advise the Board of Directors of the replacement member it has chosen within 30 (thirty) days of the vacancy.
4.4 除非經董事會另行明確批準,管理辦公室成員不得同時在其他公司、企業(yè)、商行、國有企業(yè)或政府機關兼任任何職位。
4.4 Unless expressly approved by the Board of Directors, members of the Management Office shall not hold concurrently any posts in other companies, enterprises, businesses, state-owned companies or governmental organizations.
4.5 管理辦公室應根據附件[…]《公司總經理和管理辦公室議事規(guī)則》開展其活動??偨浝響诙聲蚱涫谟璧囊话闶跈喾秶鷥龋鶕c代表公司簽字有關的管理委員會內部規(guī)則,代表公司處理與第三方有關的事宜。
4.5 The Management Office shall conduct its business in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for the General Manager and the Management Office of the Company according to Annex […].The General Manager shall within his scope of the comprehensive power of attorney granted to him by the Board of Directors and in accordance with the internal rules for the Management Board concerning the authority to sign on behalf of the Company represent the Com¬pany in dealing with third parties.
4.6 第2.2.2條中規(guī)定的事項須經董事會事先批準。
4.6 Matters specifed in Article 2.2.2 require prior approval by the Board of Directors.
第七章 技術轉讓Chapter 7 Technology Transfer
第1條 技術提供Article 1 Provision of Technology
1.1 可選方案一:1.1 Option 1:
[…]方應當Party […] shall
[可選方案1a:許可] [Option 1a: license]
[Option 1b: cause that [affiliate / third party] licenses],
to the Company technology and know-how relating to the JV Products. Details shall be set forth in the Technology License Agreement [attached to this Contract as Annex […] / which forms a Related Contract]
Representatives of the Parties on behalf of the Company and the Licensor shall sign the Technology License Agreement at the same time when the Parties shall sign this Contract. The Technology License Agreement shall become binding by ratification in the Company’s first BoD meeting.
1.2 可選方案二:1.2 Option 2:
Party […] shall contribute to the Company as part of its capital contribution as set forth in Article […] technology and know-how relating to the JV Products. Details shall be set forth in the Technology Contribution Agreement attached to this Contract as Annex […].
第2條 商標Article 2 Trademarks
2.1 在遵守本合同附件[…]或構成本合同之相關合同的《商標許可協(xié)議》的條款和條件的前提下,[[…]方在中國注冊某商標后],[…]方應根據該《商標許可協(xié)議》,授予公司在其產品上使用該商標的權利。
2.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of the Trademark License Agreement attached to this Contract as Annex [.....] or forming a Related Contract hereto [upon registration for such trademark(s) for Party […] in China], Party […] shall grant to the Company the right to use certain trademark(s) for its products in accordance with such Trademark License Agreement.
Under such Trademark License Agreement the Company shall have the right to use the trademark(s) after the date of effectiveness of the Trademark License Agreement until expiration or termination of such Agreement or the expiration of the registration of the trademark(s) in China, whatever is earlier. The Company shall not / or: may also develop or use its own trademarks.
[Optional: Notwithstanding any other rights to terminate the Trademark License Agreement, if, at any time Party […] ceases to be a party to the Company or if Party […] share in the registered capital of the Company falls below […..] percent the Company shall no longer be entitled to use the trademark(s) licensed by Party […].]
第3條 合資產品(可選條款)Article 3 JV Products (optional)
