
第6部分 質(zhì)量、安全、文明施工保障措施 Quality, Safety and Civilized Construction Guarantee Measures 6.1 質(zhì)量保證措施Quality Guarantee Measures 6.1.1 總承包質(zhì)量管理組織機構(gòu)Institutional Framework of Quality Management Of General Contractor 6.
第6部分       質(zhì)量、安全、文明施工保障措施
Quality, Safety and Civilized Construction Guarantee Measures
6.1   質(zhì)量保證措施Quality Guarantee Measures
6.1.1       總承包質(zhì)量管理組織機構(gòu)Institutional Framework of Quality Management Of General Contractor
6.1.2       質(zhì)量控制過程與階段Quality Control Process and Stage
(1)質(zhì)量控制過程Quality Control Process
The quality control of the construction project is a system control process from the process quality to the item project quality, part project quality, and unit project quality; and it is also a system project of the whole process from the quality control of the raw material input to the completion of the inspection of engineering quality. 
(2)質(zhì)量控制階段Quality Control Stage
To strengthen the quality control of the construction items and identify the keys to the quality control of various construction stages, the construction item quality can be divided into three stages, namely pre-construction, mid-construction and post-construction control stages.
1)事前質(zhì)量控制Pre-construction Quality Control
It refers to the quality control before the formal construction and its controlling key is to well perform the construction preparation, which is supposed to be executed throughout the construction process.
B、施工準(zhǔn)備的內(nèi)容:Construction Preparation Content:
Technical preparation: Familiarize and examine the design drawing and construction drawing, make a joint checkup on the design drawings, and work out the constructional organization design of the project.
Material preparation: Prepare the material and construction equipment and others.
Organizational preparation: Set up the project institutional framework, gather the construction teams and give mobilization education to the construction teams.
Construction site preparation: Measure the control network and benchmark marking stake, prepare for the “five-supplies and one leveling”, production and living temporary facilities, and mobilize the equipment and material; work out the plans of the relevant test, inspection and technical progress projects; draw up the seasonable construction measures; and formulate the field management system and others.  
2)事中質(zhì)量控制Mid-construction Quality Control
It refers to the quality control implemented during the period of construction. The strategy of the mid-construction quality control is: thoroughly control the construction process, and emphatically control the process quality, and the actual measures are:
The process handover will be checked; the quality precontrol measures will be prepared; each construction project will be provided with construction schemes; the technical measures will be clarified to the concerned parties; the joint checkup on the drawings will be recorded; the prepared material will be tested; the concealed works will be checked before acceptance; the calibration of measurement instruments will be double-checked; the design alteration will be gone through the relevant formalities; the steel bar replacement will be in conformity to the relevant system; the quality treatment will be double-checked; the finished works will be protected; the quality control can put a veto upon the project construction; and the quality documents will be kept on file (all the quality-related technical documents like records of bench-mark, coordinates, and measurement and setting-out, settlement and deformation observation records, record of joint checkup on the drawings, material certificate, test report, construction record, concealed works record, design alteration design, debugging and pressure test operation record, trial run record, and completion drawing should be cataloged and kept on file).
3)事后質(zhì)量控制Post-construction Quality Control
It refers to the quality control in completing the construction process and constituting the products, and the actual work content is as follows:
A、組織聯(lián)動試車;Organize the linkage trial run;
Prepare the final acceptance data and organize the self checking and initial acceptance;
Make a quality evaluation on the completed item and part projects in accordance with the given quality evaluation standards and methods;
D、組織竣工驗收,其標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是:Organize the final acceptance, and the standards are as follows:
In accordance with the design documents and contract, complete the construction to make the quality meet China’s national quality standards and satisfy the need of production and application;
The main equipment of various systems has been installed and matched, and the linkage trial run is qualified to meet the design capacity;
The structures for acceptance shall be cleaned up, provided with water supply and power supply, and the refrigerating and ventilating equipment shall operate normally;
The projects for acceptance shall be cleaned up, the material residue in the construction shall be removed from the construction site, and the temporary buildings shall be demolished; and 
⑤技術(shù)檔案資料齊全。The technical archives shall be complete.
6.1.3       質(zhì)量因素控制Quality Factor Control
There are five factors influencing the construction projects, that is, 4M1E, referring to: Man, Material, Machine, Method, and Environment, shown in the following figure. Strict control over these five factors beforehand is the key to guarantee the quality of construction projects.
