出口物流及收匯代理服務(wù)協(xié)議 (中英文)

AGREEMENT OF AGENCY SERVICE OF FREIGHT EXPORTAND PAYMENT COLLECTION 本協(xié)議由以下三方于 在中華人民共和國(以下簡稱中國)深圳市簽訂: This agreement is signed by and among the three parties in Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China(China for sho
本協(xié)議由以下三方于     在中華人民共和國(以下簡稱“中國”)深圳市簽訂:
This agreement is signed by and among the three parties in Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China(“China” for short) on     .:
甲方(委托方):Party A(Consignor):
地 址:Address:
法定代表人:Legal Representative:
乙方(受托方):A 國際貨運代理有限公司
地 址:Address:
法定代表人: Legal Representative:
丙方(通知方):B 國際貨運代理有限公司
地 址: Address:
1. 甲方為一家根據(jù)中國法律、法規(guī)注冊成立的企業(yè)法人,有著良好的生產(chǎn)制造能力(或組織貨源出口能力)并已與中國境外( 以下簡稱“境外”)客戶達(dá)成貨物出口的意向;
Whereas Party A is a legitimate business entity in China, which has good production capacity (or goods supply and export capacity), and is willing to export freight for the customer from outside of China(“Overseas’ customer” for short);
2. 乙方為一家根據(jù)中國法律、法規(guī)注冊成立的企業(yè)法人,擁有除國家限定公司經(jīng)營或者禁止進(jìn)出口的商品和技術(shù)外的各類商品和技術(shù)進(jìn)出口自營和合作經(jīng)營資格,在貨物進(jìn)出口方面有豐富的經(jīng)驗和良好的信譽;
Whereas Party A is a legitimate business entity in China, which has the cooperative and self-qualification of various goods and technologies import and export except the State prohibiting or limiting the company to operate, and has a wealth of experience and good reputation in import and export of goods;
3. 丙方為一家根椐中國法律、法規(guī)注冊成立的企業(yè)法人,擁有除國家限定公司經(jīng)營或者禁止進(jìn)出口的商品和技術(shù)外的各類商品和技術(shù)進(jìn)出口自營和合作經(jīng)營資格。
Whereas Party A is a legitimate business entity in China, which has the cooperative and self-qualification of various goods and technologies import and export except the State prohibiting or limiting the company to operate.
4. 甲方匯款到乙方帳戶中時,丙方需及時通知乙方,并監(jiān)督乙方將貨款轉(zhuǎn)內(nèi)指定甲方帳戶。
whereas Party A remits money to the account of Party B, Party C must notify Party B promptly, and supervises Party B transfer the money for goods to the appointed account of Party A.
5. 甲方愿意與乙方達(dá)成合作意向,委托乙方辦理向境外出口有關(guān)貨物的報關(guān)、信用證等手續(xù),乙方愿意接受甲方前述合作意向,并提供前述貨物之物流解決方案服務(wù)(以下統(tǒng)稱為“物流服務(wù)”),包括乙方為甲方計劃及管理貨物出口過程之貨物流、信息流及資金流等服務(wù)。其中,“貨物流服務(wù)”是指乙方可向甲方提供的貨物出口之外貿(mào)報關(guān)、倉儲、等保險及其他有關(guān)安排等服務(wù);“資金流服務(wù)” 是指乙方可提供的代收外匯貨款、結(jié)匯、支付人民幣貨款等服務(wù); “信息流服務(wù)”是指乙方可提供的物流及資金流的動態(tài)信息服務(wù)。
 whereas Party A is willing to reach the agreement of cooperation, entrusts Party B to handle the formalities of freight export(apply to customs, L/c etc.); Party B is willing to accept the cooperation agreement of Party A, and offer the service of freight transportation scheme(“freight transportation” for short), which includes Party B planning and managing freight transportation, information flow and fund flow in the process freight export. The freight transportation means that Party B offers the service of customs clearance,  warehouse & packing, insurance and other relative arrangements to Party A; fund flow means that Party B offer collection foreign trade charges service, surrender of exchange service, RMB payment service and so on ; information flow means that Party B offers the dynamic information of freight and fund flow.
