海商法(第五章海上旅客運輸合同 中英文)

Chapter VContract of Carriage of Passengers by Sea第五章 海上旅客運輸合同 Article 107A contract of carriage of passengers by sea is a contract whereby the carrier undertakes to carry passengers and their luggage by sea from one port to anot
Chapter VContract of Carriage of Passengers by Sea第五章 海上旅客運輸合同
Article 107A contract of carriage of passengers by sea is a contract whereby the carrier undertakes to carry passengers and their luggage by sea from one port to another by ships suitable for that purpose against payment of fare by the passengers.
第一百零七條 海上旅客運輸合同,是指承運人以適合運送旅客的船舶經海路將旅客及其行李從一港運送至另一港,由旅客支付票款的合同。
Article 108For the purposes of this Chapter:
(1) "Carrier" means the person by whom or in whose name a contract of carriage of passengers by sea has been entered into with the passengers;
(2) "Actual carrier" means the person by whom the whole or part of the carriage of passengers has been performed as entrusted by the carrier, including those engaged in such carriage under a sub-contract.
(3) "Passenger" means a person carried under a contract of carriage of passengers by sea. With the consent of the carrier, a person supervising the carriage of goods aboard a ship covered by a contract of carriage of goods is regarded as a passenger;
(4) "Luggage" means any article or vehicle shipped by the carrier under the contract of carriage of passengers by sea, with the exception of live animals.
(5) "Cabin luggage" means the luggage which the passenger has in his cabin or is otherwise in his possession, custody or control.
第一百零八條 本章下列用語的含義:
Article 109The provisions regarding the responsibilities of the carrier as contained in this Chapter shall be applicable to the actual carrier, and the provisions regarding the responsibilities of the servant or agent of the carrier as contained in this Chapter shall be applicable to the servant or agent of the actual carrier.
第一百零九條 本章關于承運人責任的規(guī)定,適用于實際承運人。本章關于承運人的受雇人、代理人責任的規(guī)定,適用于實際承運人的受雇人、代理人。
Article 110The passage ticket serves as an evidence that a contract of carriage of passengers by sea has been entered into.
第一百一十條 旅客客票是海上旅客運輸合同成立的憑證。
Article 111The period of carriage for the carriage of passengers by sea commences from the time of embarkation of the passengers and terminates at the time of their disembarkation, including the period during which the passengers are transported by water from land to the ship or vice versa, if such cost of transport is included in the fare. However, the period of carriage does not include the time when the passengers are at a marine terminal or station or on a quay or in or on any other port installations.
The period of carriage for the cabin luggage of the passengers shall be the same as that stipulated in the preceding paragraph. The period of carriage for luggage other than the cabin luggage commences from the time when the carrier or his servant or agent receives it into his charge and terminates at the time when the carrier or his servant or agent redelivers it to the passengers.
第一百一十一條 海上旅客運輸的運送期間,自旅客登船時起至旅客離船時止,客票票價含接送費用的,運送期間并包括承運人經水路將旅客從岸上接到船上和從船上送到岸上的時間,但是不包括旅客在港站內、碼頭上或者在港口其他設施內的時間。
Article 112A passenger travelling without a ticket or taking a higher class berth than booked or going beyond the distance paid for shall pay for the fare or the excess fare as required by relevant regulations, and the carrier may, according to the relevant regulations, charge additional fare. Should any passenger refuse to pay, the Master is entitled to order him to disembark at a suitable place and the carrier has the right of recourse against him.
第一百一十二條 旅客無票乘船、越級乘船或者超程乘船,應當按照規(guī)定補足票款,承運人可以按照規(guī)定加收票款;拒不交付的,船長有權在適當地點令其離船,承運人有權向其追償。
Article 113No passenger may take on board or pack in their luggage contraband goods or any article of an inflammable, explosive, poisonous, corrosive or radioactive nature or other dangerous goods that would endanger the safety of life and property on board.
The carrier may have the contraband or dangerous goods brought on board by the passenger or packed in his luggage in breach of the provisions of the preceding paragraph discharged, destroyed or rendered innocuous at any time and at any place or sent over to the appropriate authorities, without being liable for compensation.
The passenger shall be liable for compensation if any loss or damage occurs as a result of his breach of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.
第一百一十三條 旅客不得隨身攜帶或者在行李中夾帶違禁品或者易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蝕性、有放射性以及有可能危及船上人身和財產安全的其他危險品。
Article 114During the period of carriage of the passengers and their luggage as provided for in Article 111 of this Code, the carrier shall be liable for the death of or personal injury to passengers or the loss of or damage to their luggage resulting from accidents caused by the fault of the carrier or his servant or agent committed within the scope of his employment or agency.
The claimant shall bear the burden of proof regarding the fault of the carrier or his servant or agent, with the exception, however, of the circumstances specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article.
If the death of or personal injury to the passengers or loss of or damage to the passengers' cabin luggage occurred as a result of shipwreck, collision, stranding, explosion, fire or the defect of the ship, it shall be presumed that the carrier or his servant or agent has committed a fault, unless proof to the contrary has been given by the carrier or his servant or agent.
As to any loss of or damage to the luggage other than the passenger's cabin luggage, unless the carrier or his servant or agent proves to the contrary, it shall be presumed that the carrier or his servant or agent has committed a fault, no matter how the loss or damage was caused.
第一百一十四條 在本法第一百一十一條規(guī)定的旅客及其行李的運送期間,因承運人或者承運人的受雇人、代理人在受雇或者受委托的范圍內過失引起事故,造成旅客人身傷亡或者行李滅失、損壞的,承運人應當負賠償責任。
Article 115If it is proved by the carrier that the death of or personal injury to the passenger or the loss of or damage to his luggage was caused by the fault of the passenger himself or the faults of the carrier and the passenger combined, the carrier's liability may be exonerated or appropriately mitigated.
If it is proved by the carrier that the death of or personal injury to the passenger or the loss of or damage to the passenger's luggage was intentionally caused by the passenger himself, or the death or personal injury was due to the health condition of his, the carrier shall not be liable therefor.
第一百一十五條 經承運人證明,旅客的人身傷亡或者行李的滅失、損壞,是由于旅客本人的過失或者旅客和承運人的共同過失造成的,可以免除或者相應減輕承運人的賠償責任 。
Article 116The carrier shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to the monies, gold, silver, jewellery, negotiable securities or other valuables of the passengers.
If the passenger has entrusted the above-mentioned valuables to the safe-keeping of the carrier under an agreement for that purpose, the carrier shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the provisions of Article 117 of this Code. Where the limitation of liability agreed upon between the carrier and the passenger in writing is higher than that set out in Article 117 of this Code, the carrier shall make the compensation in accordance with that higher amount.
第一百一十六條 承運人對旅客的貨幣、金銀、珠寶、有價證券或者其他貴重物品所發(fā)生的滅失、損壞,不負賠償責任。
Article 117Except the circumstances specified in paragraph 4 of this Article, the limitation of liability of the carrier under each carriage of passengers by sea shall be governed by the following:
(1) For death of or personal injury to the passenger: not exceeding 46,666 Units of Account per passenger;
(2) For loss of or damage to the passengers' cabin luggage: not exceeding 833 Units of Account per passenger;
(3) For loss of or damage to the passengers' vehicles including the luggage carried therein: not exceeding 3,333 Units of Account per vehicle;
(4) For loss of or damage to luggage other than those described in subparagraphs (2) and (3) above: not exceeding 1,200 Units of Account per passenger.
An agreement may be reached between the carrier and the passengers with respect to the deductibles applicable to the compensation for loss of or damage to the passengers' vehicles and luggage other than their vehicles. However, the deductible with respect to the loss of or damage to the passengers' vehicles shall not exceed 117 Units of Account per vehicle, whereas the deductible for the loss of or damage to the luggage other than the vehicle shall not exceed 13 Units of Account per piece of luggage per passenger. In calculating the amount of compensation for the loss of or damage to the passenger's vehicle or the luggage other than the vehicle, deduction shall be made of the agreed deductibles the carrier is entitled to.
A higher limitation of liability than that set out in sub-paragraph (1) above may be agreed upon between the carrier and the passenger in writing.
The limitation of liability of the carrier with respect to the carriage of passengers by sea between the ports of the People's Republic of China shall be fixed by the competent authorities of transport and communications under the State Council and implemented after its being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
第一百一十七條 除本條第四款規(guī)定的情形外,承運人在每次海上旅客運輸中的賠償責任限額,依照下列規(guī)定執(zhí)行:
Article 118If it is proved that the death of or personal injury to the passenger or the loss of or damage to the passenger's luggage resulted from an act or omission of the carrier done with the intent to cause such loss or damage or recklessly and with knowledge that such death or personal injury or such loss or damage would probably result, the carrier shall not invoke the provisions regarding the limitation of liability contained in Articles 116 and 117 of this Code.
If it is proved that the death of or personal injury to the passenger or the loss of or damage to the passenger's luggage resulted from an act or omission of the servant or agent of the carrier done with the intent to cause such loss or damage or recklessly and with knowledge that such death or personal injury or such loss or damage would probably result, the servant or agent of the carrier shall not invoke the provisions regarding the limitation of liability contained in Articles 116 and 117 of this Code.
