Standard Ground Handling Agreement 2002 目 錄 Article 1PROVISION OF SERVICES 第一章 提供服務 Article 2 FAIR PRACTICES 第二章 公平做法 Article 3 SUBCONTRACTING OF SERVICES 第三章 協(xié)議服務的分包 Article 4 CARRIERS PRESENTATIONS 第四章 承運方Standard Ground Handling Agreement 2002
目 錄
Article 2 FAIR PRACTICES 第二章 公平做法
Article 3 SUBCONTRACTING OF SERVICES 第三章 協(xié)議服務的分包
Article 5 STANDARD OF WORK 第五章 服務標準
Article 6 REMUNERATION 第六章 收費
Article 9 ARBITRATION 第九章 仲裁
Article 10 STAMP DUTIES ,REGISTRATION FEES 第十章 印花稅,登記注冊費用
第十一章 協(xié)議期限、更改與終止
Main Agreement主協(xié)議
1.1 General 總則
The services will be made available within the limits of possibilities of the Handling Company and in accordance with the applicable IATA and/or ICAO and/or other governing rules, regulations and procedures.
It is not considered necessary or possible to specify every detail of the services it being generally understood what such services comprise and the standards to be attained in their performance.
1.2 Documents for Ground Handling 地面服務業(yè)務文件
Documents used for ground handling will be the Handling Company’s own documents, where applicable, provided these documents comply with standardized formats that may apply under IATA and/or ICAO and/or other governing rules, regulations and procedures.
1.3 Scheduled Flights定期航班
The Handling Company agrees to provide for the Carrier’s Aircraft for flights operating on an agreed schedule at the location(s) mentioned in the Annex(es) B, those services of Annex A as are listed in the Annex B for the respective locations. The Carrier, in turn, agrees to inform the Handling Company as soon as possible about any changes of schedule and/or frequencies and/or types of aircraft.
1.4 Extra Flights非定期航班
The Handling Company will also provide the services to the Carrier’s Aircraft for flights in addition to the agreed schedule at the same locations, provided that reasonable prior notice is given and the provision of such additional services will not prejudice commitments already under-taken.
1.5 Priority優(yōu)先權
In case of multiple handling, priority shall, as far as possible, be given to aircraft operating on schedule.
1.6 Emergency Assistance緊急援助
In case of emergency, including but not limited to , forced landings, accidents or acts of violence, the Handling Company shall without delay and without waiting for instructions from the Carrier take all reasonable and possible measures to assist passengers and crew and to safeguard and protect from loss or damage baggage, cargo and mail carried in the aircraft.
The Carrier shall reimburse the Handling Company at cost for any extra expenses incurred in rendering such assistance.
1.7 Additional Services額外服務
As far as possible, the Handling Company will, upon request, provide to the Carrier any additional services. Such services may be governed by special conditions to be agreed between the Parties.
1.8 Other Locations其它地點
In case of occasional flights of the Carrier’s Aircraft at locations which are not designated in the present Agreement, where the Handling Company maintains a ground handling organization, the Handling Company shall, on request, make every effort, subject to the means locally available, to furnish necessary services.
Article 2 FAIR PRACTICES 第二章 公平做法
2.1 The Handling Company will take all practicable measures to ensure that sales information contained in the Carrier’s flight documents is made available for the purposes of the Carrier only.
2.2 Neither Party to this Agreement shall disclose any information contained in Annex(es) B to outside parties without the prior consent of the other Party, unless such information is specifically required by applicable law or by governmental or authorities’ regulations, in which case the other Party will be notified accordingly.
Article 3 SUBCONTRACTING OF SERVICES 第三章 協(xié)議服務的分包
3.1 The Handling Company is entitled to delegate any of the agreed services to subcontractors with the Carrier’s consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. It is understood that, in this case, the Handling Company shall nevertheless be responsible to the Carrier for the proper rendering of such services as if they had been performed by the Handling Company itself. Any subcontracting of services and provider(s) thereof, will be recorded in the Annex(es) B.
3.2 The Carrier shall not appoint any other person, company or organization to provide the services which the Handling Company has agreed to provide by virtue of this Agreement, except in such special cases as shall be mutually agreed between the Parties.
4.1 The Carrier may maintain at its own cost, its own representative(s) at the location(s) designated in the Annex(es) B. Such representative(s) and representative(s) of the Carrier’s Head Office may inspect the services furnished to the Carrier by the Handling Company pursuant to this Agreement, advise and assist the Handling Company and render to the Carrier’s clients such assistance as shall not interfere with the furnishing of services by the Handling Company.