為發(fā)揮各自優(yōu)勢,在合理分工的基礎(chǔ)上實現(xiàn)雙方利益的最大化,甲乙雙方經(jīng)友好協(xié)商,在平等互利的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)《 中華人民共和國對外貿(mào)易法》、《中華人民共和國合同法》及其他相關(guān)法律法規(guī),就甲方委托乙方的貨物出口合作事宜,經(jīng)友好協(xié)商,達(dá)成協(xié)議如下:
Now therefore, to exploit their own strengths, at a reasonable division of labor based on the maximization of the interests of both parties, by friendly consultation, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, according to "People's Republic of China Foreign Trade Law", "Contract Law of People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and regulations, Party B and Party A have agreed on xports of goods cooperation as follows:
Collection Charges of Export、Export Tax Rebate and Payment of Money
1.1 乙方負(fù)責(zé)辦理出口合同項下的出口收匯,甲方對此負(fù)有配合義務(wù);
Party B is responsible for collection charges of export according to the export contract, and Party A has the obligation of cooperation;
1.2 乙方應(yīng)在收到境外客戶所付外匯款項到賬后的2個工作日之內(nèi)向甲方支付人民幣貨款; 根據(jù)收匯當(dāng)日銀行的外匯現(xiàn)匯買入價計算:乙方預(yù)付的人民幣貨款 = 收到的外匯金額(USD)× 當(dāng)日銀行外匯現(xiàn)匯買入價;
Party B shall, pay Party A RMB loan in two working days after receive the foreign exchange outside; in accordance with the date of receipt of foreign exchange bank cash purchase price calculated as follows: Party B prepaid RMB payment = the receiving amount of foreign currency (USD) ×the bank ‘s foreign exchange cash purchase price in that very day
If over sea’s customers breach contract or for any other reason unable to timely receiving the export charges, Party B shall promptly notify the Party A and in line with the Party A to take measures to collection the charges.
根據(jù)以上條款,甲方同意,按合作出口貨物的收款金額支付服務(wù)費與銀行賬戶費,結(jié)算公式如下:乙方收取的服務(wù)費+銀行手續(xù)費=$ X 合作出口貨物的收款金額數(shù)。
Based on the above provisions, Party A agreed to pay service charges according to the amount of export of goods receivables, the clearing formula is as follows:
Party B’s service charge + bank account charge = $ __ X the cooperation exports of goods receivable amount of a few.
二、 爭議解決 Resolution of Dispute
2.1. 本協(xié)議規(guī)定的綜合費用不包括辦理本協(xié)議項下仲裁、訴訟及其他所需的費用;
The provisions of this Agreement does not include the cost of arbitration , litigation and other costs under this Agreement,
2.2. 因境外客戶方面原因而導(dǎo)致甲方損失,乙方不承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任,但乙方應(yīng)盡力協(xié)助甲方向外商提出索賠,乙方因此而支付的有關(guān)費用或者受到的任何損失,應(yīng)由甲方給予充分補償;
Due to oversea’s customer caused by Party A’s losses, Party B assumes no liability, but every effort should be made to assist Party A to claims, therefore the costs paid by or for any loss of Party B, should be given full compensation by Party A;
2.3. 甲乙雙方同意,在執(zhí)行本協(xié)議過程中所發(fā)生的糾紛應(yīng)首先通過友好協(xié)商解決;協(xié)商不成的,任何一方均可交由中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會華南分會仲裁解決,并適用屆時有效的仲裁規(guī)則;仲裁裁決為終局的。
All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission South China Branch in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decision made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties.