3.1 所有合資產品均應在[…]品牌下銷售。
3.1 All JV-Products shall be distributed under the […] brand.
第八章 保密Chapter 8 Confidentiality
第1條 保密信息Article 1 Confidentiality Information
1.1 雙方承認,在本合資經營合同期限之前及之內,每一方或其關聯(lián)方均已經或即將向另一方或其關聯(lián)方披露與其各自業(yè)務、財務狀況、專有技術、研發(fā)和其他保密事項相關的保密和專有信息[注:將被視為保密信息的信息的具體內容,將以雙方根據實際情況談判的內容為準。]。除了其他相關保密協(xié)議中規(guī)定的內容外,接收所有上述信息(書面(包括電子郵件)和非書面信息)(“保密信息”)的每一方,在本合資經營合同期限內以及其后__年內,均應:
1.1 The Parties acknowledge that, prior to and during the term of this Joint Venture Contract, each Party or its Affiliates has disclosed and will disclose to the other Party or its Affiliates confidential and proprietary information concerning their respective businesses, financial condition, proprietary technology, research and development and other confidential matters [Note: The specification of those information which are deemed to be Confidential Information will be subject to negotiation among Parties on a case by case basis.]. Except as may be provided in other relevant confidentiality agreements, each of the Parties receiving all such information as aforesaid (written, including e-mail and unwritten information) (hereinafter referred to as “Confidential Information”) shall, during the term of this Joint Venture Contract and for __ years thereafter:
a) 對該等保密信息保密;及
a) maintain the confidentiality of such Confidential Information; and
b) 除向各自為了履行其工作職責而有必要知曉該等保密信息的員工披露外,不向任何人或實體披露該等保密信息;及
b) not disclose it to any person or entity, except to their respective employees who need to know such Confidential Information to perform their work responsibilities; and
c) 除為了履行本合資經營合同外,不為任何其它目的使用保密信息。
c) not use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this JV-Contract.
第2條 除外情形Article 2 Exceptions
2.1 如接收方可向另一方證明保密信息符合以下條件,則第1.1條的規(guī)定不適用于該保密信息:
2.1 The provisions of Article 1.1 shall not apply to Confidential Information that can be proven by the receiving Party to the other Party:
a) 接收方在披露方披露之前就已經知曉該等信息;
a) to be known by the receiving Party prior to disclosure by the disclosing Party;
b) 非因接收方違反本合資經營合同而屬于或成為公眾知曉的信息;
b) is or becomes public knowledge otherwise than through the receiving Party’s breach of this Joint Venture Contract;
c) 接收方從對該等保密信息不承擔保密義務的第三方獲得該信息;
c) was obtained by the receiving Party from a third party having no obligation of confidentiality with respect to such Confidential Information; or
d) 接收方不依靠從另一方接收的信息而獨立開發(fā)的信息;
d) is developed by the receiving Party independently of information received from the other Party; or
e) 任何有權法庭或政府機構的命令要求披露的信息;
e) is required by order of any competent court or Governmental Authority to be disclosed;
f) [根據本合資經營合同披露給接收方股份的潛在第三方購買人的信息;但前提是,已事先書面通知另一方其出售股份以及披露保密信息的意向,且該第三方購買人已以書面形式向雙方同意,將對向其披露的任何信息保密,且除為了對其擬收購披露方股份之事宜進行評估外,不為任何其它目的使用該等信息。]
f) [is disclosed to a potential third party purchaser of the receiving Party's shares in accordance with the terms of this Joint Venture Contract, provided, the other Party has first been informed in writing of the intention to sell the shares and to disclose Confidential Information, and such third party purchaser has agreed in writing with all Parties to keep any information disclosed to it confidential and not to make use of such information other than for the purpose of evaluating a possible acquisition by it of the Disclosing Party’s shares.]
2.2 [可選條款:2.2 [Optional:
Each Party shall inform the disclosing Party in writing (by stating the relevant circumstances) of its prior knowledge of the Confidential Information or of the rightful obtaining of the Confidential Information from a third party within a period of __ days after the particular Confidential Information was disclosed by the disclosing Party in case of prior knowledge. Such notification shall be deemed as prima facie evidence of its compliance with this Article. In the case of the receiving Party's failure to notify as required above, the receiving Party shall have the burden to prove that it had the prior knowledge or had rightfully obtained such information.]
2.3 在第2.1條規(guī)定之目的下,如對一方做出的某一具體披露,包含在處于公共領域的概括披露范圍內,不得僅因此而將該具體披露視為屬于上述除外情形。此外,如個別要素處于公共領域,不得僅因此而將該要素的組合視為屬于上述除外情形,而僅在組合本身處于公共領域時方才將其視為屬于上述除外情形。
2.3 For the purpose of the provisions of Article 2.1 disclosures made to a Party, which are specific, shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions, merely because they are embraced by general disclosures which are in the public domain. In addition, any combination of features shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions merely, because individual features are in the public domain, but shall be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions only if the combination itself is in the public domain.
第3條 保密信息的安全保護Article 3 Safeguarding of Confidential Information
3.1 在本合資經營合同期限內,接收方可為了本合資經營合同之目的,向需要知曉保密信息的其和其關聯(lián)方的董事、經理、高級或其他相關人員以及其他員工、顧問披露該等保密信息。每一方均應向獲得另一方或另一方之關聯(lián)方的任何保密信息的其和其關聯(lián)方的董事、經理、高級或其他相關人員以及其他員工、顧問,告知存在第1.1條規(guī)定的義務以及遵守該等義務的重要性。
3.1 During the term of this Joint Venture Contract the receiving Party may disclose the Confidential Information to its directors, managers, senior or other relevant staff and other employees, advisors and those of their Affiliates to the extent that they have a need to know such Confidential Information for the purposes of this Joint Venture Contract. Each Party shall advise its directors, managers, senior or other relevant staff and other employees, advisors and those of their Affiliates, who receive any Confidential Information of the other Party or its Affiliates of the existence of and the importance of complying with the obligations set forth in Article 1.1.
The Parties shall ensure that the Company formulates rules and regulations to cause the members of the Board of Directors, Management Personnel, senior or other relevant staff, advisors of the Company to also comply with the confidentiality obligations set forth in this Article 1.1. All members of the Board of Directors, Management Personnel, senior staff and other employees and advisors of the Company having access to Confidential Information shall be required to sign a confidentiality undertaking including the acceptance of an obligation of secrecy no less stringent than set forth in this Joint Venture Contract. In the case of employees, such obligation of secrecy shall be effective, so far as legally possible, both during and after the period of their employment. Prior to any disclosure to an Affiliate or to an advisor, the receiving Party shall have in place a written agreement with such Affiliate or such advisor imposing on such Affiliate or on such advisor confidentiality obligations in respect of the Confidential Information not less stringent than the obligations imposed on the receiving Party under this Joint Venture Contract.
[Each of the Parties shall be entitled, at any time and from time to time, to withhold disclosure of any further Confidential Information until further undertakings of confidentiality have been entered into. The Parties anticipate that further restrictions may be imposed in relation to certain technical Information which is of particularly high value including further restrictions on dissemination and copying.]
第4條 違反保密義務Article 4 Breach of Confidentiality Obligations
4.1 如任何一方或公司違反第1.1條的規(guī)定,則其應對另一方或公司因該等違反而發(fā)生的損害承擔責任。該等損害賠償應根據中國的適用法律確定。該等損害賠償的支付,不影響截至該等違反發(fā)生之日產生的任何其他權利或救濟。
4.1 If any Party or the Company breaches the provisions of this Article 1.1, it shall be liable for damages accrued to the other Party/Parties or the Company as a result of such breach, which damages shall be determined in accordance with the applicable laws of the PRC. The payment of damages shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies accrued as of the date of such breach.
第5條 終止后的保密義務Article 5 Confidentiality Obligation upon Termination
5.1 一旦合同終止,每一方均應當,同時應確保獲得另一方或其關聯(lián)方的任何保密信息的其和其關聯(lián)方的董事、經理、高級或其他相關人員、以及其他員工應當:
5.1 On termination of the Contract, each of the Parties shall and shall procure that its directors, managers, senior or other relevant staff and other employees, and those of their Affiliates, who receive any Confidential Information of the other Party or its Affiliates shall:
a) 立即向披露方歸還或銷毀含有另一方或其關聯(lián)方的相關保密信息的任何及所有材料(包括其制作的任何筆記、分析或備忘錄)及其復印件;及
a) immediately return to the disclosing Party or destroy any and all materials, including any notes, analysis or memoranda prepared by it, containing Confidential Information relating to any of the other Parties or their Affiliates and all copies thereof; and
b) 立即從任何含有保密信息的電腦、文字處理器或其他電子設備上刪除所有該等保密信息,包括任何備份復印件。
b) immediately delete all such Confidential Information, including any back-up copies, from any computer, word processor or other electronic device containing Confidential Information;
5.2 任何曾經是本合資經營合同一方的自然人或法人,在其通過轉讓股權以及相應合同權利和義務的方式而停止作為本合資經營合同一方之后,第1.1條仍應對其具有約束力。此外,如本合資經營合同屆滿或提前終止,第1.1條項下的權利和義務仍應有效,并應在本條規(guī)定的期限內一直有效,無論公司是否解散。
5.2 The provisions of this Article 1.1 shall remain binding upon any natural or legal person who has been a party to this Joint Venture Contract after such natural or legal person, through a transfer of equity interest and corresponding contractual rights and obligations, ceases to be a party to this Joint Venture Contract. In addition, the rights and obligations under this Article 1.1 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Joint Venture Contract, and shall remain in effect for the periods stated herein, notwithstanding the dissolution of the Company.