第一百一十八條 經證明,旅客的人身傷亡或者行李的滅失、損壞,是由于承運人的故意或者明知可能造成損壞而輕率地作為或者不作為造成的,承運人不得援用本法第一百一十六條和第一百一十七條限制賠償責任的規(guī)定。
Article 119In case of apparent damage to the luggage, the passenger shall notify the carrier or his servant or agent in writing according to the following:
(1) Notice with respect to cabin luggage shall be made before or at the time of his embarkation;
(2) Notice regarding luggage other than cabin luggage shall be made before or at the time of redelivery thereof.
If the damage to the luggage is not apparent and it is difficult for the passenger to discover such damage at the time of his disembarkation or of the redelivery of the luggage, or if the luggage has been lost, the passenger shall notify the carrier or his servant or agent in writing within 15 days from the next day of disembarkation of the passenger or of the redelivery of the luggage.
If the passenger fails to send in the notice in writing in time in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article, it shall be presumed that the luggage has been received undamaged, unless proof to the contrary is made.
Where the luggage has been jointly surveyed or inspected by the passenger and the carrier at the time of redelivery thereof, the abovementioned notice need not be given.
第一百一十九條 行李發(fā)生明顯損壞的,旅客應當依照下列規(guī)定向承運人或者承運人的受雇人、代理人提交書面通知:
Article 120With regard to the claims made to the carrier's servant or agent, such servant or agent shall be entitled to invoke the provisions regarding defence and limitation of liability contained in Articles 115, 116 and 117 of this Code if such servant or agent proves that his act or omission was within the scope of his employment or agency.
第一百二十條 向承運人的受雇人、代理人提出的賠償請求,受雇人或者代理人證明其行為是在受雇或者受委托的范圍內的,有權援用本法第一百一十五條、第一百一十六條和第一百一十七條的抗辯理由和賠償責任限制的規(guī)定。
Article 121Where the performance of the carriage of passengers or part thereof has been entrusted by the carrier to an actual carrier, the carrier shall, as stipulated in this Chapter, remain liable for the entire carriage. Where the carriage is performed by the actual carrier, the carrier shall be liable for the act or omission of the actual carrier or the act or omission of his servant or agent within the scope of his employment or agency.
第一百二十一條 承運人將旅客運送或者部分運送委托給實際承運人履行的,仍然應當依照本章規(guī)定,對全程運送負責。實際承運人履行運送的,承運人應當對實際承運人的行為或者實際承運人的受雇人、代理人在受雇或者受委托的范圍內的行為負責。
Article 122Any special agreement under which the carrier assumes obligations not provided for in this Chapter or waives the rights conferred by this Chapter shall be binding upon the actual carrier where the actual carrier has expressly agreed in writing to the contents thereof. Such a special agreement shall be binding upon the carrier whether the actual carrier has agreed to its contents or not.
第一百二十二條 承運人承擔本章未規(guī)定的義務或者放棄本章賦予的權利的任何特別協議,經實際承運人書面明確同意的,對實際承運人發(fā)生效力;實際承運人是否同意,不影響此項特別協議對承運人的效力。
Article 123Where both the carrier and the actual carrier are liable for compensation, they shall be liable jointly and severally within the scope of such liability.
第一百二十三條 承運人與實際承運人均負有賠償責任的,應當在此項責任限度內負連帶責任。
Article 124Where separate claims have been brought against the carrier, the actual carrier and their servants or agents with respect to the death of or personal injury to the passengers or the loss of or damage to their luggage, the aggregate amount of compensation shall not be in excess of the limitation prescribed in Article 117 of this Code.
第一百二十四條 就旅客的人身傷亡或者行李的滅失、損壞,分別向承運人、實際承運人以及他們的受雇人、代理人提出賠償請求,賠償總額不得超過本法第一百一十七條規(guī)定的限額。
Article 125The provisions of Articles 121 through 124 of this Code shall not affect the right of recourse between the carrier and the actual carrier.
第一百二十五條 本法第一百二十一條至第一百二十四條的規(guī)定,不影響承運人和實際承運人之間相互追償。
Article 126Any of the following clauses contained in a contract of carriage of passengers by sea shall be null and void:
(1) Any clause that exonerates the statutory responsibility of the carrier in respect of the passenger;
(2) Any clause that reduces the limitation of liability of the carrier as contained in this Chapter;
(3) Any clause that contains provisions contrary to those of this Chapter concerning burden of proof;
(4) Any clause that restricts the right of claim of the passenger.
The nullity and voidness of the clauses set out in the preceding paragraph shall not prejudice the validity of the other clauses of the contract.
第一百二十六條 海上旅客運輸合同中含有下列內容之一的條款無效: