銀行客戶賬戶授權(quán)書 (中英文)

MANDATE FOR BUSINESS ACCOUNTS OF BANK 客戶編號:Customer Number 致:恒生銀行(中國)有限公司 To: Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited 注意 Notes: 1. 本授權(quán)書中法定代表人指公司/單位的營業(yè)執(zhí)照/其他存續(xù)證明文件上注明的法定代表人,負責人指單位的營業(yè)執(zhí)
客戶編號:Customer Number
致:恒生銀行(中國)有限公司 To: Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited
注意 Notes:
1. 本授權(quán)書中“法定代表人”指公司/單位的營業(yè)執(zhí)照/其他存續(xù)證明文件上注明的法定代表人,“負責人”指單位的營業(yè)執(zhí)照/其他存續(xù)證明文件/上級主管部門批復上注明的負責人,“投資人”指單位的營業(yè)執(zhí)照/其他存續(xù)證明文件上注明的投資人。
“Legal Representative” means the legal representative of the Company/Entity as indicated on the business license/other existing certificate(s); “Principal” means the principal of the Entity as indicated on the business license/existing certificate(s) /approval of superior administrative department, “Investor” means the investor of the Entity as indicated on the business license/other existing certificate(s).
2. 個人獨資企業(yè)的授權(quán)書由個人獨資企業(yè)投資人簽署;合伙企業(yè)的授權(quán)書由所有合伙人簽署;公司的授權(quán)書由根據(jù)公司章程或公司章程性文件中規(guī)定的構(gòu)成有權(quán)機構(gòu)有效人數(shù)的董事/股東/管理機構(gòu)成員(包括會議主席)簽署;其他單位的授權(quán)書由營業(yè)執(zhí)照/其他存續(xù)證明文件/上級主管部門批復上注明的法定代表人/負責人簽署。
The Mandate for Accounts should be signed by the Investor if the Customer is a sole-proprietorship, all partners if a partnership or each of the Directors / Shareholder / Member of the Governing Body (including the Chairman of the Meeting) who constituted quorum for the Meeting in accordance with the articles of association or the constitutional documents of the Customer if a Company, Legal Representative/ Principal as indicated on the business license/existing certificate(s) /approval of superior administrative department if an other Entity.
3. 請用正楷填寫,如不適用請在空白處加上刪除號“/”。
Please complete in Block Letters and mark with “/” where inapplicable.
4. 凡經(jīng)修改之處,必須由公司/單位加蓋公章。
All alterations to this Mandate for Accounts must be certified by the official chop of the Company/Entity.
客戶名稱 Name of Customer
(中文 in Chinese)
(英文 in English)
甲部 Part A
The following resolutions were duly made by the Company/Entity on __________:
1. 同意在貴行及/或貴行的任何分支機構(gòu)開立、繼續(xù)運作及或關(guān)閉任何賬戶,并授權(quán)下述授權(quán)簽署人根據(jù)下述簽署安排簽署賬戶運作相關(guān)的所有文件,每一賬戶均可由該等授權(quán)簽署人根據(jù)下述簽署安排運作及交易。
That the Company/Entity open, continue to maintain and/or close any account with the Bank and/or any of its branch/sub-branch and that the Authorised Signatories listed below at the time of the account opening or operating be authorized to execute any document in respect of the operating of such account, the Authorised Signatories are empowered to operate any account in accordance with the Signing Arrangement below for and on behalf of the Company/Entity.
公章式樣Specimen of company chop:
支票專用章式樣Specimen of cheque chop:
財務專用章式樣Specimen of finance chop:
Specimen of personal chop or signature of authorised signatory(ies):
簽署安排Signing Arrangement:
Signing Arrangement shall be consistent with contents specified in Signature Card
2. □ 申請恒生商業(yè)e-Banking服務并作出決定如下(如適用,請在“□”中打“√”.):
That the Company/Entity apply for Hang Seng Business e-Banking service and make decisions below (Please tick “√” in the “□” where
2.1 同意申請由貴行提供的恒生商業(yè)e-Banking服務(“商業(yè)e-Banking”),同意接受貴行的《恒生商業(yè)e-Banking條款及細則》(“條款及細則”),及同意本公司/單位使用商業(yè)e-Banking須受貴行不時修改和生效后的條款及細則的最新版本約束。
It is approved to apply for the Hang Seng Business e-Banking service (the “Business e-Banking”) provided by the Bank and agrees to the Hang Seng Business e-Banking Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) of the Bank and agrees to subject to the latest version of the Terms and Conditions as amended and put into force by the Bank from time to time in relation to the Company/Entity’s use of Business e-Banking.
2.2 授權(quán)_________先生/女士為主要使用人,及__________先生/女士為一般使用人,其姓名和簽字式樣列于申請表格。
Nominates Mr./Ms. __________to be the Primary User(s) and Mr./Ms. ________to be the Secondary User(s) on the Customer’s behalf, whose name(s) and specimen signature(s) are listed in Application Form.
2.3 同意通過主要使用人和一般使用人代表本公司/單位使用商業(yè)e-Banking符合客戶的利益,并進一步授權(quán)和同意:
Agrees that the use of the Business e-Banking by the Primary User(s) and the Secondary User(s) is in the commercial interest of the Company/Entity and the Company/Entity further acknowledges and confirms that:
2.3.1 任何一個主要使用人能夠完全代表本公司/單位并對本公司/單位有完全的約束力簽署如下任何一種文件:
Any one of the Primary User(s) is capable of executing any of the following documents fully representing the Company/Entity and having the Company/Entity duly bound:
a. 變更或取消其他主要使用人或終止商業(yè)e-Banking的任何表格或文件;
Any form or documents for the purpose of amending or cancelling other Primary User(s) or terminating the Business e-Banking;
b. 貴行要求的文件以按其完全酌情權(quán)認為適當?shù)闹付ā和?、取消、其他管理一般使用人或一般使用人的任何?quán)限;
Any documents required by the Bank to nominate suspend terminate or otherwise manage the Secondary User(s) or any authority of the Secondary User(s) as considered proper according to its absolute discretion;
c. 貴行要求的須由主要使用人簽署、而該主要使用人按其完全酌情權(quán)認為適當?shù)娜魏纹渌募?br /> Any other documents the Bank request to sign by a Primary User and the Primary User considers proper according to its absolute discretion.
2.3.2 任何一個主要使用人或一般使用人能夠完全代表本公司/單位并對本公司/單位有完全的約束力從事如下任何一種行為(無論通過貴行指定的商業(yè)e-Banking的網(wǎng)絡平臺或任何其他形式):
Any of the Primary User(s) or Secondary User(s) is capable of any of the following deeds fully representing the Company/Entity and having the Company/Entity duly bound (whether via the internet platform connected to the Business e-Banking as designated by the Bank or in any other manner):
a. 注冊、使用商業(yè)e-Banking,包括但不限于操作其認為需要的本公司/單位的任何賬戶,或進行條款及細則所定義的任何交易;
To register and use Business e-Banking, including but not limited to operate any account of the Company/Entity which it deems necessary or enter into any transactions as contemplated in the Terms and Conditions;
b. 接受條款及細則(包括條款及細則的任何修改)、貴行的其他條款與條件、通知、聲明或規(guī)定;
To agree to Terms and Conditions (including any amendments thereto) any other terms and conditions, notice, notes or others as advised
by the Bank;
c. 給予銀行任何指示、通知、報告或說明;
To give any instructions, notices, reports or clarification letters to the Bank;
d. 簽署貴行要求的與商業(yè)e-Banking有關(guān)的按其完全酌情權(quán)認為適當?shù)娜魏伪砀?、收?jù)、合同或者其他文件(第2.3.1條所列文件除外)。
To execute any forms, receipts, contracts or other documents associated with the Business e-Banking as required by the Bank which it
deems proper according to its absolute discretion (excluding the documents as specified in above Clause 2.3.1).
乙部 Part B
1. 本公司/單位完全承諾和確認開戶申請表格所載的確認及聲明,完成開戶申請表格,并將開戶申請表格與本授權(quán)書,一并提交于銀行,使其完全約束
The Company/Entity fully agrees to and confirms the Certification and Declaration specified in Account Opening Form and agrees to complete the
Account Opening Form having the same attached to this Mandate for Accounts and delivered to the Bank so as to fully bind the Company/Entity.
2. 甲部內(nèi)容如有變更,應當以填妥的新的賬戶授權(quán)書通知貴行。乙部內(nèi)容如有變更,個人獨資企業(yè)投資人/法定代表人/負責人應出具貴行接受的變更授權(quán)書并加蓋公司/單位公章通知貴行。上述新的賬戶授權(quán)書和變更授權(quán)書合稱“新授權(quán)文件”。
Any amendment or change to Part A of this Mandate for Accounts shall be communicated to the Bank with a duly completed and signed new Mandate for Accounts. Any amendment or change to Part B of this Mandate for Accounts shall be communicated to the Bank with an Amendment To Mandate For Accounts satisfactory to the Bank which shall be signed by the Sole Proprietor/Legal Representative/ Principal and sealed by Company chop. Aforesaid new Mandate for Accounts and the Amendment to Mandate For Accounts are collectively called as “New Authorization Document”.
3. 本賬戶授權(quán)書項下內(nèi)容的變更自貴行收到新授權(quán)文件的書面正本的下一個銀行工作日生效。在相關(guān)變更生效之前,本授權(quán)書項下的授權(quán)(“原授權(quán)”)仍然有效,貴行在原授權(quán)失效之前,按照原授權(quán)執(zhí)行任何相關(guān)指令所產(chǎn)生的任何損失均由本公司/單位承擔。通過電話、電子郵件、傳真或者任何其他形式的即時通訊方式所發(fā)送的變更文件,不得視為有效的變更文件。
Such amendment or change under this Mandate for Accounts shall become effective on the next banking day after the Bank receives original hard copies of such New Authorization Document. The authorization hereunder (“Original Authorization”) will remain in full force and effect until the relevant amendment or change takes effect. Any loss incurred by the Bank from the execution of any relevant instruction according to the Original Authorization before the Original Authorization ceases to be effective, shall be borne by the Company/Entity. No amendment document in respect thereof sent via telephone, email, fax or any other instant communication method shall be deemed as a valid amendment document.
I/We hereby certify that the foregoing resolutions and all the signatures and specimen of chops provided as following are authentic, legitimate and valid.
合伙人/會議主席(必須為董事/ 股東/管理機構(gòu)成員)
Partner / Chairman of the Meeting (must be a director/ shareholder / member of the governing body)