三、 違約責(zé)任 Responsibility for Breach of Contract
In addition to otherwise provided in this Agreement, any breach of contract matters under this Agreement shall bear liability for breach of contract as the following terms and conditions:
3.1. 因甲方不按本協(xié)議履行其義務(wù)導(dǎo)致出口合同不能履行、不能完全履行、延遲履行或履行不符合約定條件的,甲方應(yīng)償付乙方為其墊付的費用、稅金及利息,支付約定的合作費和違約金,并承擔(dān)乙方因此對外承擔(dān)的一切責(zé)任;
because Party A does not fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, resulting that the export contract is unable to perform, can not be completely fulfilled, delay in the performance or not in line with the agreed conditions, Party A shall pay Party B the cost of their advances, taxes and interest, and pay cooperation costs and liquidated damages, and assume all the responsibility Party B commitment;
3.2. 由于海關(guān)對出口貨物的品名、規(guī)格、數(shù)量、價格等方面提出異議而造成本協(xié)議書不能正常執(zhí)行的,由此引起的責(zé)任由甲方承擔(dān),若由此給乙方造成直接或間接經(jīng)濟損失的,乙方有權(quán)向甲方提出賠償要求;
because the customs have some objection on the name, specifications, quantity, and price of exports of goods, and caused that the agreement can not be executed normally, thus Party A shall bear the responsibility, if it make Party B have either directly or indirectly economic loss, Party B has the right to claim compensation;
3.3. 由于乙方因工作失誤而未及時給甲方辦理合作出口手續(xù),并因此而給甲方造成經(jīng)濟損失的,乙方對甲方負(fù)有相應(yīng)的賠償責(zé)任;
As a result of Party B’s errors and Party B does not offer Party A the cooperation export procedures timely, and thus lead to economic losses to Party A; Party B has the corresponding liability to Party A;
3.4. 除非本協(xié)議另有規(guī)定,若本協(xié)議任何一方違反其在本協(xié)議項下的任何義務(wù)導(dǎo)致另一方遭受損失,違約方應(yīng)賠償守約方的該等損失,在該等損失難以計算的情況下,違約方應(yīng)當(dāng)向守約方支付貨物標(biāo)的按成交時中國銀行外匯買入價匯率折人民幣總貨值的5%作為違約金。
In addition to otherwise provided in this Agreement, if any Party of this agreement violates any obligation under this agreement and thus causes other parties’ loss; in the circumstances of difficult to calculating the losses , the party in breach should pay the observant parties 5% of the total goods value which is the RMB exchange rate discount by the Bank of China foreign exchange rate which is the rate of purchase price at the time of goods trading as the liquidated damages.
四、 雜項Four sundries
4.1. 若因任何原因致使本協(xié)議項下的任何條款無效,本協(xié)議其它條款的合法性和有效性不受任何影響;
If for any reason makes any of the provisions under this Agreement invalid, the legitimacy and effectiveness of other provisions of this Agreement are not affected;
4.2. 對于本協(xié)議項下重要事項的聯(lián)絡(luò),甲乙雙方應(yīng)以書面形式進(jìn)行,緊急事項可用電話聯(lián)系,但事后應(yīng)采用書面方式加以確認(rèn);
For the important issues contacting under this Agreement, both Party A and Party B should be running in writing; a matter of urgency can use telephone contacting, but afterwards it should be confirmed in writing;
4.3. 如果甲、乙任何一方被撤銷或解散時,其在本協(xié)議項下的權(quán)利及義務(wù)由其接收方承擔(dān);
If any party of Party A and Party B takes revocation or dissolution the rights and obligations under this Agreement borne by the recipient;
4.4. 本協(xié)議一式兩份,甲乙雙方各持一份,具有同等法律效力;
This Agreement is in duplicate, each of the two parties had one, and has the same legal effect;
4.5. 本協(xié)議由雙方授權(quán)代表簽字并加蓋雙方公章(或合同專用章)后生效;有效期至   止,待本協(xié)議所有附件,即:甲方開出的每一個《確認(rèn)函》中確認(rèn)的出口合作貨物全部履約完畢時止。本協(xié)議到期前若沒有修改或變更,且雙方?jīng)]有異議的,有效期自動順延壹年。
This Agreement signed by the authorized representative of both parties and affixes official seal (or contracts Seal) to make it entry into force; it’s Term of Validity is until   , and ends at the time that all attachments to this Agreement,viz. all the cooperation export goods which are identified in each of Party A’s " confirmation " are performance. Before the expiration of this Agreement, if it has not modified or changed, and the two parties will not have any objection, the validity automatically extended one year.
Party A Legal R(signature )      Party B Legal R(signature )     Party C Legal R(signature )
甲方法人簽字:              乙方法人簽字:              丙方法人簽字:
DATE日期:                 DATE日期:                DATE日期: