翻譯版權(quán)許可合同 (中英文)

翻譯版權(quán)許可合同 CONTRACT OF COPYRIGHTS PERMISSION ON WORKS TRANSLATION 本合同系中譯英,翻譯:張云軍 This contract translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune. 說明:這個合同適用于直接從外國出版社購買翻譯版權(quán),由被許可方負(fù)責(zé)制
This contract translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune.
                                       This contract concluded on the date of    
本合同于   年  月  日由  (中方出版社名稱、地址,以下簡稱為:出版者)與  (外國出版社名稱、地址,以下簡稱:版權(quán)所有者)雙方簽訂。
版權(quán)所有者享有  (作者姓名,以下簡稱作者)所著  (書名)第  版的版權(quán)(以下簡稱作品),現(xiàn)雙方達(dá)成合同如下:
This contract is concluded and entered into by and between     ( the name and address of a China’s publishing company, hereinafter referred to as publisher) and     (the name and address of a foreign publishing company, hereinafter referred to as proprietor of copyrights) on the date of     .
Proprietor enjoy the copyrights of the     edition     (book name) written by     (the author name,hereinafter referred to as author ). NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agree as bellow:
1.根據(jù)本合同,版權(quán)所有者授予出版者獨家許可,準(zhǔn)許其以該出版社的名義,以圖書形式(簡/精裝)翻譯、制作、出版該作品中文(簡體)版  冊(以下簡稱翻譯本),限在中華人民共和國大陸發(fā)行,不包括香港和澳門和臺灣。未經(jīng)版權(quán)所有者的書面同意,出版者不能復(fù)制版權(quán)所有者對該作品的封面設(shè)計,也不能使用版權(quán)所有者的標(biāo)識、商標(biāo)或版權(quán)頁。本合同授予的權(quán)利不及于該作品的其他后續(xù)版本。
Pursuant to this contract proprietor award publisher with exclusive permission of, in name of publisher, in the form of book (include paperback and hardcover book), translation, making and publish the book in question in simplified Chinese with the copies of     (hereafter referred to as version) which issued in the mainland of People’s Republic of China without including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Publisher can not, without the permission of proprietor, make duplication of the cover design of the book made by proprietor and can not use the marks, trademark and copyrights leaf. The rights awarded by this contract is without respect to other offspring edition of the book in question.
2.對于出版   本的權(quán)利,出版者應(yīng)按照第18條的規(guī)定一次性支付版權(quán)所有者費用,版稅按翻譯本定價的百分之  計算,并以下列方式支付:
Publisher shall, for the rights of publishing    copies, pursuant to the provision of Article 18, effect the payment in lump sum to proprietor. Royalty shall be calculated on the base of     % of version price and effect payment by follow means:
(1)合同簽訂時支付  美元;
Effect payment of     US Dollar on the date of conclusion of contract.
(2)翻譯本出版時或  日期之前支付  美元,以時間早者為準(zhǔn);
Effect payment of     US Dollar when publishing version or prior to the date of    , whichever is the earlier.
In case of any default by publisher during the performance of contract this sum of money shall not be refunded. Provided that the actual price of version published higher than former evaluation The fees collected by proprietor shall be increased by a certain percentage which being equivalent to the added part of version’s price which will be paid when publishing.
This contract shall become effective unless and until proprietor receive all sum of money stipulated in Article 2.
Publisher shall assign a competent translator to assure the accurate translation of the work in question and report the name and qualification of translator to proprietor, could not, without prior written permission of proprietor, omit, amend or add to the work. Proprietor reserve the title to require publisher submit the stylebook of version. Publisher can commence printing only having the permission of proprietor.
Publisher of version should, if appropriate, receive the permission of using copy’s material hold by the third party related original work and effect the payment of such permission or title thereof. Only unless and until proprietor receive the written acknowledgement from publisher and publisher have acquired permission proprietor can provide publisher with copy’s material for reproduction of illustration which include the work.
Publisher should insure the quality of printing, paper and binding of version and use best efforts to arrive the highest standard.
(Options of presentation as follows:)
Provided always that if publisher should be liable to acquire the permission of using copy’s material hold by the third party of original work. For the payment effected to acquirement of such permission proprietor shall again accept the added administration fee form publisher on which parties could take further consultation of the details thereof.
7.出版者在翻譯本的封面、書脊、護(hù)封(如果有的話)和扉頁上都必須醒目的印上作者的姓名,并注明原書版權(quán)詳細(xì)信息以及下列聲明:“此  (書名)的翻譯版由  (外國出版社名稱)許可出版”。出版者也將對翻譯文本進(jìn)行版權(quán)聲明。
Publisher should, on the cover, spine, pocket (if any) and head page of version, print the name of author and give clear indication of detail information on original book in addition to THE VERSION OF THIS BOOK      (TITLE) IS, BEING SUBJECT TO PERMISSION OF     ( FOREIGN PUBLISHER), PUBLISHED. The announcement for copyright arising from or related to version by publisher.
8.翻譯本出版后,出版者應(yīng)向版權(quán)所有者提供  本免費樣書,并說明該翻譯本的實際出版日期和定價。
Publisher should, after publishing of version, provide proprietor with     copies sample books in free charge and explain the real date of publishing and price of version.
律師觀點: 這條規(guī)定翻譯本出版后應(yīng)免費送給外國出版社的樣書的數(shù)量,并提供出版日期和最終定價等具體信息;萬一定價提高而需補付版稅,這是有必要的(見第2條)。
9.如果出版者未能在  日期前出版該翻譯本,該合同中的所有授權(quán)將由版權(quán)所有者收回,而出版者向版權(quán)所有者已經(jīng)支付的任何款項不予退還。
Provided always that if failure of publishing version of this book prior to the date of     , any and all authorizations herein shall be withdrew by proprietor and none of any payment which have been effected by publisher to proprietor shall be refunded.
律師觀點: 本條規(guī)定了一個現(xiàn)實的出版時間。實踐中,如果中方出版社確有原因延誤了出版,并適當(dāng)提前通知,大多數(shù)出版社會考慮延長期限;但是,定期更新版本的圖書(如教材)出版社很可能會擔(dān)心中文版的出版是否耽誤,原書新版本是否即將出版,所以他們希望協(xié)商將許可轉(zhuǎn)到新版本。
Publisher can not, without the prior written consent of proprietor, make any partial or complete assignment of ancillary rights and titles.
律師觀點: 第1條已將授權(quán)限定為圖書形式;轉(zhuǎn)讓中文版的附屬權(quán)利被自動排除。如果像平裝本或俱樂部圖書出版權(quán)等附加權(quán)利被授予,它們必須在談判最初階段討論,任何版權(quán)收入以何種比例與外國出版社分配都應(yīng)達(dá)成合同。
Where and if failure of payment stipulated hereof exceed the time limit over three months the permission awarded hereunder shall cease to be effect and any rights or title of assignment shall be withdrew to proprietor without further inform.
律師觀點: 合同可以因為逾期不付款而被取消。一些西方出版社和代理商也許會對逾期未付金額收取利息作為對逾期付款的處罰。
Proprietor shall represent and warrant to publisher that it has full power and authority to enter into this contract, and in accordance with British laws, the work in question shall not effect infringement of current copyright or contravention of current contract, without any content therein which arising or resulting form criminal or civil disputes, otherwise proprietor shall reimburse  any or all loss /damage or expense to publisher arising therefrom.
律師觀點: 這一條是對中方出版社的保證和損失補償條款。這項保證是根據(jù)英國法律而作出,因為我們不能指望英國出版社了解中國立法的具體情況。關(guān)于立法的表述要根據(jù)不同的版權(quán)許可國家而調(diào)整,如美國、德國等。
Publisher could not, without prior written consent of proprietor, transfer the permission of copyright acquired or benefit others and could not publisher the version thereabout in any name except for publisher.
律師觀點: 未經(jīng)國外出版社的事先同意,本許可不得轉(zhuǎn)讓。
With exception of the title expressly awarded to publisher all other titles of the work in question  shall be reserved by proprietor.
律師觀點: 許可僅限于第1條中列出的權(quán)利。
Publisher shall make registration of the detail of version with China Copyright Administration Bureau and being subject to official authorization therefrom, use best efforts to protect the copyright of version under the laws and regulations within People’s Republic of China. Besides, publisher agree to bring lawsuit, at his own expense, for infringement of such version’s copyright against any person or institution.
律師觀點: 中國法規(guī)要求被許可方到中國國家版權(quán)局登記許可合同,此程序至少需7個工作日。版權(quán)登記使中國被許可方能夠?qū)υ谥袊袌鐾贿x題的任何未獲授權(quán)版本提起訴訟,并得到中國國家版權(quán)局的幫助。
Where and if out of print or selling out of version publisher shall inform proprietor the information thereabout, proprietorship hereon shall be withdrew by proprietor except for a new contract concluded by parties hereto. Publisher could enjoy priority of reprinting the version in question, provision that publisher shall not in any way make reprinting at its own initiative without the written permission of proprietor or prior to conclusion of new contract.
律師觀點: 因為許可僅限定出版一定數(shù)量的版本,該條規(guī)定了雙方可協(xié)商續(xù)約。如果一本書成功且要重印,許可方可能希望就下一次印刷商談新一輪的付款,版稅才會比第一次印刷高。
Provided that if publisher is under bankruptcy proceeding in accordance with laws or material breach the stipulation of liability hereof and fail to effect correction of breach within one month after receipt of notice in writing, which shall be mail to the address in the first section hereof,  issued by proprietor, this contract shall automatically become null and void. The copyright awarded to publisher shall be withdrew by proprietor and without prejudice to any sum paid or due and payable to proprietor.
律師觀點: 如果許可方破產(chǎn)或違約,該合同取消;但這可以被要求。
18.本合同規(guī)定的應(yīng)付給版權(quán)所有者的款項都應(yīng)按支付當(dāng)天匯率以歐元或美元支付,不得以兌換或代辦費為由扣除。付款可以支票或銀行匯票支付,寄至  (外國出版社財務(wù)部門的名稱和地址),或直接通過銀行轉(zhuǎn)賬,匯至版權(quán)所有者的賬號  (外國出版社銀行的名稱與地址)。如果出版社依法應(yīng)扣稅,他們應(yīng)聲明并提供相應(yīng)代扣稅憑證。
The sum due to praetor provided in this contract should be paid in Euro or US Dollar in the base of exchange rate on that very day without deduction by reason of the fees on exchange or commission. The payment of sum of money could be effected by check or bank’s bill of exchange which mailed to     (the name and address of financial office of foreign publisher), by means of bank transfer to the account of proprietor     ( The name and address of foreign publisher ). Proved that publisher should effect withholding or collection of tax, publisher should make statement hereon and proved the voucher in respect to withholding or collection of tax.
律師觀點: 本條規(guī)定了匯款的實際操作;付款貨幣種類應(yīng)與國外出版社約定。一些出版社可能希望在本條中插入收款部門的準(zhǔn)確信息;大型出版社有專門版稅部門,可能位于總公司之外的不同地址。如果是通過文字作品代理商獲得版權(quán)并付款,那么有必要插入此代理商的名稱和地址等信息,并說明該代理商的委托費已被扣除。需要提供銀行扣稅文件,以便外國出版社能在自己國家要求歸還已扣除的企業(yè)所得稅。是否應(yīng)對版稅付款扣稅取決于中國與該許可方國家適用的稅收協(xié)定,如果有必要的話在本書寫作之時,對英國出版社授予中方出版社版權(quán)的版稅收入,中國先扣除5%的營業(yè)稅,然后再就此余額扣除10%的所得稅。支付公司稅的英國出版社可以通過從他們每年繳納的公司稅中抵扣所扣所得稅,但無法重新獲得營業(yè)稅。
This contract is subject to the law of China. Any dispute or discrepancy arising of or relating to herewith shall be submitted to China International Economic Arbitration Committee for arbitration. The award of the said committee is final by which parties should abide. Provided that none of any provision hereof shall limit necessary measures taken by proprietor including but not limit lodge a lawsuit so as to prevent the said version being distribution beyond the market limited by the first provision hereof.
律師觀點: 這一條說明本合同在中國法律下執(zhí)行,適用中國仲裁程序。但是在世界版權(quán)許可中的慣例是適用版權(quán)輸出方國家法律,可能遭到不熟悉中國市場的西方出版社的反對。尤其是美國出版社經(jīng)常要求合同應(yīng)當(dāng)受他們公司所在國家的法律約束。
Provided that if all or partial business of proprietor is being purchased, proprietor could, without prior consent of publisher, transfer the title and liability in this contract.
律師觀點: 當(dāng)許可方的全部或部分業(yè)務(wù)被收購時,本條允許許可方轉(zhuǎn)讓許可合同,這在西方是經(jīng)常發(fā)生的。
This contract which include full and complete mutual agreement and understanding of parties hereto, supersede any and all previous oral and written contract and undertaking, can not be amended unless otherwise subject to written negotiation by parties hereto .
The contract shall come into effect as soon as it is duly signed by both parties and shall remain effective for two years.
出版者代表簽字:     The signature of publisher
版權(quán)所有者代表簽字: The signature of proprietor