國(guó)家海事局對(duì)《船舶污染清除協(xié)議》的說(shuō)明 (中英文) Introduction to the Sample Agreement by Maritime Safety Administration of the People s Republic of China 一、為了有效實(shí)施船舶污染清除協(xié)議管理制度,根據(jù)《中華人民共和國(guó)船舶污染海洋環(huán)境應(yīng)急防國(guó)家海事局對(duì)《船舶污染清除協(xié)議》的說(shuō)明 (中英文)
Introduction to the Sample Agreement by Maritime Safety Administration of
1. This Sample Agreement for Ship Pollution Response (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”) is formulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 29 of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Emergency Preparedness and Response on Marine Environment Pollution from Ships for the purpose of effectively
implementing the regime of agreement for ship pollution response.
2. The owner, manager or actual operator of a ship (Party A) shall, prior to ship’s operation or entering into or leaving from a port, conclude this Agreement with a qualified ship pollution response organization (Party B) in accordance with Article 33 of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Prevention and Control of Marine Environment Pollution from Ships, relevant provisions of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Emergency Preparedness and Response on Marine Environment Pollution from Ships and relevant provisions of the Detailed Rules of Maritime Safety Administration of the People’s Republic of China on the Implementation of the Administration Regime of Agreement for Ship Pollution Response.
3. The articles on rights and obligations of this Agreement are mandatory and both parties shall not change the contents of these articles. For matters not covered in this Agreement, the parties may reach a separate supplementary agreement. In no case should such supplementary agreement violate relevant provisions of laws,
regulations and rules as well as stipulations in this Agreement concerning both parties’ fundamental rights and obligations. The conclusion of this Agreement shall not prejudice the rights and obligations that shall be enjoyed or borne by both parties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and rules, including the
right of limitation of liability.
4. Choices of options with square brackets and the contents to be filled in blank spaces shall be determined by both parties through negotiation. As for the choices, options shall be chosen by marking a “√” in the square brackets, or filling in the blank spaces. With respect to those that both parties do not apply or choose, a “×” shall be marked in the square brackets or in blank spaces, indicating
5. The Agreement adopts fourteen numbers as its serial number (such as 01-1001-2011-0001), amongst which the first two numbers represent the code of a MSA directly under the P.R China MSA; the third number represents the qualification level of the ship pollution response organization, 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively represents level-1, level-2, level-3 and level-4; the fourth to sixth number represents the
code of the ship pollution response organization and shall be determined by the MSA directly under the P.R China MSA; the seventh to tenth represents the year in which the Agreement is concluded; the eleventh to the fourteenth represents the sequence
number of the Agreement and shall be determined by the ship pollution response organization. Codes of MSA directly under the P.R China MSA are as follows:
Liaoning MSA: 01, Tianjin MSA: 02, Hebei MSA: 03, Shandong MSA: 04, Jiangsu MSA: 05, Fujian MSA: 06, Shanghai MSA: 07, Zhejiang MSA: 08, Guangdong MSA: 09, Shenzhen MSA: 10, Guangxi MSA: 11, Hainan MSA: 12.