4.2 The Carrier may, by prior written notice to the Handling Company and at its own cost, engage and organization (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Supervisor’) to supervise the services of the Handling Company at the location(s) designated in Annex(es) B. Such notice shall contain a description of the services to be supervised.
The Supervisor shall have the same authority as defined above in Sub-Article 4.1 for the Carrier’s own representative.
Article 5 STANDARD OF WORK 第五章 服務標準
5.1 The Handling Company shall carry out all technical and flight operations services as well as other services also having a safety aspect, for example, load control, loading of aircraft and handling of dangerous goods, in accordance with the Carrier’s instructions, receipt of which must be confirmed in writing to the Carrier by the Handling Company.
In the case of absence of instructions by the Carrier, the Handling Company shall follow its own standard practices and procedures.
Other services also having a safety aspect, for example, load control, loading of aircraft and handling of dangerous goods, shall be carried out in accordance with applicable IATA and/or ICAO and/or other governing rules, regulations and procedures.
5.2 The Handling Company will carry out all other services in accordance with the Carrier’s procedures and instructions, or as mutually agreed. In the case of absence of instructions by the Carrier, the Handling Company shall follow its own standard practices and procedures.
5.3 The Handling Company agrees to take all possible steps to ensure that, with regard to contracted services, the Carrier’s Aircraft, crews, passengers and load receive treatment not less favourable than that given by the Handling Company to other Carriers or its own comparable operation at the same location.
5.4 The Handling Company agrees to ensure that authorizations of specialised personnel performing services for the Carrier are kept up-to-date. If at any time the Handling Company is unable to provide authorized personnel as requested by the Carrier, the Handling Company shall inform the Carrier immediately.
5.5 The Carrier shall supply the Handling Company with sufficient information and instructions to enable the Handling Company to perform its handling properly.
5.6 In the provision of the services as a whole, due regard shall be paid to safety, security, local and international regulations, applicable IATA and/or ICAO and/or other governing rules, regulations and procedures and the aforementioned request(s) of the Carrier in such a manner that delays and damage to the Carrier’s Aircraft and load are avoided and the general public is given the best impression of air transport.
5.7 The Handling Company must report to the Carrier’s representative immediately all loss of or damage, threatened or actual, to aircraft and loads noticed in the course of the handling or which in any other way comes to the knowledge of the Handling Company.
5.8 The Parties shall reach mutual agreement on the quality standards for any services, not excluding those covered by Sub-Article 5.1 above. Such quality standards for a specific location may form part of the applicable Annex B. The Handling Company agrees to take all possible steps to ensure that, with regard to contracted services, the agreed upon quality standards will be met.
雙方將在各項服務質量標準方面達成一致的意見,但不排除上述5.1中的有關規(guī)定,這樣的服務標準可以在適用的附件B中找到。代理人同意采取各項可能的措施以保障 分包服務的質量標準與前面提到的一致。
5.9 The Carrier may at its own cost, by prior written notice, audit the designated services in the applicable Annex(es) B. Such notice shall contain a description of the area(s) to be audited. The Handling Company shall cooperate with the Carrier and will undertake any corrective action(s) required.
Article 6 REMUNERATION 第六章 收費
6.1 In consideration of the Handling Company providing the services, the Carrier agrees to pay to the Handling Company the charges set out in the respective Annex(es) B. the Carrier further agrees to pay the proper charges of the Handling Company and to discharge all additional expenditure incurred for providing the services referred to in Sub-Articles 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8.
根據(jù)代理人所提供的服務,承運人同意向代理人按附件B中所列的服務項目支付服務費用。承運人還同意支付代理人的適當費用,并清償1.4、 1.6、1.7、1.8條款中產生的額外開支。
6.2 The charges set out in Annex(es) B do not include: 附件B中所列收費不包括:
- any charges, fees or taxes imposed or levied by the Airport, Customs or other authorities against the Carrier or the Handling Company in connection with the provision of services herein by the Handling Company or in connection with the Carrier’s flights.
- 本協(xié)議所述的各項費用不含機場、海關或其它政府部門向承運人或代理人征收的、與代理人按本協(xié)議提供服務或與承運人航班有關的任何其它費用或稅收;
- Expenses incurred in connection with stopover and transfer passengers and with the handling of passengers for interrupted, delayed or cancelled flight.
- 因旅客中途經停和轉港及航班中斷、延誤或取消時,安置旅客所產生的費用。
7.1 The Handling Company shall invoice the Carrier monthly with the charges arising from the provision of the handling services of Annex A as listed in Annex(es) B at the rates of charges set out in Annex(es) B.
7.2 Settlement shall be effected through the IATA Clearing House unless other wise agreed in Annex(es) B.
In this Article, all references to: 在本章中某些詞義參考如下:
(a) “the Carrier” or “the Handling Company” shall include their employees, servants, agents and subcontractors;
(b) “ground support equipment” shall mean all equipment used in the performance of ground handling services included in Annex A, whether fixed or mobile, and
(c) “act or omission” shall include negligence.“故意行為或過失”應包括疏忽行為。
8.1 Except as stated in Sub-Article 8.5, the Carrier shall not make any claim against the Handling Company and shall indemnify it (subject as hereinafter provided) against any legal liability for claims or suits, including costs and expenses incidental thereto, in respect of:
(a) delay, injury or death of persons carried or to be carried by the Carrier;
(b) injury or death of any employee of the Carrier;承運人自己的雇員受傷或死亡;
(c) damage to or delay or loss of baggage, cargo or mail carried or to be carried by the Carrier, and
(d) damage to or loss of property owned or operated by , or on behalf of, the Carrier and any consequential loss or damage;
arising from an act or omission of the Handling company in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause damage, death, delay, injury or loss or recklessly and with the knowledge that damage, death, delay, injury or loss would probably result.
Provided that all claims or suits arising hereunder shall be dealt with by the Carrier; and
Provided also that the Handling Company shall notify the Carrier of any claims or suits without undue delay and shall furnish such assistance as the Carrier may reasonably require.
Provided also that where any of the services performed by the Handling Company hereunder relate to the carriage by the Carrier of passengers, baggage or cargo direct to or from a place in the United States of America the Warsaw Convention would have applied if any such act or omission had been committed by the Carrier but are held by a Court not be applicable to such act or omission committed by the Handling Company in performing this Agreement then upon such decision of the Court the indemnity of the Carrier to the Handling Company hereunder shall be limited to an amount not exceeding the amount for which the Carrier would have been liable if it had committed such act or omission.
8.2 The Carrier shall not make any claim against the Handling Company in respect of damage, death, delay, injury or loss to third parities caused by the operation of the Carrier’s aircraft arising from an act or omission of the Handling Company in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause damage, death, delay, injury or loss or recklessly and with knowledge that damage, death, delay, injury or loss would probably result.
8.3 (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article 8.1, in the case of claims arising out of surface transportation which is provided on behalf of the Carrier and is part of the operation of loading/embarking or unloading/disembarking and/or is covered by the Carrier’s Contract of Carriage the indemnity shall not exceed limits specified in the said Contract of Carriage.
(b) In the case of claims arising out of surface transportation which is not provided on behalf of the Carrier and/or is not part of the operation of loading/embarking or unloading/disembarking and/or is not covered by the Carrier’s Contract of Carriage the waiver and indemnity herein contained shall not apply.
8.4 The Handling Company shall not make any claim against the Carrier and shall indemnify it (subject as hereinafter provided) against any legal liability of claims or suits, including costs and expenses incidental thereto, in respect of:
(a) injury to or death of any employees of the Handling Company , its servants, agents or subcontractors; and
(b) damage to or loss of property owned or operated by , or on behalf of, the Handling Company and any consequential loss or damage;
arising from an act or omission of the Carrier in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause damage, death, delay, injury or loss or recklessly and with knowledge that damage, death, delay, injury or loss would probably result.
8.5 Notwithstanding Sub-Article 8.1(d), the Handling Company shall indemnify the Carrier against any physical loss of or damage to the Carrier’s Aircraft caused by the Handling Company’s negligent operation of ground support equipment PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the Handling Company’s liability shall be limited to any such loss of or damage to the Carrier’s Aircraft not exceeding the limits stated in Annex(es) B which shall not, in any event, exceed USD 1,500,000 except that loss or damage in respect of any incident below USD 3,000 shall not be indemnified.
