CONTRACT OF CUSTOMIZATION OF AUTOS PARTS AND COMPONENTS 甲方:Party A: 乙方:Party B: 目 錄CONTENTS 前言Recital 第一章 合同雙方的權(quán)利與義務(wù)Chapter 1 Rights and duties of both Parties 第二章 工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)Chapter 2 IPR 第三章 產(chǎn)品責(zé)任Chapter 3 ProCONTRACT OF CUSTOMIZATION OF AUTO’S PARTS AND COMPONENTS
甲方:Party A:
乙方:Party B:
第一章 合同雙方的權(quán)利與義務(wù)Chapter 1 Rights and duties of both Parties
第二章 工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)Chapter 2 IPR
第三章 產(chǎn)品責(zé)任Chapter 3 Product liability .
第四章 變更與異常Chapter 4 Change and disorder
第五章 保 密Chapter 5 Confidentiality
第六章 違約責(zé)任Chapter 6 Default liability
第七章 不可抗力Chapter 7 Force Majeure
第八章 合同期限Chapter 8 Term of contract
第九章 仲 裁Chapter 9 Arbitration
附件一 產(chǎn)品前期開發(fā)與試制Appendix 1: Pre-development and trail-manufacture of products
附件二 物流協(xié)議Appendix 2: Logistics agreement
附件三 價(jià)格協(xié)議 Appendix 3: Price agreement
附件四 獎(jiǎng)罰協(xié)議Appendix 4: Rewards and punishments agreement
附件五 付款協(xié)議Appendix 5 Payment Agreement
附件六 陽(yáng)光協(xié)議Appendix 6 Honesty and Integrity Agreement
附件七 質(zhì)保協(xié)議Appendix 7 Quality assurance agreement
前 言Recitals
本合同于 2012 年 01 月 01 日在----簽訂。 簽約一方為:----------(以下簡(jiǎn)稱甲方),該公司是一家依據(jù)中國(guó)法律存在的法人實(shí)體,其住所為:---------------。
簽約另一方為: --------------(以下簡(jiǎn)稱乙方),是一家依據(jù)中國(guó)法律存在的法人實(shí)體,其住所為: ----------------- 。
鑒于甲方擬與乙方簽訂長(zhǎng)期供貨合同, 考慮到合法利益的有效保障,雙方一致同意以下條款,簽訂本合同。本合同是甲方與乙方建立配套合作關(guān)系的基礎(chǔ)框架性文件,是規(guī)范和確定甲、乙雙方在合同履行過程中應(yīng)有的權(quán)利和所須承擔(dān)的責(zé)任的書面規(guī)定。本合同共包括九個(gè)部分的內(nèi)容及八項(xiàng)協(xié)議附件。
This agreement is concluded on the first day of January in 2012 in -------by and between:
Party A: --------------- (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a company incorporated in accordance with Chinese laws and having its domicile at ---------------;
Party B:------------(hereinafter referred to as Party B), a company incorporated in accordance with Chinese laws and with its domicile at -------------.
Whereas Party A wishes to conclude a long-term supply agreement with Party B and in consideration of the effective protection of the legal interests, both Parties have reached the following agreements in consensus and signed this agreement. This agreement is the fundamental framework documents for the supporting and cooperation relation between both Parties and the written specification and determination of the rights and obligations of both Parties during the performance of this agreement. This agreement consists of 9 chapters and 8 appendices.
一, 合同雙方的權(quán)力與義務(wù)The rights and obligations of both Parties
二, 工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)Industrial Property Right
三, 產(chǎn)品責(zé)任Product liabilities
四, 變更與異常 Modifications and changes
五, 保密Confidentiality.
六, 違約責(zé)任Liabilities for breach of contract
七, 不可抗力Force Majeure
八, 合同期限Term of contract
九, 仲裁Arbitration.
Upon the conclusion and entry into effect of this agreement, the appendices to this agreement shall constitute the extension and inalienable part of this agreement.
