航空貨物運輸協(xié)議 (中英文)

甲方(代理人):Party A(agency) 地址:Address 電話:Telephone 乙方(托運人):Party B(shipper) 地址:Address 電話:Telephone 經(jīng)過平等、友好協(xié)商,甲、乙雙方就空運貨物出口運輸事宜,于____年____月____日簽訂如下協(xié)議: Party A and Party B, thro

甲方(代理人):Party A(agency)

地址:Address           電話:Telephone


乙方(托運人):Party B(shipper)

地址:Address           電話:Telephone



Party A and Party B, through equal and amicable consultation on the affair of cargo exportation by airplane transportation, inter into and conclude this agreement on the date of as follows 


Party A shall , accepting the commission of Party B, carry out the business of cargo export transportation by airliner, and act as Party B’s assigned agency for the arrangement of goods delivery, handling application to customs for the exportation, inspection / quarantine of exported commodity and so on.


Party B shall, within five working days prior to the shipment of cargo,submit Commission of Export Transport (referred to as Commission  or document) in writing with its forms including letter, faxe, telegram, telex.


The contents of Commission include but no limit follows:



 Name of shipper or staff, address and contact means;



Name of consignee or staff, address and contact means;



Notifing party’s name, staff’s name, address and contact means.



Number of scheduled filght, date, airport of departure and destination.



Cargo name, number, weight, volume and the asserted value.



The standard of freight rates and other costs and the mode of payment.



Signature, steal of shipper and the date.


Where the commission submited by Party B without its due signature and seal or deficiency of above part or complete content, Party B should carry on supplement and correct on the same by the requirement of Party A, otherwise Party A is entitle to refuse the commission.


Party B should, while delegating Party A effect on party B’s behalf the application to customsexport of commodity inspection and quarantine services, provide party A with the necessary files and documents in time for transaction of affairs above. Party B shall take responsibility for the authenticity, legitimacy and completeness of its files and documents.


Where Party B request the rescission or alteration of commission affairs following issuing its delegation, should be in written form and recognized by the party A, and Party B should effect the compensation for Party A’s additional charges and fees.

五、接收貨物 Acceptance of cargo

If party A, at the time of acceptance of cargo, discocer the bad condition of cargo surface, including packaging, have the title to refuse to accept the same. If party B fail to effect improvement or making good on its package within the time required by Party A which shall have the right to stop shipment of goods for Party B. Where due to the reason of party A, fail to arrange the cargo leave airport within the time specified by party B which is entitle to claim for loss and compensation to Party A.

六、對貨物的要求 The requirement of consigned cargo


Party B should not carry secretly or smuggle such cargos as the prohibited, limited and dangerous in the consigned cargos for transportation. The regulations on the forbided or limited and dangerous transportation cargo shall be subject to the international convenant, concerned countrie’s law, regulation , rule and other provision  expressly stipulated by industry association. Give false information of the cargo commodity name and secret carrying or smuggles the above goods, party B should to bear the compensation responsibility for Party A’s all loss or damage occurred thereby.



Party B shoud pay all tranportation fee and miscellaneous cost related the cargo transportation. Party B shall, within 30 days from and on the date of cargo’s taking-off by airplane,  make the payment of the corresponding amount due to the Party A.



Any affairs related herein shall apply to the law and regulation of People’s Republic of China and the stipulation of concerned international convenant.


九、協(xié)議的修改和補充 Amendment and supplement hereto


Any amendments and supplements to this Agreement shall be in writing, and subject to the written confirmation by paries hereto, which shall take effect from and on the date of written confirmation of parties hereto.



This agreement shall be effect from and on the date of the seal of parties hereto. The termination of effective period shall be on the date of


甲方(蓋章)Party A (seal)                 乙方(蓋章):Party B (seal)

代表(簽字):Representative (signature):     代表(簽字):Representative (signature)


______年____月____日                       ______年____月____日

The date of                               The date of