
AGREEMENT OF PARTICIPATION IN CLOTHING FAIR 日期 The Date of 甲方:(展會承辦方)Party A (Organizer of Fair ): 地址:Address 電話:Telephone 乙方:(展會參展方) Party B (Participator of Fair) 地址:Address 企業(yè)登記:No. of Business Register
                                                             日期  The Date of               
甲方:(展會承辦方)Party A (Organizer of Fair ):
乙方:(展會參展方)  Party B (Participator of Fair)
企業(yè)登記:No. of Business Register
電話: Telephone
As a main host of China Clothing Fair, Party A invites Party B to take part in the exhibition and fair; With the applications of this exhibition, Party B accepts the invitation of the Party A. Both Parties confirm and abide by the following agreements:
一、參展參會程序Schedule of Participating
The honour guests are required to fill in the Registry Form of Participant ,so are the enterprises with their seals on the form, and fax the form to the agent of Party A in USA, which are responsible for the trade and investment promotion.
2.On receipt of the application of Party B, Party A, if accepts, should give a written notification to Party B through an agent.
雙方簽訂本合同。This contract will be made by both parties.
二、甲方權利和義務The rights and obligations of Party A
1.To guarantee the holding of the exhibition/fair on schedule, and offer opportunities of exhibiting, attending and free communicating for Party A.
To provide the booked locations and facilities for Party B, If special decoration is required, Party A helps to make an arrangement for it with extra fees.
To make accommodation for the members of Party B as well as provide them with food and beverage service. If the members of Party B choose their own hotels rather than accepting the standard service offered by the exhibition, Party A will return the accommodation and food and beverage fees to Party B, which are included in the exhibition fees, and will help Party B to make the arrangements. The arrangement fees should be paid by Party B.
To recommend the accommodation for the members of Party A as well as provide them with food and beverage services, and the fees should be paid by Party B.
To assist Party B to book the return tickets of airplane and make tour arrangements for them after the exhibition and forum.
三、乙方權利及義務The rights and obligations of Party B
1.向甲方申請標準展位_____個,費用總計為_____ USD。
To apply Party A for_____ standard stands, the total fees are_____USD.
2.向甲方申請參加展交會中的論壇_____ 人,費用總計為_____ USD
To apply Party A for _______members which will participate in the forum, and the total fees are_____USD.
3.其它申請:Other applications
To abide by the Chinese law during the time of exhibition/fair and in Chinese territory.
1.本合同簽訂后3日內(nèi),乙方將參展或參會的全部費用,通過銀行匯入展交會指定帳戶:匯款請注明:參展參會 )。
Within 3 days after this contract is made, Party B will, in a bank, remit the exhibition and fair fees to the appointed account of Party A . Notice in remittance: Attendants who take part in the occasion of the Exhibition & Fair and the Forum International
2.Party A delivers the notice of participating the exhibition or fair, after receiving the remittance from Party A.
五、其它 Miscellaneous
Any breach or disputes during the implement of this contract will be solved in terms of the law of China.
This contract is drawn up in triplicate, and Party A ,Party B and Party A’s agent in USA each have one copy; It takes effect since the signing date of this contract. The time of efficacy does not terminate until the end of the exhibition and fair and the time before the fulfillment of the rights and obligations with regard to both parties.
甲方:(主辦方)                             乙方:(參展方)
Party A: (Organizer)                          Party B (Participator)