附件一、開發(fā)協(xié)議Appendix 1 Development agreement
附件二、物流協(xié)議Appendix 2: Logistics agreement
附件三、價(jià)格協(xié)議Appendix 3: Price agreement
附件四、獎(jiǎng)罰協(xié)議Appendix 4: Rewards and punishments agreement
附件五、付款協(xié)議Appendix 5 Payment Agreement
附件六、陽(yáng)光協(xié)議Appendix 6 Honesty and Integrity Agreement
附件七、質(zhì)量協(xié)議Appendix 7 Quality assurance agreement
附件八、技術(shù)協(xié)議Appendix 8 Technology agreement
第一章:合同雙方的權(quán)力與義務(wù)Chapter 1 Rights and obligations of both Parties
1. 甲方的權(quán)力、責(zé)任與義務(wù)包括但不限于:
. Party A’s rights, obligations and duties include but not limited to:
Entitled to require Party B to supply the agreed parts and components in accordance with the technical and quality standards, quantity, packaging, schedule, place, service and so on requirements as may be agreed in relevant agreements between both Parties;
To carry out regular or irregular evaluations of Party B in accordance with the changes of the production plan, the quality of the supplied parts and components, the compliance of time schedule, the quality of after-sale service and so on, and make adjustment to the quantity, categories and supplying qualification as well as to cancel Party B’s supplying qualification according to the results of the evaluations;
In the case of product liability due to Party B’s fault, to require Party B to compensate economic loss resulted from such product liability;
To pay Party B the price of goods in accordance with the agreement;
To have the obligation of confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the agreement;
To have any other rights and obligations as may be agreed in the agreement.
2. 乙方的主要權(quán)利、責(zé)任與義務(wù)包括但不限于:
Party B’s rights, obligations and duties include but not limited to:
To require Party A to make payments as may be agreed in relevant agreements;
To supply the parts and components as may be agreed in accordance with the agreed technical and quality standard and quantity, packaging, schedule, place and other requirements and ensure to reach the quality requirements during the production;
To replace and repair the unqualified products delivered to Party A within the specified time and be liable for the expenses and direct loss thereof;
In the event that Party A suffers any economic losses due to products liability or Party B’s breach of contract, to make compensations upon the request;
Without Party A’s prior written consent, shall not to provide the technical materials concerning or in relation to the agreed parts and components in any manner;
Shall be liable for the obligation of confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the agreement;
To have any other rights and obligations as may be agreed in the agreement.
第二章 工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)Chapter 2 IPR
1. 乙方應(yīng)不侵犯任何第三方的工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)前提下,為甲方加工合同零部件,若甲方為此引起任何索賠時(shí),乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任。
Party B shall manufacture contract parts and components for Party A without infringing upon the IPR of any third party. In the event that Party A suffers such claims, Party B shall be totally liable.
2. 乙方應(yīng)確保甲方及其客戶不因上述工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)而承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任和損失。如果乙方按甲方提供的圖紙等制造和供應(yīng)合同零部件時(shí),不可能知道已侵犯了任何第三方的工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)的,不屬此規(guī)定。
Party B shall protect and indemnify Party A and its customers against any responsibilities and losses arising from the above IPR. In the event that Party B manufactures and supplies parts and components in accordance with the drawings and so on provided by Party A and should not have been aware of the infringement of any third party’s IPR, Party B shall not be liable.
3. 在甲方提出要求時(shí),乙方應(yīng)告之甲方所有與合同零部件有關(guān)的任何工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)使用情況,不論這些工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)屬乙方所有,還是被許可使用,或是任何特批的工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)。
When Party A requires, Party B shall inform Party A of all conditions of the IPR related to the agreed parts and components, whether such IPR belongs to Party B, or licensed to use or specially authorized.
第三章 產(chǎn)品責(zé)任Chapter 3 Product liability
1. 如果第三方指控由甲方提供且安裝在第三方制造的汽車上有缺陷的合同產(chǎn)品導(dǎo)致了該汽車損壞或人身、財(cái)產(chǎn)損失,并因此向甲方提出索賠或起訴,經(jīng)甲方查實(shí)為乙方責(zé)任造成的,則甲方應(yīng)傳真或電話通知乙方。
In the event that any third party claims that the defective products provided by Party A and as may be installed on the automobiles manufactured by such third party have caused the damages of such automobiles and personal and property losses and therefore makes claims against and sues Party A, Party A shall inform Party B thereof by fax or telephone after Party A has verified that Party B is liable.