(1)人的控制Man Control
Men are the organizer, director and operator who directly get involved in the construction. As a control object, errors shall be avoided; as a motive power for control, bring men’s enthusiasm into full play and give play to the leading effect of men. Therefore, besides strengthening the political and ideological education, labour discipline education, professional ethics education and professional skill training, perfecting the job responsibility system, improving the labor conditions and impartially and reasonably encouraging men’s work enthusiasm, we should also, with a view to guarantee the quality, control the employment of men from the aspects of men’s technical level, physical defect, psychological behavior, and improper behavior according to the engineering features. All in all, in terms of the employment of men, we should make comprehensive consideration and overall control from the aspects of mental, professional and physical calibers. 
(2)材料的控制Material Control
The material control includes the control over the raw material, finished products, semi-finished products, components and matching parts, and the control content mainly involves making a strict check and acceptance, correctly and reasonably using and establishing the machine account of management, and performing the technical management for various technical links like collecting, delivering, storing and transporting so as to avoid misapplication and applying unqualified raw material to the construction.
(3)機械控制Machinery Control
The machinery control includes the control over the construction machinery and equipment and instruments. Select proper machinery and equipment and properly use, manage and maintain the machinery and equipment on the ground of different process features and technical requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and better the “man-machine combination” system, “operation certificate” system, job responsibility system, shift system, “technical maintenance” system, “safe application system”, and machinery and equipment checkup system to ensure the machinery and equipment is in good condition. 
(4)方法控制Method Control
The method control includes the control over the constructional organization design, construction schemes, construction technical measures, and construction process, integrating all of which with the actual construction so as to solve the knotty problems of construction, make technologies practical, and enable the construction to be economical and reasonable to help guarantee the construction quality, accelerate the progress and reduce the cost.
(5)環(huán)境控制Environment Control
There are many environmental factors influencing the project quality, for example, engineering geology, hydrology and meteorology and others; engineering management environment, for instance, quality assurance system and quality management system and others; labor environment, for instance, combination of labor, operational field, working surface, etc. Effect measure shall be taken to strictly control the environmental factors that influence the quality on the ground of the project features and actual conditions. In particular, the construction site shall be provided with civilized construction and production environment, the material and equipment shall be stored orderly, the roads shall be unobstructed, the workplace shall be clean and orderly, and the construction procedures shall be in apple-pie order so as to facilitate the quality guarantee. 
6.1.4       質(zhì)量控制方法 Quality Control Method
The project quality control method is mainly to examine and verify the relevant technical documents and reports and directly make the field inspection or necessary tests.
Examine and verify the relevant technical documents, reports or statements. The actual content includes the following:
Examine and verify the relevant documentary evidences of technical qualification;
Examine and verify the construction schemes, constructional organization design and technical measures;
Examine and verify the quality testing reports of the relevant material and semi-finished products;
Examine and verify the statistical data or control diagrams reflecting the dynamic state of the process quality;
Examine and verify the design alteration, drawing modification, and technical ratification letter;
Examine and verify the reports dealing with the related quality problems;
Examine and verify the technical appraisal certificates in relation to the application of new technique, technology, structure and material;
Examine and verify the inspection on the working procedure shift, and quality inspection reports of the item and part projects; and
Examine and verify and sign the technical evidences and documents and others.
(2)現(xiàn)場質(zhì)量檢查 Field Quality Inspection
1)現(xiàn)場質(zhì)量檢查的內(nèi)容Content of Field Quality Inspection
Inspection before the commencement: It aims to check whether it is ready for the commencement, the normal and continuous construction can be carried out, and the project quality can be guaranteed.
Inspection on the working procedure shift: on the basis of self-checking and mutual inspection, the full-time staff shall be also organized to make the inspection on the working procedure shift in terms of important working procedures or those bringing significant influence on the project quality.
Inspection on the concealed works: The concealed works shall not be covered before they are inspected and certified.
Inspection after the construction stoppage and before the construction resuming: In case of construction resuming after the construction stoppage caused by quality problem or for a certain reason, the construction resuming shall not be performed before the construction site is inspected and accepted. 
The next construction project shall not be allowed before the completed item and part projects are inspected and accepted and the acceptance record is signed.
Safety inspection on the finished products: check the finished products for protective measures or check out them to make sure the protective measures are reliable.
Field patrol inspection: Go to the construction site and inspect the constructional and operational quality. If necessary, it is also supposed to make follow-up inspections.
2)現(xiàn)場質(zhì)量檢查的方法Methods for Field Quality Inspection
The visual method, actual measurement method and test method will be adopted in the inspection.
6.1.5       工程材料、設(shè)備控制Engineering Material and Equipment Control
Engineering Material and Equipment Approval and Acknowledgment
The quality of the engineering material and equipment directly involves the project quality. Except the suppliers specified by the employer, the general contractor adopts the acknowledgment method of “reporting for approval” in respect of the engineering material and equipment, and the procedures are as follows: 
Work out the reporting document to acknowledge the engineering material and equipment. The general contractor and subcontractor should, in advance, work out the reporting document to acknowledge the engineering material and equipment, and the document content includes: manufacturer (supplier) name, product name, model and specifications, quantity, main technical data, reference technical description, relevant construction details, specific positions and main functional features in this project. The Material and Equipment Reporting Sheet unifiedly prepared by the general contractor will be annexed to the reporting document, and submitted to the employer, supervisor and general contractor.
Give the pre-examination opinion. After receiving the reporting document, the general contractor gives his pre-examination opinion and submits it to the employer for acknowledgment. 
After the formalities of “reporting for approval” are gone through, the employer, general contractor, subcontractor and supervisor respectively holds one copy of the reporting document, which will serve as the grounds for the quality inspection on the engineering material and equipment mobilized in the future.
(2)材料樣品的報批和確認 Material Sample Approval and Acknowledgment
The material sample approval and acknowledgment will be implemented in accordance with the procedures of the engineering material and equipment approval and acknowledgment. After the material sample is reported to and acknowledged by the employer, supervisor, and design institute, the sample will be reserved to provide grounds for double-checking the material quality in the future.
Strengthening the Examination and Verification on the Mobilized Engineering Material and Equipment
The mobilization acceptance measures for the material and equipment will be worked out for the quality examination and verification on the mobilized engineering material and equipment, and the procedures are as follows:
After the engineering material and equipment is mobilized, the subcontractor will perform the self-checking and fill out the List of Material and Material Acceptance Sheet unifiedly prepared by the general contractor and submit them to the general contractor.
After receiving the data from the subcontractor, the general contractor shall, jointly with the supervisor, perform the acceptance within two days. If in need of samples, the samples shall, as required, be sent to the engineering material exhibition room established by the general contractor.
The Material Sampling Label will be adopted in the material acceptance. If the material is qualified and accepted by the general contractor and supervisor, “SAMPLING QUALIFIED” will be printed on the Material Sampling Label, and then the label will be affixed to the sampling object. The sampling material with a Material Sampling Label will serve as the contrast grounds for the material acceptance in relation to each subcontractor.
The general contractor jointly with the supervisor will make a comprehensive verification and test on the mobilized material and equipment, and reject the material and equipment not satisfying the given requirements, and at the same time the related subcontractor will be warned so as to guarantee that the equipment and material applied or installed will meet the given quality requirements.
6.1.6       施工工序的質(zhì)量控制Quality Control of Construction Procedure
The project construction process consists of a series of working procedures that are correlated to each other and restricted by each other; in order to control the quality of the construction process of the project, the quality of the working procedure shall be first controlled.
The working procedure quality includes two aspects: first, the quality of the procedure activity conditions; second, the quality of the working procedure activity effect. Seen from the quality control, the two are correlated to each other. On the one hand, the quality of the procedure activity conditions, namely the quality of inputs (i.e. quality of man, material, machinery, method and environment) of each procedure shall be controlled to meet the given requirements; on the other hand, the quality of the working procedure activity effect shall be controlled to make the engineering products completed in each procedure meet the relevant quality standards.
Principle of the working procedure quality control: The method of mathematical statistics is adopted to take statistics and analysis of the testing data of part of the working procedure (sample) so as to judge whether the whole working procedure is stable and normal. If it is not stable and there is any abnormal phenomenon, measures must be timely taken to improve the procedure so as to achieve the control over the quality of the working procedure.
(1)施工工序質(zhì)量控制程序Quality Control Procedure for Construction Process
Check out each process to make sure they are all operated according to the procedures;
Check out the measuring position to make sure it is accurate;
Check out the “self-checking, mutual check and shift inspection” to make sure they are authentic;
Check out the Item Project Appraisal Form to make sure it accords with the actual conditions;
Check out the acceptance of concealed works to make sure it is carried out in conformity to the procedures; and
Check out the special processes to make sure they are constructed in accordance with the operational guide book.
(2)過程控制的主要做法Main Measures for Process Control
1)全過程全天候進行跟蹤監(jiān)控 Overall-process and all-weather Follow-up Monitoring
The general contractor will specially designate a person to make the overall-process and all-weather supervision and appraisal on the process quality of the subcontracting units, and those failing to meet the quality standards will not be signed and certified, and will be requested to be rectified and improved within a given time.
2)抓住關(guān)鍵過程進行質(zhì)量控制Quality Control by Grasping the Key Processes
According to the construction progress node, highlight the keys and perform the quality control through grasping the key processes. To control the engineering quality of the key processes, the subcontractor is required to work out the construction schemes, organize the quality technical clarification, issuing the operational guide book, and make quality tests on the whole construction process. The general contractor shall strengthen the inspection and supervision over the key processes to make the construction quality of the key processes is always under control. 
Accepting Construction Supervision and Urging Rectification and Improvement
On the ground of self-checking, the process arrangement shall be reported to the supervising engineer for signature and acceptance, and any process arrangement shall not be applied or any equipment shall not be installed or enter the next procedure before they are signed and accepted by the supervising engineer. In terms of the rectification and improvement notice that is given by the supervising unit in course of its supervision and describes the construction installation is not in conformity to the design requirements, construction technical standards and engineering contract provisions, or there are hidden dangers in measurement, quality and safety, the general contractor shall timely follow up and supervise the related subcontractor to perform the rectification and improvement within a given time till it is signed and accepted by the supervising engineer.
4)嚴(yán)格把關(guān),進行過程檢驗Strict Check and Process Inspection
The general contractor shall well perform the process inspection in course of the construction. First of all, examine and verify the inspection and testing plans in the construction schemes made by the subcontracting units, and verify the qualification of the inspection and testing personnel and testing organizations; secondly, recheck the quality of the item and part projects on the basis of the self-checking of the subcontracting units; thirdly, use continuous or in-full inspection and testing methods to recheck the acceptance records of the concealed works of the subcontracting units, and the next procedure shall not be started before it is verified and signed by the supervising engineer; fourthly, organize the verification on the quality grades of the main part projects. The general contractor works out the verification planning of the foundation, structure, and decoration project quality and report it to the quality supervision station. After the said part projects are completed in stages and undergoes the self-checking of the subcontracting unit, recheck of the general contractor, and acceptance signature of the supervising engineer, the quality supervision station will organize the relevant personnel to make the test of quality grades. The project quality will be always under control through the process quality inspection.
5)針對產(chǎn)品保護進行系統(tǒng)管理System Management Oriented toward Product Protection
After accepted by the general contractor, the products that have been completed by the subcontracting unit and constitute systematic functions shall be protected through organizing corresponding human and material resources as well as technical means till the said products are turned into the final products and handed over to the employer for use.
6.2   安全保證措施 Safety Guarantee Measures
6.2.1       安全目標(biāo) Safety Objective
Safety target:avoid big hurt and death accident, year hurt accident rate is not more than 1‰
6.2.2       安全實施依據(jù) Safety Implementation Reference
The safety measures will be implemented on the ground of the safety system of the management company polices, safety management procedures of *** Wind Electric Power Generation Blade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., safety system of the Fifth Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Fourth Construction Bureau, and the “Safety Inspection Standards for Building Construction (JGJ59-99)” in China. The safety measures will be also in conformity to the LEED issued by the US Green Building Council and the requirements in respect of civilized construction site in Shanghai.
Implemented Based on Safety System of Management Company Policies
For formwork to concrete pouring, erect full safety net about 1.5m---2.0m underneath scaffold. Workers shall be tied-off on the lifelines at all time.
    腳手架鋪板必須采用5×25應(yīng)每隔公分的全厚木材或同等材質(zhì)的腳手架材料。這些鋪板每個1.3米采用橫檔進行支撐。
Scaffold planks must be timber of full thickness at least 5X25 cm or similar graded equivalent. Scaffold planks must be supported by a transom at every1.3m.
    在建筑物的外邊搭建雙排腳手架,腳手架上滿鋪至少5厘米厚的跳板并安裝好踢腳板。
Use timbers at least 5cm in thickness as plank and proper toe board forexternal scaffold.
    何所有情況的下腳都手不架能的超設(shè)載計。都要保證能夠承受最大預(yù)計載荷四倍的重量,腳手架在任何情況都不能超載
All scaffolds shall be adequately designed to carry, without failure, four(4) times the maximum intended load. At no time shall any scaffold beoverloaded;
    所有腳手架均需踢腳板。踢腳板至少應(yīng)10上。公分高,且應(yīng)綁置在每個角的立桿
Toe boards of 10cm in height are required as a minimum for all scaffolds. Toe boards shall be tied to the vertical up-right/rail at each corner.
    腳手架鋪板必須采用5×25應(yīng)每隔公分的全厚木材或同等材質(zhì)的腳手架材料。這些鋪板1.3米橫檔進行支撐。
Scaffold planks must be timber of full thickness at least 5X25 cm or similar graded equivalent. Scaffold planks must be supported by a transom at every1.3m.
    所有腳手架(無論施工地點設(shè)在何處)都必須配置15×15礎(chǔ)板。宜采用可調(diào)節(jié)的支撐。公分的內(nèi)插接口鋼基
All scaffolds (regardless of the location) must be equipped with a15X15 centimeter steel base plates with an internal fixing spigot. Theadjustable type supports are preferred for use.
勞防用品安全 PPE requirements:
Safety helmet: quality guarantee shall be at least 2.5 years.
所有工種需提供安全眼鏡。Safety glasses are required for all site work.
Anti-puncture steel insole/toe safety shoes are required.
    腐蝕性工種需戴安全手套
Wear safety gloves in any corrosive atmosphere, such as painting, concrete pouring, which is subject to the decision by site safety manager.
    安全帶:1.8米以上工作的所有人員必須佩戴五點式雙繩大鉤的全身式安全帶。
Safety harness: full body harness with double lanyards and two big hooks forany work above 1.8m high.
    腳手架,提供五點式,雙繩大鉤帶防震包。
For scaffold, provide full body harness with double lanyards, two hooks as wellas shock absorber.
    安全反光背心:管理人員和工人需穿兩種不同顏色的安全背心以便區(qū)分。
Safety reflective vest. Management staff and workers shall wear Safetyreflective vest in different colors in order to distinguish easily.
6.2.3              安全、消防保證總體措施 General Safety and Fire Control Guarantee Measures
    建立、健全各級安全生產(chǎn)責(zé)任制,職責(zé)明確,落實到人。
Set up ,finish every grade safety produce responsibility ,assure every people with detail responsibility .
    在各項經(jīng)濟承包合同中有明確的安全指標(biāo)和獎罰措施。嚴(yán)格按照中華人民共和國行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)《建筑施工安全檢查標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》—JGJ59-99執(zhí)行。
In each economic contract clear safety guideline and award –pinish measure should be contain  .strictly comply with The People's Republic of China industry standard
    嚴(yán)格按照上海市建設(shè)工程施工現(xiàn)場安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理標(biāo)準(zhǔn)執(zhí)行。
Strictly comply with construct engineering site safety standard management in Shanghai city to execute .
    嚴(yán)格按照中建四局安全生產(chǎn)管理措施執(zhí)行。建立并嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行定期安全檢查制度,對于檢查出的安全隱患應(yīng)及時定人、定時、定措施整改完畢。
Strictly comply with China construction No. 4 engineering safety produce management measure to execute
New workers who enter the site should accept   3 grade safety eduction .for special workers ,should train to acceptable ,then can engage special work ,when operating ,should take certificate .
    現(xiàn)場應(yīng)布置按安全標(biāo)志指示牌。There should set up safety guideline on site
第7部分    項目人員配備
7.3   施工隊伍的組建和勞動力的配備
Establishment of construction team and mobilization of labor force
7.3.1       施工隊伍組建 Establishment of construction team
For high quality and efficient completion of the construction mission to ensure the implementation of the commitments發(fā)包方, I will send a similar experience in engineering excellence and have good experience in the professional  construction team. Of the whole project is responsible for the construction mission, the construction of the ranks of professional courage to endure hardship, highly skilled, especially in the details of the operation on more sophisticated technology
Attention should be paid to workers in order to meet the form of training, on-site form of security, technology, quality focus of the training sub-phases
7.3.2       勞動力人員動態(tài)分布圖 Labor personnel dynamic distribution chart
According to the project scale, project progress, technical characteristics, such as prepared at the request with the following types of work and quantity of labor
第8部分       LEED項目施工實施方案
8.1   LEED項目施工實施方案 LEED Project Construction Execution Plan
In accordance with the requirements of tender documents, the works in accordance with the United States Green Building Council's LEED certification to implement, therefore, the construction process, we will strictly enforce the United States Green Building Council's green building certification requirements LEEDTM environmental management standards and the requirements of GB/T2400idtISO14000 content
具體內(nèi)容為:營造綠色建筑,確保施工現(xiàn)場場界噪聲達標(biāo),減少施工現(xiàn)場粉塵排放,污水主要污染物均達標(biāo)排放,建筑垃圾及廢棄物實行分類管理,可回收廢物及時回收,杜絕物料灰土遺灑。確保建筑廢物利用/回收達到50%,力爭達到75%;確保材料再利用成分達到10%,力爭達到20%;確保地主/地區(qū)物資10%當(dāng)?shù)靥崛?、冶練和制造,爭取達到20%;切實采取措施提高室內(nèi)空氣質(zhì)量。   Specific content as follows: to create a green building, to ensure that the construction site boundary noise standard to reduce construction site dust emissions of major pollutants of sewage are discharged, trash and waste building exercise classified management and timely recovery of recyclable waste to eliminate lime residual materials sprinkling. To ensure that the use of construction waste / recycling reached 50%, and strive to achieve 75%; to ensure that the material re-use components to achieve 10%, and strive to achieve 20%; to ensure that the landlord / region supplies 10 percent of local extraction, smelting and manufacturing practice, to achieve 20%; practical take measures to improve indoor air quality
8.1.1       節(jié)水 Water Conservation
    施工現(xiàn)場采用節(jié)水工藝、節(jié)水設(shè)備和設(shè)施;
the construction site, the use of water-saving technology, water-saving equipment and facilities;
    混凝土養(yǎng)護采用雨水回收再利用進行養(yǎng)護;
concrete curing using rainwater recycling conservation
    施工現(xiàn)場 construction site
    加強節(jié)水管理,施工用水進行定額計量。
strengthen water-saving management, the construction of water for a fixed measurement
    建立節(jié)能與節(jié)水的管理機制;set up energy-saving and water management mechanism
8.1.2              節(jié)能 Energy Saving
8.1.3              施工過程中的能耗;
by improving energy use structure, effectively control the construction process of energy consumption
    根據(jù)具體情況合理組織施工、積極推廣節(jié)能新技術(shù)、新工藝;
Organize according to the specific circumstances of reasonable construction, and actively promote energy efficient new technologies and new techniques
    制定合理施工能耗指標(biāo),提高施工能源利用率;
reasonable construction of the development of energy consumption indicators, improve energy efficiency construction
    確保施工設(shè)備滿負荷運轉(zhuǎn),減少無用功,禁止不合格臨時設(shè)施用電,以免造成損失。
ensure full capacity operation of construction equipment to reduce useless work prohibit unqualified temporary facilities of electricity, so as to avoid loss
8.1.3       節(jié)材 Material Saving
    臨時設(shè)施充分利用舊料和現(xiàn)場拆遷回收材料,使用裝配方便、可循環(huán)利用的材料;
make full use of temporary facilities and on-site demolition of the old material recycled materials, the use of assembly convenience Materials recycling
    周轉(zhuǎn)材料、循環(huán)使用材料和機具應(yīng)耐用、維護與拆卸方便、且易于回收和再利用;
working materials, recycling materials and equipment should be durable, maintenance and demolition of Convenience, and easy recovery and reuse;
    采用工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)的成品,減少現(xiàn)場作業(yè)與廢料;
used in industrial production of finished products, reduce site operations and waste
    選用可循環(huán)、可回用和可再生的建材;
selection can be recycled, can reuse and renewable building materials;
    減少建筑垃圾,充分利用廢棄物;building to reduce the garbage, make full use of waste
    減少不可再生資源的使用。reduce the use of non-renewable resources
8.1.4       使用綠色建材 Utilization of green building materials
in accordance with the country, trade or place of green building materials management department to make the laws, regulations and evaluation methods, selection of building materials
    就地取材,充分利用本地資源進行施工,減少運輸對環(huán)境造成的影響。
local materials, full use of local resources for construction, reduce the transport impact on the environment
    選用蘊能低、高性能、高耐久性和本地建材,減少建材在全壽命周期中的能源消耗;
Yun can choose low, high performance, high durability and local building materials, reduce the building materials in the whole life-cycle energy consumption
選用可降解、對環(huán)境污染少的建材;choose biodegradable, less environmental pollution materials
    使用原料消耗量少和采用廢棄物生產(chǎn)的建材;
use less raw material consumption and waste production of building materials used
    使用可節(jié)能的功能性建材。use of energy-saving building materials functionality
8.1.5       垃圾管理 Rubbish and wastes control
In accordance with the requirements of LEED certification, I will be on the construction site of the main entrances and exits and on-site material processing garbage near stations, and is divided into living garbage and construction garbage, recyclable garbage. Will be a unified storage, the use of unified planning, unified appearance transported outside the site
We are in the works throughout the construction throughout the entire process of garbage generated will be in strict accordance with the "Shanghai architecture and engineering garbage disposal regulations" require the construction and do a good job on the construction process and building generated by the garbage standardize job stacking and transportation, to eliminate residual sprinkling of lime-soil material; reduce dust emissions from the construction site, construction site, road hardening rate of 100 percent, cement and other material easy to fly inbound rate of 100%; Construction of the sewage discharge standards, waste management classification rate of 100%, all vehicles are required to rinse out the management of the rate of 100%. Strengthen the garbage transport vehicles to check the condition so that the holder operations, do not steal down to the trash chaos. The establishment of a lump sum duty hygiene area, called for the office area and construction area (surrounding buildings) set up to carry out hygiene cleaning personnel and cleaning job
    施工階段各班組必須嚴(yán)格按照文明施工的要求做到工完料清,搞好落手清工作。施工過程所產(chǎn)生的建筑垃圾,責(zé)成班組在指定地點堆放整齊。the construction phase of the team must be in strict accordance with the requirements of civilized construction workers be expected End-ching, ching hand job to do a good job down. Construction produced by the process of building rubbish, instructed team stacked neatly at designated locations
    泥漿、渣土采用密閉容器裝運,嚴(yán)禁遺漏。
shipping containers used in confined strictly prohibited omission
    現(xiàn)場門口設(shè)專人清洗進出車輛,禁止帶泥車輛駛出現(xiàn)場。
site located at the entrance of vehicles into and out of hand washing to prohibit vehicles exiting the site
    對材料轉(zhuǎn)運,堆碼等產(chǎn)生的廢渣必須責(zé)成相關(guān)人員嚴(yán)格按照施工平面圖要求,在指定地點堆放整齊。
transhipment of materials, stacking and other residues resulting from the relevant staff must be held in strict accordance with the construction plan requirements, stacked neatly at designated locations
    定期進行檢查,對責(zé)任人和班組實行獎罰處理。
regular checks are carried out on duty and the team deal with the implementation of reward and punishment
    建筑裝修及維修期間,對建筑垃圾實行容器化收集,避免或減少建筑垃圾遺撒;
building decoration and repair during the implementation of building trash containers of the collection, to avoid or reduce litter building
    建立垃圾管理制度,對垃圾流向進行有效控制,防止無序傾倒和二次污染;
trash management system set up for effective control of the flow of garbage to  separation and collection ofprevent dumping and secondary pollution disorder;
    垃圾分類收集、回收和資源化利用。garbage, recycling and resource utilization
8.2.1       組織措施Organization Measures
    進場前由項目經(jīng)理組織節(jié)能降耗的整體策劃,成立專門的節(jié)能領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組,明確各成員的職責(zé)分工;
approach by the project manager prior to Organize saving energy and reducing consumption overall planning, setting up a special leading group for energy conservation, a clear division of responsibilities of various members
    工程開工前,應(yīng)按設(shè)計要求對本項目節(jié)能降耗的重點和難點進行評審,必要時應(yīng)就節(jié)能降耗內(nèi)容與業(yè)主、設(shè)計、監(jiān)理等相關(guān)方進行協(xié)商和溝通,達成一致意見;
Pre-trip should be the design requirements of this project the focus of saving energy and reducing consumption and difficult to carry out assessment and, if necessary, should be on saving energy content with the owners, design, supervision and other stakeholders for consultation and communication, consensus
    節(jié)能策劃應(yīng)全面,內(nèi)容至少包括:節(jié)能降耗對象、節(jié)能降耗目標(biāo)(定額)、節(jié)能降耗施工方法和途徑、節(jié)能降耗所需資源、節(jié)能降耗效果評估等;
energy planning should be comprehensive, the contents of at least include: energy saving and consumption reduction targets, energy saving targets (fixed), energy saving construction methods and means of saving energy resources required to assess the effect of saving energy and reducing consumption, etc.
    采取節(jié)能降耗基本知識培訓(xùn)、“四新”宣傳、典型安全教育等形式,強化各級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和員工的建筑節(jié)能降耗意識;
taken a basic knowledge of energy saving training, "four new" propaganda, the typical form of safety education, and strengthen leadership at all levels and staff awareness of energy saving building
    在工程施工過程中嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行三級交底制度,交底內(nèi)容應(yīng)包括節(jié)能降耗的主要方法和措施,并在施工過程中嚴(yán)格按交底內(nèi)容組織實施;
works at the course of strict implementation of the three-tier system should include major energy saving methods and measures, and in the course of construction in strict accordance with the contents of交底organization
    定期組織檢查各項節(jié)能降耗目標(biāo)的落實情況,對于檢查中發(fā)現(xiàn)的問題或不足,應(yīng)分析原因并制定專項措施予以糾正,防止再次發(fā)生,同時應(yīng)制定預(yù)防措施,消除類似問題的發(fā)生。
Organize periodic inspection of the energy saving goal of the implementation, for the problems found in inspection or part thereof, should analyze the causes and to develop specific measures to correct and prevent recurrence, at the same time the development of prevention measures to eliminate the occurrence of similar problems
    特殊工種人員按相應(yīng)要求在規(guī)定的期限內(nèi)復(fù)審換證,避免因操作人員資格或能力不足造成質(zhì)量、安全、環(huán)境事故,產(chǎn)生損失或形成浪費。
special trades personnel in accordance with the corresponding requirements in the review period provided for the replacement to avoid the qualifications of the operators or the lack of capacity caused by the quality, safety, environmental accidents, resulting in the loss or the formation of waste
8.2.2       技術(shù)措施 Technical Measures    一般措施 General measures
    學(xué)習(xí)國家及地方有關(guān)節(jié)能降耗的法律法規(guī)文件;
learn the country law, rules documents about saving power
    施工過程應(yīng)按設(shè)計要求采用節(jié)能型的建筑結(jié)構(gòu)、材料、器具和產(chǎn)品,積極推廣使用節(jié)能新技術(shù)、新工藝、新設(shè)備和新材料,限制和淘汰能耗高的老舊技術(shù)、工藝、設(shè)備和材料;
according to request in  construction  design ,adopt saving building structure, implement ,material ,and products, actively spread use the new saving technology, new technics, new facilities and new material, limit use high exhausting old technology,  technics,  facilities and  material
    進行施工工藝節(jié)能策劃時應(yīng)優(yōu)化網(wǎng)絡(luò)計劃,采取合理流水段施工,實施技術(shù)創(chuàng)新,配置充分、適宜的資源,加強現(xiàn)場協(xié)調(diào),強化分包控制,加快施工進度,以促進節(jié)能降耗的目標(biāo)實現(xiàn);
when make out the construction technics saving plan, should optimize the net plan, adopt reasonable construction in current segment, bring the technology innovation into effect, distribute resource equally ,reinforce cooperation on site ,reinforce sub-contract controlling, quicken the progress, to reach the saving target
    根據(jù)施工組織設(shè)計或施工方案對材料工藝、性能要求,采取貨比三家、招投標(biāo)、第二方審核等方法,從合格供應(yīng)商中選擇適宜的供應(yīng)商采購滿足工藝和性能要求的材料,以保證所購材料質(zhì)優(yōu)、價廉、環(huán)保,避免采購材料不合格或不適宜造成浪費或污染;
according to the request for material technics  ,capability in  construction organization design or construction plan, adopt compare more suppliers ,invite bid and tender, choose eligible supplier ,then buy material from the eligible supplier. Ensure the material good quality ,cheap ,environmental ,avoid buy the unqualified goods or waste or pollution.
    在技術(shù)經(jīng)濟合理條件下,選用滿足設(shè)計要求和節(jié)能降耗的建筑材料,禁止使用《淘汰落后生產(chǎn)能力、工藝和產(chǎn)品目錄》所限制或淘汰使用的材料與產(chǎn)品,降低能源資源的消耗和對環(huán)境的污染;
while a reasonable technology and economic status, choose the construction material complied with design request and saving power, reducing the material. Prohibit to use the material and products which is limited or eliminated to use,reduce the sources exhaustion and pollution to environment .
    所有進庫材料按驗收規(guī)定進行外觀、質(zhì)量、性能、規(guī)格、型號等檢查或復(fù)驗,并嚴(yán)格進行計量、檢查,避免因各種缺陷造成浪費,或出現(xiàn)數(shù)量不準(zhǔn)、鋼筋直徑誤差等問題,影響節(jié)能與降耗。
all the material entering the warehouse should accept appearance inspect, quality inspect, capability inspect, specification and style inspect, and accept countercheck. Strictly record, check, avoid any problems as objection and waste, or quantity is not correct, the diameter of raber is wrong, effect saving power
    所有材料執(zhí)行限額領(lǐng)料制度,按領(lǐng)料單控制發(fā)放,避免發(fā)料無控制或控制不嚴(yán),產(chǎn)生超料發(fā)放形成浪費或可能產(chǎn)生丟失、盜竊等現(xiàn)象;
all material execute limitation receive regulation, control distribution by receiving list, prevent to non-control distribution.
    各種鋼筋、電線、電纜、管道、電配管等材料的下料長度,進行現(xiàn)場實測實量后準(zhǔn)確下料,下料后進行有效復(fù)核,避免長料短下造成余料增加,或下料尺寸足造成浪費;
the using length of various rebar, wire, cable , pipeline, electric distribution pipe ets, lay the material after actually measure on site ,after lay the material ,seriously check again, avoid to  waste.
    開工前應(yīng)繪制《
Before start the project, should be made out. set up energy exhaustion account, make out control measure for saving energy ,according to energy sources metering net drawings, set single and independence water metering, power metering, gas metering from production section, living section, sub-contract section, Change the traditional method as separately payment for water rate and electricity rate. So everyone has his the saving responsibility .    油、燃料節(jié)約措施 Oil Fuel saving measures
Enhance the maintenance for voiture and equipment,avoid result in waste oil.leak oil.integrative make use of oil which the substitution after repair,reduce the consumption of oil.    用水節(jié)約措施 Water saving measures
Adopt the water cycle system to save water: collect the rain water ,liquid water of construction,liquid water of life,through barrel-drain get into the deposition pool
級沉淀處理后,由水泵抽至室外循環(huán)水箱內(nèi),在利用循環(huán)水沖洗場地 、出場車輛、廁所、并
After the thirdly disposal of deposit,take out the water to the water tank by water pump ,then use circular water to wash floor,voiture,wash room,and promise the
Specialist take charge the management and movement of circular water tank See flow chat as follows。