盡管有第8.1(d) 條款之規(guī)定,若代理人對其提供的地面代理設備進行過失操作而導致承運人,飛機損壞或損失向承運人進行賠償時,必須始終以代理人對此類承運人飛機損壞或損失的責任限制不能超過附件B中所規(guī)定的責任限制為前提,而在任何情況下這種責任限制不得超過$1,500,000美元,并且低于3000美元涉及任何事故的損失及損壞也將不能得到賠償。
For the avoidance of doubt, save as expressly stated, this Sub-Article 8.5 does not affect or prejudice the generality of the provision of Sub-Article 8.1 including the principle that the Carrier shall not make any claim against the any liability in respect of any and all consequential loss or damage howsoever arising.
Article 9 ARBITRATION 第九章 仲裁
9.1 In the event of any dispute or claim concerning the scope, meaning, construction or effect of this Agreement, the parties shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve disputes amongst themselves. Failing mutual resolution of the dispute, the parties may elect to resolve the dispute through arbitration (either by a single arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators). In the event that the parties fail to agree to an arbitration process, the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the laws of the state or jurisdiction set out in Annex(es)B, by the courts set out in Annex(es)B without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
Article 10 STAMP DUTIES ,REGISTRATION FEES 第十章 印花稅,登記注冊費用
10.1 All stamp duties and registration fees in connection with this Agreement, which may be prescribed under the national law of either Party to this Agreement, are payable by that Party.
10.2 All stamp duties and registration fees in connection with this Agreement, which may be prescribed under the national law of the location(s), as mentioned in the Annex(es) B and not being a location situated in the country of either Party to this Agreement will be shared equally between the Parties.
第十一章 協(xié)議期限、更改與終止
11.1 This Agreement shall be effective from … . the date specified in the respective Annex(es)B. It shall supersede any previous arrangements between the Parties governing the provision of services at locations for which there are valid Annex(es) B to this Agreement.
11.2 Modification of, or addition s to this Agreement shall be recorded in Annex(es) B.
11.3 Any notice referred to under this Article 11 given by one Party under this Agreement shall be deemed properly given if sent by registered letter, or by other means where proof of receipt or acknowledgement is obtained, to the respective office of the other Party as recorded in the Annex(es) B. In the case of a registered letter notice shall be considered to be served on the date of receipt.
11.4 This Main Agreement shall continue in force until terminated by either Party giving sixty days prior notice to the other Party.
11.5 Termination by either Party of all or any part of the services to be furnished at a specific location requires sixty days prior notice to the other Party. In the event of part termination of services, consideration shall be given to an adjustment of charges.
11.6 Any Annex(es)B to this Agreement exceeding a defined period of validity, shall continue in effect until terminated by either party providing sixty days prior notice to the other Party.
11.7 In the event of the Carrier’s or the Handling Company’s permit(s) or other authorization(s) to conduct its air transportation services, or to furnish the services provided for in the Annex(es) B, wholly or in part, being revoked, cancelled, or suspended, that Party shall notify the Party without delay and either Party may terminate the Agreement or the relevant Annex(es) B at the effective date of such revocation, cancellation or suspension by giving to the other Party notice thereof within twenty-four hours after such event.
11.8 Either Party may terminate this Agreement and its Annexes at any time if the other Party becomes insolvent, makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or commits an act of bankruptcy or if a petition in bankruptcy or for its reorganization or the readjustment of its indebtedness be filed by or against it, provided the petition is found justified by the appropriate authority, or if a receiver, trustee or liquidator of all or substantially all of its property be appointed or applied for.
11.9 Both Parties shall be exempt from obligation if prompt notification is given by either party in respect of any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement arising from any of the following causes:
如果任何一方因如下原因, 無法履行自己的職責,并立即通知另一方,則代理人和承運人都應免于追究責任。
- labour disputes involving complete or partial stoppage of work or delay in the performance of work;
- 勞動糾紛導致全部或部分工作停止或延誤;
- force majeure or any other cause beyond the control of either Party.
- 不可抗力或其它雙方不可抗因素。
11.10 In the event of the Agreement or part thereof being terminated by notice or other wise, such termination shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of either Party prior to termination.
11.11 The Handling Company shall have the right at any time to vary the charges set out in the Annex(es) B provided, however, that the Handling Company has given notice in writing to the Carrier not less than thirty days prior to the revised charges becoming effective. The notice shall specify the revised charges which the Handling Company proposes to introduce, together with the date on which they are to be brought into effect.
11.12 Notwithstanding the Article 11.11, when changes occur in the schedule, and/or frequencies and/or types of aircraft, other than those set out in Annex(es)B, which affect the handling costs, either Party shall have the right to request an adjustment to the handling charges as from the date of the change provided that the Party concerned does inform the other Party within thirty days of the change.