2. 乙方應(yīng)參與調(diào)查、技術(shù)鑒定和技術(shù)仲裁,并在上述調(diào)查、技術(shù)鑒定和技術(shù)仲裁進(jìn)行過程中提供一切必要的信息。如果發(fā)生訴訟,本協(xié)議雙方應(yīng)共同參與應(yīng)訴。
Party B shall participate in the investigation, technical evaluations and arbitrations and shall provide all the necessary information during the above investigation, technical evaluations and arbitrations. In the event of the lawsuits, both Parties shall jointly participate.
3. 所發(fā)生的合同產(chǎn)品責(zé)任索賠有關(guān)的一切費(fèi)用應(yīng)由造成產(chǎn)品責(zé)任索賠的一方承擔(dān)。
All the expenses occurred in relation to the claims of product liabilities shall be borne by the party causing such product liabilities.
4. 雙方應(yīng)共同確定引起索賠是由哪一方造成的,或者在何種程度上是由于某一方的過錯(cuò)造成的所提出的索賠。做出上述確定時(shí),應(yīng)以能夠獲得的信息和投訴以及裁決(如有的話)為基礎(chǔ)。
Both Parties shall jointly determine which party causes such claims or to what extent one party’s fault has caused such claims. The above determination shall be made in accordance with the available information and complaints and arbitrations (if applicable).
5. 如果產(chǎn)品責(zé)任完全是由于乙方過錯(cuò)而造成,則乙方應(yīng)使甲方免于承擔(dān)與第三方提出的索賠和訴訟有關(guān)的一切費(fèi)用,包括律師費(fèi)、訴訟費(fèi)等,由乙方自己承擔(dān)。
In the event that the product liability is totally caused by Party B’s fault, Party B shall indemnify Party A against any costs including attorney fees, legal cost and so on in relation to the claims and proceedings made by any third party.
6. 如果產(chǎn)品責(zé)任完成是由于甲方過錯(cuò)而造成,則甲方應(yīng)使乙方免于承擔(dān)與第三方提出的索賠和訴訟有關(guān)的一切費(fèi)用,包括律師費(fèi)、訴訟費(fèi)。
In the event that the product liability is totally caused by Party A’s fault, Party A shall indemnify Party B against any costs including attorney fees, legal cost and so on in relation to the claims and proceedings made by any third party.
7. 如果產(chǎn)品責(zé)任索賠歸咎于本條款雙方,則支付賠償費(fèi)用時(shí)應(yīng)根據(jù)每方在所發(fā)生的損害中所起作用而分擔(dān)。雙方應(yīng)就如何最有效地處理上述索賠而互相協(xié)商。
In the event that the claims of product liability are attributed to both Parties, both Parties shall make compensations according to their contributions to such damages. Both Parties shall consult with each other with respect to the most effective settlement of the above claims.
8. 責(zé)任應(yīng)包括:The liability includes
a) 為汽車或其零部件的損壞所作的賠償;
The compensation for the damages of the automobiles or their parts and components;
b) 第三方所受的人身傷害及財(cái)產(chǎn)損失;以及同索賠或訴訟有關(guān)的一切其它費(fèi)用,例如:調(diào)查費(fèi)、技術(shù)鑒定和技術(shù)仲裁費(fèi)用、律師費(fèi)、訴訟費(fèi)。
the personal injuries and property losses suffered by the third parties; and any other costs in relation to the claims or lawsuits, such as, the investigation cost, technical evaluation and arbitration cost, attorney fee, and cost of lawsuit.
第四章 變更與異常Chapter 4 Change and disorder
1. 在訂貨期間,因甲方生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃的變更對(duì)乙方訂單的調(diào)整,將以書面形式通知乙方,由雙方共同確認(rèn)后執(zhí)行。
During period of ordering products, if due to its production planning Party A intends to adjust Party B’s order, Party B shall be given a written notice thereof and such adjustment shall be implemented upon being confirmed by both Parties.
2. 乙方在為訂單生產(chǎn)或籌備期間,如發(fā)生特殊原因不能按時(shí)供貨的,必須在第一時(shí)間以書面的形式通知甲方,有雙方共同確認(rèn)后執(zhí)行。
In the event that due to the occurrence of special causes during Party B’s production and preparation of the orders, Party B fails to supply products on schedule, Party B shall promptly give Party A a notice in writing.
3. 上述所謂 “通知”,并不意味著免除逾期供貨應(yīng)承擔(dān)的任何責(zé)任,根據(jù)實(shí)際情況,按獎(jiǎng)罰協(xié)議執(zhí)行,但由于不可抗力的情形,應(yīng)由雙方商定適當(dāng)延長(zhǎng)交貨期。
The abovementioned “Notice” does not exempt Party B of the liability of late delivery. Party B will be punished in accordance with the Appendix 4: Rewards and punishments agreement according to the actual situations. However, in the case of force majeure, both Parties shall negotiate to extend the delivery period appropriately.
4. 如果乙方的生產(chǎn)場(chǎng)地、生產(chǎn)工藝、材料或配套廠家發(fā)生了改變,乙方應(yīng)主動(dòng)提前兩個(gè)月向甲方說明,甲方將對(duì)合同零部件重新進(jìn)行生產(chǎn)樣品鑒定。
In the event that Party B changes its production place, process, material or supporting and supplying manufacturers, Party B shall actively make explanations to Party A two months in prior. Party B will re-evaluate the production samples of the parts and components.
5. 因緊急情況發(fā)生運(yùn)輸費(fèi)用增加時(shí),則由造成責(zé)任一方承擔(dān)超額費(fèi)用。
In the event that the transportation cost increases due to emergencies, the party causing such increase shall be liable for the increased cost.
6. 雙方在合作過程中,遇其它協(xié)議與本合同(包括附件協(xié)議)不符時(shí),除非有特別注明,一般以本合同為準(zhǔn)。
During the cooperation between both Parties, if there is any inconsistence between any agreement and this agreement (including the appendices), this agreement shall prevail, except otherwise specifically noted.
第五章 保 密Chapter 5 Confidentiality
1. 未經(jīng)甲方事先書面同意,乙方不得向任何第三方透露從甲方得到的任何技術(shù)。
Without Party A’s prior written consent, Party B shall not disclose any technologies obtained from Party A to any third party.
2. 乙方需向其二次配套廠提供甲方的技術(shù)時(shí),須事先獲得甲方書面許可,并要求其同樣承擔(dān)保密義務(wù)。
While Party B provides its secondary supplying and supporting manufacturers with Party A’s technologies, Party B shall firstly obtain Party A’s prior written approval, and require such manufacturers to bear the same confidentiality obligations.
3. 如因乙方原因造成甲方技術(shù)等外泄的,乙方負(fù)責(zé)賠償由此帶來的一切經(jīng)濟(jì)損失。
In the event that Party A’s technologies and other information leak out due to Party B’s reasons, Party B shall bear all the economic losses thereof.
第六章 違約責(zé)任Article 6 Default liabilities
1. 乙方供貨有缺陷時(shí),就立即調(diào)換或經(jīng)甲方同意應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)盡快修理,并承擔(dān)逾期供貨的責(zé)任。
In the event that Party B delivers defective products, it shall promptly replace or with Party A’s consent repair such defective products and be responsible for such late delivery.
2. 乙方供貨少于《供貨計(jì)劃》所規(guī)定的數(shù)量,而甲方仍要求按數(shù)量供應(yīng)的,乙方應(yīng)照數(shù)量補(bǔ)齊,補(bǔ)齊部分按逾期供貨處理。
If the products supplied by Party B are less than the quantity as may be specified in Supply Plan and Party A still requires to supply the full amount, Party B shall make up such quantity difference. Such make-up products will be handled as the late delivered products.
3. 對(duì)于甲方為避免或減少因乙方的過錯(cuò)造成的損失所采取的合理措施,乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)由此而發(fā)生的費(fèi)用。
Any cost occurred to Party A for the appropriate measures taken by it to avoid or reduce the losses caused due to Party B’s fault shall be borne by Party B.
4. 當(dāng)因乙方的責(zé)任造成甲方的損失,準(zhǔn)備向乙方提出索賠時(shí),甲方應(yīng)把情況通知乙方,并且給乙方調(diào)查造成損失原因的機(jī)會(huì)。
If Party A wants to make a claim against Party B for its losses caused by Party B, Party A shall inform Party B of the facts and give Party B the opportunity to investigate the reasons of such losses.
5. 乙方不得擅自停止供貨,如因故停止供貨,須提前兩個(gè)月書面通知并征得甲方同意,否則對(duì)甲方造成的損失由乙方承擔(dān)。
Party B shall not suspend the supply of products without authorization. If suspended due to accidents, Party B shall give a written notice to Party A in two months in prior and obtain Party B’s approval, or otherwise, Party B shall bear all the losses suffered by Party A.
6. 如因乙方違約,甲方有權(quán)根據(jù)生產(chǎn)狀況及違約程度對(duì)產(chǎn)品采取讓步接收、挑選處理、退回挑選、風(fēng)險(xiǎn)使用、拒收等措施,由此發(fā)生的一切費(fèi)用及損失由乙方全額承擔(dān)。
If Party B breaches the contract, Party A shall have the right to accept the productions with concession, select, return, use with risk, refuse such products in accordance with the production conditions and severity of default. And all the cost and losses thereof shall be borne by Party B.
7. 如合同一方有以下違約行為,則另一方有權(quán)解除合同,并要求違約方賠償其經(jīng)濟(jì)損失。
In the event that any party have the following violations, the other party shall have the right to terminate this agreement and require the breaching party to compensate for its economic loss:
Without any excuse, Party B unilaterally terminates the contract, suspends manufacturing and supplying the parts and components during performance or assigns its rights and obligations under this agreement to any third party without Party A’s written consent;
Party B repeatedly supplies defective products;
Either party violates the provisions of Article 7 Confidentiality;
Without any reason, Party A unilaterally terminates this agreement, refuses Party B to manufacture and supply the agreed parts and component during the performance of this agreement.
第七章 不可抗力Article 7 Face Majeure
1. 合同一方因不可抗力未能履行本合同,對(duì)于不可抗力的影響存續(xù)期間不履行其義務(wù),不承擔(dān)責(zé)任,合同雙方在其它方面仍受本合同條款的約束,合同雙方都應(yīng)盡最大努力以減輕不可抗力事件造成的損失,因不可抗力所引起的問題應(yīng)通過協(xié)商適當(dāng)解決。
If either party fails to perform this agreement due to force majeure, such party shall not be liable for its failure to perform its duties during the continuation of the impact of such force majeure. Both Parties shall still comply with the provisions of this agreement in any other aspects. Both Parties shall do their utmost to mitigate the loss caused by event of force majeure and shall try to solve such matters as may be caused by such force majeure through consultations.
2. 遭受不可抗力的合同一方應(yīng)立即(不遲于獲悉不可抗力后三天)用郵寄或傳真及電報(bào)通知合同另一方,并有義務(wù)證明發(fā)生的不可抗力事故、事故持續(xù)時(shí)間,以及該事故對(duì)履行本合同的影響。
The party suffering force majeure shall immediately (not later than three days after known of such force majeure) notify the other party by mail or fax and telegraph, and shall be obligated to prove the occurrence and duration of the force majeure and its impact on the performance of this agreement.
第八章 合同限期Chapter 8 Term of contract
1. 本合同一經(jīng)雙方認(rèn)可簽字后,即刻生效,合同期限為 - 年即----------到---------止。
This agreement shall enter into effect as of being confirmed and signed by both Parties, with a term of ONE year commencing from January 1, 2012 and expiring on 31st December 2012.
2. 鑒于甲方和乙方合作的長(zhǎng)期性和穩(wěn)定性,在本合同期滿后,如合同任何一方?jīng)]有提出終止本合同要求,則本合同自動(dòng)延長(zhǎng)。
In view of the long-term and stable cooperation between Party A and Party B, upon the expiration of this agreement, this agreement shall automatically renew unless either party requires terminating this agreement.
3. 本合同終止后,乙方應(yīng)同時(shí)停止合同零部件的生產(chǎn)并向甲方返還所有技術(shù)文件。
Upon the expiration of this agreement, Party B shall stop the production of the parts and components and return all the technical documents to Party A immediately.
第九章 仲 裁Chapter 9 Arbitration
Any dispute arising from or in connection with this agreement shall be solved through consultation or mediation. If such consultation or mediation fails to reach the satisfactory results for both Parties in three months, such dispute shall be submitted for arbitration in accordance with the Contract Law of PRC and the venue of arbitration shall be -------------.
This agreement shall be in Chinese and in triplicates, two of which to be held by Party A and one of which to be held by Party B.
甲方:Party A 乙方:Party B
委托代理人(簽字蓋章): 委托代理人(簽字蓋章):
Authorized agent (signature and seal): Authorized agent (signature and seal):